Monday, August 23, 2010


Thursday, January 04, 2007
So lets discuss porn. Well yes it's censored. Obviously.
Category: Blogging
So this guy at this forum was talking about porn. So I figured I'll cary it over to the blog. This is what he has to say.

Well.. it's 2007, a brand new year which brings the opportunity to start over, and try to fix up some of those unwanted habits that we all seem to have. And as many guys my age, one of my vices lies in the amount of porn that I consume on a weekly basis. Lets put it this way, I have seen more pornography in my 24 years then I can shake my fist at... .... in a matter of speaking. The troubling thing about my porn addiction lies in the fact that I have a very pretty girlfriend that I love very much, so why do I consistantly engage in this porno watching lifestyle? I think it's time to sit back and dissect this addiction, and in doing so, I have come up with several observations about Porn itself.

1.WHY ARE PORNO MOVIES SO LONG?: It seems that the average length in a porno movie runs roughley about 1 hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half. What the fuck for??? What heterosexual male has honestly watched a porno from start to finish? I would be satisfied with a porno that only last 15 minutes after that, I have lost my load, and my intrest, thus no OTHER reason to finish watching. Even if some drop dead sexy blonde carrying a pig under her arm bust through my front door, and came and sat on my lap, I don't think It would tweek one bit of my intrest. I seriously think that guys would be satisfied with 15 minute long porn's.

2.CONCEPT PORNS ARE THE BEST: I don't know about the rest of the male, or even female population, but If I were to pick out my favorite porno, It would have to be those with a storyline. You know the Dr. and Nurse team, or the Naughty Cheerleaders, or how bout the 18 year old virgin ho-bag who needs to pay for her tuition. These genre's of porno's really get me going. My attention needs to be aroused, just as much as my genitals.

3.WHY THE FUCK IS PORN EVERYWHERE: Finally the last observation I have came up with is that it is really not my fault for my addiction. This lies in my theory that porno is everywhere! In fact think of it as the adult entertainment equivalency to McDonalds. Billions have been served, and there is a restaraunt on virtually every street corner. The same can be said for porn; it's a million dollar industry with billions of satisfied customers, and you can virtually find it anywhere: TV, internet, magazines, dumpsters, nightclubs, and even at your Grandmother's house.

In closing, maybe it's time to make some new year's resolutions concerning my porn intake. Perhaps many guys should make the same decision. Fuck smoking, excercising, or saving money... porn seems to be what make alot of our girlfriends unhappy, and unsatisfied. Hey guys, your only fucking yourselves.

Then I say to him

You ask why the porn has to be so long ? But first you said you watch a lot of porn. Well considering you watch a lot of porn. Then you should know first hand why porn is so long. Lets see I'll name a few reasons. First you might one hot porn star in a variety of scenes or a variety of pornstars in a variety of scenes. In these scenes the porn stars usually do their typical sexual dance. You know. She sucks him. He sucks her. She gets fucked laying down. Then he fucks her usually doggy style. Or she fucks him while riding him facing him or facing the other way. Usually doggy comes first then riding. Then after that it's the usual side fucking and other odd position and then anal well but anal is only in some scenes.

So why then is it so long ? Well I'm getting it there. Consider a 15 minute porn. You usually get what you need from it to. But I don't know about you but when I'm getting off usually I can do it for hours. Sitting here making it long lasting. Though I do this in sex to. That can leave a girl hurting. So even though a girl doesn't want it 3 minutes. She doesn't want it 30 either. So you have to get a little but all girls are different. All I know is I can't go to long or she becomes sore for a day and hey I'm getting off track. As far as porn. Well you know for me I'm flipping through the various selections. You know you got your milf porns,teens,lesbians,mature,college chics,ggw,voyeur,homemade,webcam chics,big black loving chics,slut,etc. I mean THERE IS A VARIETY. So In conclusion It's just best to have such a long hour porn. Take for instance Jenna Haze Dark Side. Watch it's great and it's all Jenna. Who can complain. I usually can care less about the whole ggw,mature,college what I said earlier. It's just you know I love all the angels and various camera work. Sometimes the camera man sucks. I want to see a girl being fucked. I can care less about the guy. I want to watch her being rode. I want to watch her being fucked hard and every good close up angel I can possibly get.
Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.

--Ashley Montague (1905-1999)
11:00 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007
Digging deeper but ready to face a new day. Writing. 2007
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Writing and Poetry
I've been digging myself deeper
I've dug myself downward
Deeper below
Where blackness shrouds all
Silence overwhelms
Though I'm shedding this old skin
Ready to come up
Breathing fresh air in a new year
Waking up to realize reality
Clenching fist and holding back
All the words I can say
All the hatred I have
I'm ready to see a brighter day
Ready to be this new person
Being the someone I can be
Knowing I can pull forward
My focus is stronger
My world is brighter
and it's a new year
A new day
I am ready to face the light

2007 Noloco the poetic junkie
1:23 AM

Friday, January 05, 2007
Mr. Rogers says recording tv shows isn't bad.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging

Some public stations, as well as commercial stations, program the "Neighborhood" at hours when some children cannot use it ... I have always felt that with the advent of all of this new technology that allows people to tape the "Neighborhood" off-the-air, and I'm speaking for the "Neighborhood" because that's what I produce, that they then become much more active in the programming of their family's television life. Very frankly, I am opposed to people being programmed by others. My whole approach in broadcasting has always been "You are an important person just the way you are. You can make healthy decisions." Maybe I'm going on too long, but I just feel that anything that allows a person to be more active in the control of his or her life, in a healthy way, is important.
—Frederick Rogers,

Ps and I only say this as a joke. Mr. Rogers was a great guy. I hope. But did you know he was a preacher ?

Ahh! I mean those poor kids. Or maybe not. Maybe Mr. Rogers was a good man. I can only hope for those kids.

Otherwise for him it must of been a really good day in the neighborhood.....
9:26 AM

Monday, January 15, 2007
My predictions true..I think. Blue Ray/Hd-Dvd
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I've watched the begining and it seems I'll see the end and though I don't think it will die slowly. Nor completely. I remember a few years back..Oh 2000 2001 ? There was a lot of hopes and wonder about having blue ray and then Hd dvd. But it dragged on and it took awhile for it to come together. As all this had been going on flash memory had become very popluar. You know those sd mem cards,etc. Well those are becoming very good at keeping a lot of data on a small card. Though I have heard rumors and possibly facts lately that they may not be able to hold onto data for a very long time. Either way they are mainstream and can hold a viable amount of data. I honestly am not sure how much as of yet. Though there is also perpendicular hard drives..Which also can hold a lot of data by storing data differently then a normal hard drive as well as being a faster drive. Blue Ray and HD Dvd also hold an insane amount of data. I believe 25gigs ? Well either way their purpose for now is catering to mainstream by recording movies to them and certainly it's a beautiful thing..But it's two formats and no one wants two different dvd players in their house..Besides who is complaining about dvd  ? It's beautiful as well and some will certainly argue and be very correct that hd  and blue ray movies look very much more wonderful. It's more expensive. It's two players to play movies and hey most everyone is comfortable with dvd and it isn't that old..But here is another good concept and reason to see that blue ray and hd might fall
Currently listening:
The Paramour Sessions
By Papa Roach
Release date: 12 September, 2006
1:56 AM

Saturday, January 27, 2007
If there is some supreme being in the sky It's out to get me
Current mood:  annoyed
Category: Blogging
It must be true. As it wrecks everything. Every dam time something goes wrong theres always a pinpoint and I'm the blame or even worst just when things are going well It gets smeared like blood into carpet. Sure call it what you will or say what you will. I'm cursed. It's like having the nicest person in the world being tormented for things and when things are going well it's liek forget you. Not that this happens all the time but boy when it does it comes down hard.
11:27 AM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Staind The Single A new rant..This is dumb!
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Personally I guess it's ok and as always I'll probably rethink my thoughts at a later time..But honestly my heart sank thinking that Staind was going to call it quits in my mind as I hear the words singles albums...But that isn't the case..But you know I'm just sick of it. I know Aaron has a great voice accoustic and that yea woopee he can make millions doing solo. But I DON'T CARE! Maybe he does. I mean it's the money he makes not the rants I write. Regardless this isn't even a correct singles album..Some singles not all are included and worst of all I don't think anything from their very first album is on there. But that makes sense that album didn't have singles..It just rocked. Either way it's annoying and I don't want a new singles album. I want a album. A new album. Something mixed. Like say maybe we could do some Break The Cycle meets 14 Shades or Tormented meets Chapter 5..Hell maybe a whole accoustic or complete soft album..Since that seems to be where they seem to continue to milk..The mainstream. I say SCREW YOU MAINSTREAM! Besides I think the whole point of this album is to make money off the old tunes and possibly introduce them to those who don't know but most importantly who wants to buy just a few unreleased accoustic covers ? Well I do and I would buy that over repeat buys of the same songs bleh!

Anyways hope you guys get a little creative here and introduce new material and hell maybe you can't anymore..I don't know and either way I'm still on this up and down balance where I'm not sure of my enjoyment of Staind anymore..It's like I do I don't I'm not sure anymore. Maybe I've just grown up or maybe Staind just doesn't cut it for me anymore. I don't know.
Currently listening:
Chapter V
By Staind
Release date: 09 August, 2005
3:26 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Determined. Driven and well ready. Ok maybe not
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Well I sort of contradicted myself. In all honesty driving is where I would like to be..But to be certain working a half ass paying job is where I need to be untill I can afford roaming into study classes and trying to be something more then that guy who pushes carts or something or another. I contradicted what I said and that is wrong. Because I am and will stick to what I said. I will pay off my credit as I used to and get a job that will do that for me. Once that is done I will no longer use money I do not have..I of course do not care about money and can care less if I don't have it..That of course has been my thinking all along and that thinking is fine if your making a few thousand a week... I make barely a few hundred a week. Sadly and truely and this of course is since 1999. Sadly I've gone no where and though I tried and was so close..But just as I always say when everything seems so perfect it just comes right back down. But I will push forward and I will know that some where beyond there is more to life then being down..I'm not down I'm just in a state of confusion or I'm lost. Maybe I don't know what I want or who I want to be or where I want to be. Or maybe I'm just young. Who knows. I'm getting old though. So fast to. This year is the year insurance on cars drops. I'll be 25. But even now I'll still be broke. I thought that was going to be different and that around a few more months I would be making close to 40k a year. But that didn't happen. It just ended up turning around on myself and back to screams arguments and fights over money. Fun joy happy and when will you get a job. I don't know. Ask the morons who don't call. Or maybe it is my fault. Maybe it's my fault for being down on myself. For possibly not really wanting to bore myself with thousands of applications because these so called smart people run companies but can't get together and make this process better. Most of them don't want a resume because well thats just to much and your not signing that oh so loving I agree to this and that..Lets not forget those psycho questions..So now do you smoke weed ? How about a friend ? Can't we possibly change these stupid questions or maybe possibly give me the possiblity to actually write my opinion instead of stronger agree disagree. You do not by any means get a valid answer from me..Because I see with both eyes and beyond..Not some moron agree disagree bs. Thats not an opinion thats a forced choice and that should be illegal. But even more. It's 2006 no one is making it easy for anyone to apply. Why can't I just sign up online to some state run site that then gives your information to other computers or peoople who need someone to work for them..Instead of having me fill out the same dam information thousands of times over and then not call not write not send an email or a letter..Not bother to a dam thing..But waste my time money and gas and worst of all hurt my dam feeling and this is annoying me and I'm going in circles but as everything I'm getting no where.

I can and will no longer accept this. I keep messing up and falling. But I will not any longer. Meg and I will be getting rid of the internet "MAYBE" in the coming days.

Schneider broke me and opened me up to see I wasn't ready and I wasn't determined. I lacked being opened to asking questions. When the time came to do as I should. I neglected to open my mouth for being heart broken and torn from all I had accomplished. I was hurt and broken. Beaten down by my own sword. I neglected to learn and be the best I could. But I'm going back out and this time I will not fail. I will not falter and most importantly I will be more then I ever have. That is of course after I get my money situation in order.

It has taken a toll on me. Being put back into the world of low paying wage jobs and all my expectations stripped away from me. All my accomplishments turned into nothing. Then I wanted to visit my mom and I have been very foolish with my money. Most of all I don't seem to stilll get the part where you stop spending and start paying back things you owe. But I kept my word. Schneider probably thought they had me in the bag. That they would gain the finaces charges off of the money I owed them..But it didn't happen and I possibly have lost a good 300 in fiances charges if not more over this time of dwelling and wondering. Over this time of uncertainty and not wanting to do this job or that job and what if I did this job and will I be secure in trying to get this job. Should I get that job ? I wasn't sure. I thought for awhile I would do transit and then I thought for awhile I would try merchandising for Pepsi and this and that..But in the long run in my heart and mind I wanted to be out there driving truck..In the end I've done nothing but waited and wasted.

What I should of done was in the fall of my demise. I should of got back up. Just as Link does when he gets recovered by his magical fairies..Ok that was a inside joke. Then I should of went back at it full force. But I didn't and once again i was happy in this state of stupidity. I went I visited my mom and my nieces and wasted all this wonderful time. But waste I can no longer do.

See you all on the other side.
Currently listening:
Group Therapy
By Dope
Release date: 21 October, 2003
4:19 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007
Their going to molest your child if your child has a DS lmao
Current mood:  amused
Category: Blogging
Honestly this is just dumb. But I do wish for parents to be aware. Obviously their not reading this anways because they obviously didn't read little Johnny's manaul in the first place or the box with the m rating..The clerk let mommy buy it with no questions because mommy was old enough stupid maybe..Lack of reading skills possibly..But she has a check book and older status..Sometimes I can only shake my head and yet I'm off topic. So in reality this is about a service called Pictochat with the DS. Basically in close range..Not you in Milwaukee and some dude in Japan can chat..But close range chatting using a DS. Just be aware people. In all honesty my years online I've not really met many nuts and usually when I do their just bots or Myspace errors that remind me of Microsoft errors that make me feel like Microsoft owns Myspace..But thats off topic again and so here is the article.
2:25 AM

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Your child and their Nintendo DS. Advice in good parenting.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
So call me crazy or call me. Either way :D

I was asleep this morning but dreaming about this post I made the other day. Though we all can admit maybe I was a bit rude and that I wad nothing really postive to say..True your kid shouldn't be getting raped by some moron pedophile who may end up in jail doing jail time only to be released later..But thats the U.S.A. JOY!

Though I'll get back on topic in just a moment. Anyways I wanted to remedy this and I hate Fox news for not pointing out the postives and only the negatives. I'm one who thinks outside of that realm of stupidity..Unlike Fox.. And I really think Fox should take this article and blast it out to their audience..But thats not what Fox would call good ratings.

A parents guuide to good parenting with the Nintendo DS Lite

I guess I could do semi chapters ?

1.Parents doing a little research and reading never could hurt.
2. Don't buy kids toys or things that you have no idea about.
3. Buy yourself a DS Lite. Parents and kids and everyone is using them.
4. Teaching your kid that chatting with strangers is good. Getting a happy meal with them however is bad.

Chapter 1.
Parents doing a little research and reading never could hurt.

If I was a parent I would be in communication with my kid daily. Though I'm a kid at heart. So we would both be playing games together. But doing research on something your kid wants because his friend has it. Is something you should do. Because as a parent you don't really know what is out there and what some of these products do. Fortunately little Johnny should be ok with his DS. Reading the manauls that comes with the games or the hardware..Hardware being the DS. Inside there usually is manauls explaining what the product does,etc. Also Google,Yahoo whatever you use to search. Use some keywords..Like Is it ok for my 4 year old to use a DS. Well I think you understand where I'm going with this.

Chapter 2
Don't buy kids toys or things that you have no idea about.

This chapter really goes over the top chapter. If your kid wants something mom don't just reach out and buy it. Give yourself time to understand why they want it and why you should buy it. But most importantly are they the right age and what can you do to keep them safe.

Chapter 3
Buy yourself a DS Lite. Parents and kids and everyone is using them.

So maybe it is a trend. Maybe I'm silly for calling the chapter what I have. But go ahead and pick up a DS Lite. If it's your kids get a game you think you might like. Don't be judgemental try it out. You might like it. If not get one for Pictochat the reason we are having this discussion. At least if Johnny or Johnetta doesn't want to get out the room you could Pictochat them..But then again I really don't know how that works..Though I'm doubting you could interrupt his game. But if you can then good for you. If not then when you two wish to spend time together you could play with pictochat..I know you can draw and do cool things with it..I'm to poor to own one and I have many many games to play before catching up with DS games. But It is true that many parents,kids and even grandparents are playing the DS..If not in America certainly in other countries. So you should to.

Chapter 4
Teaching your kid that chatting with strangers is good. Getting a happy meal with them however is bad.

Remember chatting isn't harmful. Being an unresponsible parent is. So thats where we are going. Please explain to your loved ones. Your little ones or your precious most wonderful kids. That chatting is good. But do explain to them never to meet up with strangers and that strangers can be harmful even when they offer Happy Meals..Which you shouldn't or anyone should be buying for their kids..Unhealthy.
You may wish to also go into sexual details and what not depending on how comfortable you are in that setting with your kid. Remember be safe and chat responsible The DS isn't harmful.

I'm not a parent and these are just my thoughts as a parent I do assume you play a better thought out role and you don't listen to the brain washing of Fox News..But considering that most of the world is brain washed by one thing or another..Then maybe so. Well if anything I hope you listened to me and found your own way to input your own thoughts into this.

Be safe

Currently listening:
Stone Sour
By Stone Sour
Release date: 27 August, 2002
11:07 AM

Sunday, February 11, 2007
In regards to companies to who post job ads. Please read.
Current mood:  angry
Category: Blogging

Tree of life was a bit misleading and I should complain. As a mater of fact I think I will. In the newspaper ad they lead you to believe you can get a job with them. However once you reach their online ad. You find that you need a high school diploma or a G.E.D. Is it just me or is this not discrimination of some sort ? I mean honestly if I have the qualification and the means to work why are you telling me I can't because I didn't finish school ? Isn't this sort of like the well you can sit here because your a black girl..Isn't it ? Will there ever be a world where you are just qualified to work instead of well your qualifications says one thing but your education is a laughing joke and we shall mislead you. Don't bother me if your going to be rude and discriminating.
6:01 PM

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Is it possible that we live forever ? Isn't that scary to ?
Current mood:  amused
Category: News and Politics
I'll be the first to admit. I admire science and I admire the thought of living..But untill we can come up with a possible way to solve the population problem and the problem of global warming amongst many other environmental and wasteful problems we have here on Earth..I'm worried.. I mean imagine everyone living forever..I know people could be killed off and ran over or get hit by dunk drivers..etc..But gees forever ? Man imagine never leaving your house..Playing games are reading great books. Or just so many things. It's interesting to point out to that the scientist are also stopping aging..So it's like you will be young..Cool :D Anyways read more logical and knowledgeable stuff here

and I'm listening to
8:59 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007
Fail or Succeed Feb 23, 2007
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Writing and Poetry
Originally titled Escape

I will shed this skin
This skin of confusion
This path I've followed
Going in circles
My time wasted
Mind spinning out of control
Spirit crushed when expected to succeed
Traveled in thought
Alone frightened
Dug this hole deeper
Burying myself in debt
Hearing the arguments and confusion
But it was I who lost the way
I wanted to escape
Forget it all
All my accomplishments
Bury it shut it out
But it's not the way it was supposed to be
I've lost the pride I had
Kicking it into the dust
My heart swallowed by the pain I've felt
But slowly I've awakened
I've escaped or so I hope
The end isn't here
Just the beginning of a new hope
The future is however unknown

Feb 23,2007
11:51 AM

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Well because
Current mood:  awake
Category: Automotive
doing ok write more later um stopped writing daily bout life out here but will post what i've written once i organize it btw glad my last name isn't raper um have you had your monthly bloods today eww i'm sick so read I Mona Lisa great book Jeanne Kalogridis.So if you usually check only my bulletins you missed me for i post here 2nit sloppy r u happ
12:05 AM

It's almost 11A and I'm just sitting here in the living room on MySpace, I guess I was lost in my mind somewhere and I thought, it's getting late I wonder when Nolon's going to get up... then I remembered you're not here :( Aww but you know what I know you're working hard and doing your best (which is always very very good) and soon you'll have your CDL and be on break with me here. I love and miss you *kiss*

Monday, March 26, 2007
I believe in U.F.O.'s any day over religion
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Theres something that can be said about a U.F.O. certainly there is a possibility nothing exists out there. Though we do live in a vast world. Outside of Earth there is much to be explored and found I remember the Phoneix lights. I remember seeing the news reports. Well watch this. I know your wondering why the heading. It is as I stated. There maybe some truthful stories in the bible. About certain places and people. But beyond that it's just a fairy tale. Now certainly I would love to believe that Hogwarts exists but it's not something I can hold on to. But U.F.O.'s now theres something to think about. It's possible.
1:23 PM

 Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My trip to Prime and much more
Current mood:  amused
Category: Life
If you want to read it in big font either copy paste to txt file or ctrl a and then ctrl plus or minus i think

I started to edited this but the rest is left as it was there is some missing parts which are on paper and the part about Meg I've not finished writing though Meg has and you can link to her blog. Enjoy.

Leaving Milwaukee on a Greyhound

My trip to Prime Inc. so far. Well left Milwaukee from the Greyhound Bus Station where I left Meg. It was sad to see her without me and to be without her. We left Milwaukee for Chicago and there was a stop before the Chicago bus station. Once I got there I got in line for the bus only to later find out by staff that the line I was in needed to be diverted the other way. Which meant that we had to get in back way back because of their stupidity for not making lines more easier to line up. What happen was those who would be leaving on the bus from that line had made the line curve around the information desk..But we had been lined up towards the right. They wanted us to instead form a line curving to the left I didn't nor did some of the others. We just kind of got in line where we was. As it wasn't fair. But in the end it all worked out. The bus driver made us make two lines. One going to Chapmagane Illinois and one going to St. Louis among other places. Finally on the bus it was a long ride to St. Louis with many stops on the way. This was my final bus untill St. Louis. It felt for awhile like we would never leave Illinois. But sooner or later we did. But before we went to Steak And Shake. I certainly admire their will to build the places like classic diners. I love classic diners. I love the effort and work that seems to go into the design. Unlike most places these days. I had the Steak and Shake meal. It was really good. But the shake I got was a coffee shake and it didn't have much coffee flavour. I also got onion rings. It was part of the meal. Their really good. They have a more salty flavor compared to Sonic Drive In. Though I still love Sonics. Even more so when Miss Annie makes her batch. Because she does a good job. After the Steak N Shake we were off I believe we had one more stop and then finally we made it to St. Louis Missouri. THE SHOW ME STATE!

A show me state with nothing to show dam!

St. Louis bus stop is located inside an old court house or some other really lovely done archetectiure building. It's really nice inside. Very lovely. I had a 4 hour layover. Thats where you stay at the bus stop for 4 hours and wait..JOY! But I really didn't mind and I find the issue with the bus stop because they just sort of put together some crappy bus stop in the middle of this majestic beauty. Carving their filth and nonsense as well and worst of all not taking care of maintaining what the place once was. Nor even is there any place I could find some history on the building. Enough of that though right ? But you know I have to complain. .. Well I didn't have my cd player to listen to on the way down here. My gba was with me and I had fun playing Pac-Man and Pokemon Blue as well as Tetris. But Pokemon I've already beat and the other two are more repetive games. Oh and I forgot a skateboarding game I also have. Which is another repetive game. Can't afford any other. I had my cd player but it refuses to play with batteries and I didn't have the time to tinker with why. So I brought it along to plug in if I need to. Although I have Megs laptop so I just listen to her music and I didn't even bring cd's. So more about St. Louis now that you have an idea of what I had to do for 4 hours. I was thirsty when I got there so I bought a rootbeer a BIG GLASS. Then I had a BIG GLASS of water. I played on Megs laptop. This station didn't have wireless access though. Sadly. I wonder if the ones that do if it's free. I HATE MORONS WHO MAKE YOU PAY FOR WIFI! Evil Starbucks and Barnes And Nobles. Well at least I can read free books at BnN heh. But even so I had the laptop and many many illegal copies awww...Of Snes games. So I finally got a chance to play Chronotrigger.. I know I know I know. Wow dude that game is so like 90's. Come on man catch up. .. I'm slow. Let me enjoy what games I do play until I get to great games like this. I must say It is so far a very good game and I'm glad Jacob M reccommended it to me. I remember it and always have wanted to play it. I played it for about an hour. Then I wanted to see what was on their lcd panel tv's. Ah yes Larry King talking about Anna Nicole. And now it's time for more complaints. Well considering there is much more valuable and more material worth knowing about. I can't understand why some dead annoyance gets all the air time. I mean what about over population or lets talk about global warming or maybe lets hear about possibly banning people from using SUV'S...Or or or. Enough. So not like there was tv to watch.

Describing things and other such info about bus rides and bus stations


 Btw all the bathrooms was fairly decent through out the whole trip. On the bus I was fairly comfortable. Though this lady sat by me for some of the ride and she didn't bother me but her coat was annoying at times. It's one of those coats with all the stuff hanging off of it. Like a big beard...Yea annoying. But for the most part it wasn't always bothering me and she didn't bother me. In St. Louis this guy talked to me for a little while that was cool and this one guy wanted to borrow my phone and pay me...I didn't notice but there was pay phones near by. I was going to mention it to him afterwards but I didn't want to come off like an ass. Oh and when I got inside the St. Louis bus station there was this women and she was talking to her self. Making gestures at the wall,etc. I thought she must be on a phone..But no she was talking to herself. I had wanted to talk to her. I wasn't worried. I just wanted to know who she was talking to because she was looking at the wall and I thought she was reading this sign on the wall. Which I couldn't read from where she was. But apparently she could or she had an imaginary friend. Either way enough on that subject. And ps I don't care if you talk to your imaginary friend. I was just confused and also I'm sorry Anna died. But she isn't more important then our world and other news that is certainly more important then she is dead or alive.

On the road to Springfield,MO

Finally got in line at 320am to go to Springfield,MO. It was a nice ride. I loved looking out over MO. When we got out in MO later on the sun started to show up. Didn't make it here till 8am approx. I never knew there was so much hills and great landscapes here but there is. On our journey here I also got some sleep because it was about a 4 hour drive. Not much but little bits here and there. I saw a narcotics suv and a cop following a suspected drug car into a parking lot. That was cool. We finally entered into MO sometime later and I saw Prime trucks driving all over. Once we got off the interstate and near Prime head quarters. I saw where I thought we was going. Which was this big center for Prime. However thats not where I am staying and though I will be going there Thurs and Fri for lectures not now. I hear there is a gym,spa,pc area,etc. Supposedly a nice place. I really like Springfield,MO I might even want to move here. If not for Prime just because it's nice little southern town. IMO. Finally we got to Greyhound. Nice little station. I went inside and I got in line to call the shuttle for Prime Inc. training and a guy in front me had already done it. So I didn't bother. We talked for a little while. He is new to this and like most of us needs money. I believe is going to go on later to be his own boss. But for now he will be a company driver for Prime. The shuttle ride was not bad at all.

You're hotel room is WAY BACK THERE. The journey begins.

We are staying at the Campus Inn. Ha they have our hotel WAY in the back. It's just the way they have this place laid out. The hotel is owned by Prime. My room is shared by no one. Nor is his. When we went to the front desk they gave our order for yesterday and today. As well as other information. We got to go to our hotels and sleep. 4pm we was allowed to eat. But I had been sleeping at the time or on the phone with Meg or Mom. Just as well I didn't feel comfortable going there at 6pm. But I ended up going to a mexican place down the road it was really good. I came back to the hotel and then watched a program on Hun Barbarians and how most people think barbarians dumb but their far from it. Or at least the Huns were. Meg called me later on so I talked to her then I went to sleep. So then I guest your all wondering how is the hotel ? Well it's nice. I have a refigerator but not a microwave. Ah well. I think there is a lounge near by with a micro. We get free coffee all day. Wooo. I've not drunk any though. The bed is huge..I don't need all this space. I got a nice desk but no wifi. Sadly and my phone company charges me for roaming. DIE US CELL! The water pressure in the bathroom sucks and having cable is evil. Because unlike my Aqua Teen eps. Or DL.TV I know that what is on I can't watch later so I better watch it now..Thats not good because I should get my rest and last night I was watching program after program. The Huns then I watched some Myth Busters and A little small portion of Ripleys. Also a show on Most Shocking. Which was about robberies and like the clerk or boss fighting back. Pretty cool. It's over hyped to be better. But it was kind of boring. I saw a little bit of cops. That was cool. Finally there was some other shows. But I cut off the tv and went to sleep.

It is now 03-06-2007. At 2:17pm.

Woke up this morning for the first day of class. At 540amish. Their call to wake you thing woke me before my 550am alarm..Oh well I got up dressed went to breakfast. Which beats Schneider National by all means. It wasn't a grand breakfast but they have their own cafeteria here and so no hotel continetal..A real breakfast. I didn't even eat all I could eat. But I ate some scram eggs,two link sausages,and some terrible but decent hash browns. Along with a orange juice..Woo man left me with heart burn. Then I came back to the room to swallow my viatims like a good boy. Then I went in search of our class room finally found it and basically we just went through a lot of contracts and w2's and then they did finger prints on us. After that we went to get out drug tests done and I even passed my blood pressure test. Again at 138 over 77 I think. I weigh in at 280. I lost 2 pounds some how lol. But I was worried about that blood pressure test. See if you don't pass you don't get the job and well I passed. I ate lunch and now I'm in the room. Lunch was good. Sort of a mexican dish. I got a strawberry milk wih it but see my body doesn't like strawberry milk. Makes my insides feel weird. Although I managed to get this one down with no problems until afterwards and then I noticed it. But I'm fine now. I like strawberry milk. So it was nice to have. I remembered to bring everything I needed for the job accept 100.00 dollars. That sucks. Now I got poor Meg on the run around for me. But she will be able to get her shoes if I get the job. So it's just minor. Lmao. Meg has this EXTENSIVE list. I need these shoes and those shoes..I don't understand it. But if thats what she wants. Thats ok with me. Ha. Sitting in the room right now killing time. We don't go back to class till 330pm and tomorrow I won't be in the same class as them because I already have my cdl permit. I'm going to a different class. Graduation is April 14th. So I've got a long way to go. But we get paid in the coming weeks. Thats nice to know.

Mar 06 I finally have left campus to go pick up money from Meg. Thanks Meg. So that I may pay my application fee. Well Prime has a free shuttle and the shuttle dropped me off at Greyhound where there is a Western Union. However it was down. The shuttle left because I said sure I'll wait...It's a free ride. Well I thought he would come back soon. But I saw 3 shuttles pass and I was in a hurry. I wanted to get this done. I would of walked from there to where the next Union was which is Kmart but I wanted to make sure he knew where I was. Finally he came to pick me up and I asked him to stop at Kmart. Once I got there I just said go ahead I'll walk and Kmart isn't far so It wasn't a problem. Besides I don't mind walking and hey I'm a BIG GUY. So I got the money from Kmart. Man I could of saved 3 dollars if I bought 10 packs of Little Debbie cakes..Always wondered why it wasn't Fat Debbies oh well. It was nice seeing some more of MO. Which gave me more reason to like the town of Springfield. I walked over to Ryans Steak House next. Btw I did buy one pack of debbie cake. But yea so I went over to Ryans and I ate me a big big meal...And who is talking about himself being fat. Teheheh. Well that was a really good meal. HEY I PAST MY BLOOD PRESSURE TEST. So it's alright ... Then I went across the street which is on the way to campus and I got myself a phone card because US Cell is molesting me. Arr! Thats annoying. I also bought me a folder which was cheap. But I was confused because by our campus there is this nice trendy 24 hour Wal-Mart sign and when I crossed the street thats on the other side of the block but it was an entrance to Wal-Mart. I soon found out where the other sign is. Thats just letting you know theres a Wal-Mart and that the building in front is an old mall now abandoned. I made it back to the campus where I went inside and took a bath. Then I called Meg and we chatted for about 20 minutes. It was nice. After that I watched some tv. I don't remember what I watched and I was soon tired so I went to sleep. But waited for Megs 10pm call although I didn't talk I said good night and I went back to sleep.

Mar 07 and it's 349pm.

A lot of nothing to do today it seems. I woke up at 540 went back to sleep untill about 610. As class didn't start till 8am. Well went eat breakfast and I had to pay the guy..But that didn't actually happen till later. I had biscuits and gravy. Their biscuits were ok. And I also had a scoop of scramble eggs. It was an alright breakfast. Best part that it was free. I got myself a white milk. Yummy and once all that was over I retried to give my money but the office was locked so I then just killed time. Walked around finally it was time for class so I went to class. We learned about keeping distance and seeing far enough ahead. As well as mainting to look left right left. Then we took a quiz. I did eh ok. I mixed somethings up. Can't remember the score. Teacher said I did good. But so that was over. More nothing to do time. Well at this time I went back to the office which was now opened. Sat down as this is where they wanted us to go and then meet back up at 130..Wow it was 10am. I thought more time had passed. Guess I was wrong. So I figured I would wait to be called and give the guy the money. I did that then I went outside the office. Thing is there really isn't any like places to sit here. It's like there is a patio outside and you can sit in the office as well as the cafetira. Other then that no place to sit. So I went in the cafeteria to sit. Talked with the other guy I was in class with. It was a good conversation. Then I ate lunch. I had baked spaghetti,pepsi, and something I can't remember. Ha. Oh and a dinner roll. Along with a candy bar. It was a good lunch. We talked a little longer then I went poo. Yep I knew it why did I say that ? Well you needed to know. After that I went back to the room with about an hour to kill. So I went play Chronotrigger. Woo fun fun rpg. I love it. Went in this castle and it was nice. These monsters tried to act like these npc's but they were monsters and I didn't know it. Apparently they knew who I was so they changed form and tried to kill me and the frog and the lady inventor. Well we took them out. Then after I played met back up with the other two guys. Finally got to see more of Springfield and loved it more. Very nice place. THERES A SONIC OUT OF REACH BUT OH SO NEAR! Dam that sucks. Now I'm going to have to call a cab. I want some Sonic oh and theres like a few pawn shops. How cool is this ? Man I miss some of these southern chain reastraunts and seeing pawn shops. I even saw a flea market. Wi is all posh unless you enter the bad parts of town. Which I'm not willing to do. So what reason was we out riding ? Well same reason we was in class for. So we was out pointing out what we could see and looking left right left and watching for pedestrians,etc. All in a van. I was nervous. But I believe I did ok. I wanted to do it again I knew I would be more calm but I wasn't given another chance. I don't know why. I wasn't though. But it was a nice ride and we all got to grade each other accept that no one graded me. I wasn't given a chance. I don't know. But either way I got to see all these cool places and this town. We rolled back to the campus and I had more time to kill and this is where I am. But now it's time to go back because class starts at 430. Good bye @ 403pm.

Theres a store here called... Kum and go. Watching a workout doing stripper moves on poles like strippers. Sweet more women need to "workout" In their clothes. This was on the tv guide channel I didn't want to change it ooo wee. I'm watching The Sanford Arms right now. A spin off from the Sanford and Son. I watched alot of Myth Busters tonight. It was cool. Others shows to. It's now Mar 10 at 12am. Rrr not asleep yet. Well heres the briefing. Thurs we had a big day of lectures and we got our comdata cards..It's these cards that to me seem pointless accept for now as it will feed me. But yea can only be used at an you loose 2 dollars everytime you withdraw and sometimes more or less. Joy. Unless you feel safe lugging around actual money. Who doesn't right ? But it was a good day. We learned a lot. I met some friends over the course that I've been here. Or people that are nice. Fri biggest day of all. Not so much lectures. But that it was a big day. We had two classes. One on hazmat but just the basics of it. And another on health and other things. After that we had lunch and then off to the training grounds to drive truck. Funny story though is that it was two of us because the first bus filled up so we just said go to primes campus..We didn't know we had to specify where to go. Fortunately we was at the right place but that however we had a good walk..It was an adventure and we enjoyed it. All we did was ask people where we had to go and some knew. Finally we got there. My backing was better then it's ever been at straight line backing and so we went forward backed up repeatedly. I found out that the dmv is going to rob me blind when I get my cdl but thats ok I mean if I get my cdl thats what matters but so I'll get my cdl here in MO and it will be a MO cdl. Then I have 30 days to transfer it to a Wi license. That costs money as well as getting a cdl. Sadly it can't be just switched over..Tisk. We live in a world of sharing caring and internet access. Can't these places be networked together as the dmv of the usa or some nonsense..So that they can take a picture here throw on some wi nonsense and then boom. Nope that wouldn't make them money. Anyways enough on the ranting but so I met my instructor today the guy who I will be on the road with for the next 3 to 6 weeks depending. He is a very nice guy. We reviewed me and asked about who I was,etc. So I let him know and that I wasn't much of a complainer. I'm out there to do my job thats it. Then after that I went back to do some straight line backing it was raining and cold. Then we all went in to eat our last free meal afterwards one of the guys I talk to asked if I wanted to play pool but I am broke. Well he didn't care he just wanted someone to play with it and it costs a few cents or whatever. Well we played and with that free meal card after it's all said and done you can take it to the Prime gift shop place and get a free hat so I let him choose a hat and gave it to him. Met up with the instructor again we talked some more and then we tried to go to walmart but it was taking awhile to get out of prime because you have to wait in line behind the trucks well so we finally got out and then he decided that we didn't have time so we came back and played a round of pool then we went see if i was ready to go all over the usa and so today or Sat March 10 we have to deliver in South Carolina. Cool. So yea I was. Finally we left and went out to teach me how to shift. Well I already knew from Schnieder but I needed a refresher and I still need some more refresher but otherwise It certainly is getting better now that I know where my gears are some what and my driver said I did a good job driving but I need to let off the clutch more after this we went back to the prime place and he showed me some backing I will have to do in order to get the cdl some of it looks challenging. Then he had me do some straight line backing and showed me how we have to back for the cdl and where we had to stop,etc. After that we went inside and ate eh it was alright I finally bought my meal with the money prime is paying me which isn't much but enough to feed me shower me those little things then we rolled to barnes and nobel and i finally picked up I Mona Lisa. Just as well I got me a java chip frap venti wooo it was yummy. There was a lot of great bargain books I wish I could of picked up there is an old steak and shake nearby and two sonics here on opposites sides of the street though their pretty far apart same street finally he brought me back to the motel and tomorrow we leave before 11am i came in went online and read stuff and looked up stuff about driving and i had playing some kick ass music by many cool bands then when the power was going low came in charged up for another hour and talked to meg then I went find a wifi spot inside the building from the other building and i found a spot so i sat there i wanted to make a skype account name more proffesional for use of saying it over my cell phone which i have my new skype name is nolonld my other and used skype name is deadcorpseinabox final destination 3 is playing but i needed to catch this is up and now it is.

Aug 15 didn't drive much yesterday but um we had a boring ride through plain boring flat lands lol. We went from Minnesota to MO and we had to drop off in MO we picked up in MN. Today we are heading to Pennsylvania I think my cousin lives there.Not certain if not she has lived there in the past I know that. Well so far seems we are going east west east west. I mean since I have been on the truck. It's Thurs and I've gotten along well with the drivers. I can feel bad sometimes still not managed to get to not grinding the gears. Sadly I once was able to do drive and not grind but very little. Though it's all been forgotten but not the driving part more just down shifting and trying to recover gears. But yea might drive today. Not really sure what he has planned. My side of the truck steps to get into the truck one part a screw came loose and so it is loose hhe. Um I didn't feel like writing in the tablet. Man it sucks to write in a tablet. So much neater and nicer when done using the laptop. Certainly. I made Megs pc load up fast. She had so much junk cluttering it up. Once it loaded it loaded again lmao. But yea other then that it's good hear on the road. I've not mentioned it much but we have sirius radio here in the trucl and it's really nice because there is much good music out there ive not got to test out all the stations but man does there underground station sucks. They can't top Voo's music lounge,Let them be heard,WV music scene and or Rockers Underground much less Wi rockers. I think they cater to a lot of different styles of music. No mattter IMO it sucked. But we listened a 90's grundge and alternative station thats pretty cool. A comedy station which is good but they are loaded in commercial bs. Um we listen to a lot of this tv show radio..Where before tv they played superman and shit by radio...Sometimes interesting. Um other then that I can't think of any other radio stations but I been sleeping well today he had me back into a dock. That was different never done that at all ever. It was like backing straight but I was scared of hitting the building or messing something up which wouldn't be nice um i'll write more tomorrow.
4:22 PM

Top 7 Nintendo mistakes
Current mood:  confused
Category: Games

It's ashamed to say but this article is dead on and worst of all I really see the Wii having a downfall. Those codes and their lack of not getting the Wii online sooner. Online is key in this world of gaming. People want to have the merge and I know I personally would love to see older games via the VC. Virtual Console to those who don't know. It is a download service offered on the Wii so you can download Super Nintendo games and such. Though supposedly N64 has no rumble effect and worst it's all the game games no mod. I want to see some mods. Give me those games plus a mod of the game. Where say Golden Eye 64 or Mario Kart would go online DOES NINTENDO NO REALIZE THE MONEY  IN THIS ? I knew where they could go with this back in 99 and I know now especially where they could go. Nintendo the key to success is online gaming. As well as listening to your fan base. We play these games and mess with the system. We certainly have an idea of what we want. Sure you have to make your money and this would certainly allow it.
6:49 PM

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Chimaira Resurrection gives me an erection ? Ha I'm kidding
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Music
But seriously make sure to stop buy your local music store and pick up this great album. Lots of kick ass solo's and great singing Good lyrics. A dvd to go with. Just all together kick ass heavy metal and of course one of my favorite bands.
10:55 AM

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Xtc Dear God new fav song
Current mood:  cheerful
Category: Music
Wow thats some great lyrics my instructor Tom introduced me to this song on Sirius Coffee House chan. Read the lyrics. Powerful stuff and also dam hear the song. It's calm but gets the msg across.

but of course as always i got to promote Dege Legg because this YouTube vid and Dear God deserve some notice/awards n such
7:07 PM

 Thursday, April 19, 2007

A blog update on my world/life
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Well I'm here in Florida. Work is going well. Certainly a hard life style when you need to sleep then drive then sleep. But the bills are being paid and the future is being paved ? Yes. So I wasn't entirely sure how all this worked out. You know with my second driver. But here is the deal. We rarely ever stop unless we are getting gas. I drive 3pm to 3am and him 3am to 3pm. So it's nonstop, I've been all over California and drove the whole I-10 or well I've been on pretty much the whole interstate with about 1200 something miles on i10 Yes so thats why I've gone and run away

To all those having bdays and what nots sorry I can't be there or send some sort of nifty item but I do hope it all goes over very well.

Miss talking to everyone and I miss home and Meg but I'll see her in May on the 20th and then again in June sometime in the begining for two weeks. Unfortunately the first time I see her again she will be sick. So thats ok but it's unfortunate for her. But I'll go make sure to take car of her then when I come back unfortunately she is still in school and at this time they are making her work hard and soon it will all pay off though because next year Meg will be done with college...Guess it's time to get a new g/f you know I mean young college coeds..Ha I'm kidding gees

Well we got to go get some flowers and you all can't have any but um yea thats out next load we had beer and before that peanuts.

Goodbye hope you all enjoy the phone pic

Well let me get your numbers punks because either I've forgotten to program your numbers in my phone once or twice or I don't have your numbers sooooo if you want to keep in touch then that is my only option sorta

Last but not least if my Target friends are reading your not forgotten miss hanging out

If you need a ride and want to see some local kick ass bands let me know num in bulletin with the post



7:19 PM

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Virginia Tech killings The one sides story
Current mood:  aggravated
Category: Blogging
I probably wasn't going to bother with this one. As I've mentioned before you already know my views. I don't believe what he did was right. I don't believe however I know the whole story. I wasn't there with him daily to know how messed up everyone around him treated him. But I am sure he was probably torture and I do hope however that at least someone who really caused him to fire got what they deserve but not those who didn't. No one deserves that. Though in the end he killed himself. Sadly if he didn't he probably would of got a wonderful life in the world of jails and btw Jack T you know I hate you. But I want bother complaining and Dr. Phil I now hate you even more. You moron. People like you judgemental idiots who don't have both sides of the story or even have a clue of what's going on this guys head and what do you blame ? The get rich quick scheme. Video games. It's like truckers. We are usually the safest drivers on the road and guess who usually gets the blame for the others actions. Thats right the trucker. Which reminds me if your readng this I won't bother writing another blog.

Folks when there is a truck trying to make a turn BE PATIENT. If there is a truck backing into alley BE PATIENT.

We learn to drive our cars but no one is given any ideas on trucks and the importance of knowing how to drive around them. You the driver of cars a lot of you I can only shake my head in shame at how unsafe and horrible you drive around me. Remember I'm watching you through my big window RARR!
12:23 AM

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tell me your thoughts. If a friend does modeling....
Current mood:  confused
Category: Blogging
Alright I've come to accept it. But I want your thoughts. If a friend or friends. As I've come to know friends on Myspace who do modeling. Right. Now is it wrong to use their modeling picture as a cell background ? Well here is my thoughts. It would be really weird as a boyfriend to use a picture of a friend who was a girl as a cell background if that picture was just of her. But doesn't it change when that picture is a modeling picture ? I feel it does. Because if I didn't  know friends like that I would of chose those certain pictures. But because I do know them it makes it wierd. Probably not acceptable by Meg either. So I want your thoughts hun as well. Which I'm sure you will give me. But I wanted it to be clear I am not some sort of friend stalker person thingy lol.
5:03 PM

Friday, May 11, 2007
A Wii bit misunderstood Nintendo rant
Current mood:  blah
Category: Blogging
Well the Wii is a great console. Though as I talk about perception and the way things are percieve It does seems I talk about that a lot but it is true. Even with this console.

Nintendo certainly gained a following as if it was the 80's again..Though I doubt it will ever be that way again. But here we are 2007 and Nintendo lives on. Wise ones they are. But their flaws do exist. So do the gamers who play them and those who create the games.

Nintendo says graphics ? Who needs them ? But that is misunderstood by a great portion of people and just as well the game developers or so it seems.

Listen Nintendo is right. Graphics are not a staple when it comes to the Wii...But for those who don't know. Thats not a Nintendo Entertainment System. It is a Wii. The graphics are on par if not better then the Xbox. Although game developers and a lot of gamers misunderstand this. They see Wii Sports and then the developers push out crappy graphical games because of the nongraphic bandwagon Nintendo has made.

Unfortunately it isn't the case. Yes Twightlight Princess looks great. That my friend is Gamecube graphics. Imagine what Zelda could look like using the power of the Wii. Yes many games that are being made at the time are party games because that is one of the staples of the Wii family and granny friendly. Although as a hardcore gamer. Well I guess I fit in that category. I understand at this time there isn't many games being pushed out with great graphics because of that.

Which brings me to the controller and the developers misunderstanding it's use. Yes it's a great gimick. I won't say it isn't. I'll even say it's better then a gimmick because it's very good at what it does. But developers and that oh so popular knowledge of how it is to be used. You know look it's a bat it's a sword. It doesn't have to be that. Play Twightlight Princes.. Wow a game I can relax my hands where I want. Sure they did tweak the game to use the controller but still it also has the genius of what else the controller can be used for. Which is a controller without the use of virtual movements. If I must use or coin that ha. Because it is in two pieces unlike traditional controllers you have the option of pretty much placing your hands where you would like to.

Now lets move on to what Nintendo is still lacking. Online gaming. Yes it has finally come in the worst possible way. But it is here. Although no one wants to fiddle with those friend codes. Nor does anyone want to wait forever and a day for someone to break ground with a great mmorpg or something over the internet over the Wii. If Nintendo could capture that market..Surely they couldn't take the place of Blizzard or Ultima. But either way it would be a start in the right direction.

Now where oh where and why has Nintendo gone so wrong with the virtual console I do know. But I'll pretend I won't. Though I'll explain. The virtual console for those who don't know is basically an archive of classic games from the days of NES,SNES and N64. Just as well. If you own a Wii you now have a Gamecube as well. But the virtual console...Is just going in the wrong direction. Sure we all want to Super Mario Bros. for the 80th or more time...But why not adapt that contraption controller to it. That would be great and we know it would be because we played Wario whatever that Wii title was ha. Just as well many other great classic games could be adapted and or become online multiplayers....It could happen and there are many fans for many years who have been waiting. We know we have to keep doing it illegally though. Not to say I do or I have. But we have to do it over emulation and online and create our own over internet games.

Controllers. I like the classic controller. I have not used it. But again. Nintendo could be making money by reselling Nes,Snes,N64 controllers and hooking it up through the usb port...We know it can be done...

Hmm what else. Well there is more I am sure

But I am very glad you got your following back Nintendo and I am very much enjoying the new console. I just wish you would take time to hear your fan base.
12:11 AM

Friday, May 11, 2007
Listening to the new 12 Stones single. Lie to me
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Music
It's a slower song. It's good though. Theres a track listing,etc on their Myspace. As well as the song. You can also find it at their website.

But it's catchy. As is the better part of their songs. I like it. Good stuff. Check it out. If in Louisiana support them. Their from our part of the country ha.

Though if they were The Darkness..Push them in a ditch ug....

Btw I put I am listening to Potters Field because the new cd isn't on the list yet
Currently listening:
Potter's Field
By 12 Stones
Release date: 24 August, 2004
12:28 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Tom Green wow great videos on Myspace My thoughts
Current mood:  cheerful
Category: Blogging
You know it's always nice to have someone famous like Tom Green on tv. Sure people can say what they will. Sure a lot of folks may have those Tom Green sucking on cow utters burned into their thick skulls. But they will never know the real Tom Green. It was bits. Just comedy pieces. Something to get a rise. It did it's job. It did it so well. That some people will never get to know Tom Green for who he really is. Some will complain and moan because Tom Green isn't just making funny anymore. But you know something this is Tom Green. A person Someone who changes and moves on. But at the same time he can hold his own. I remember Tom changing over from The Tom Green Show. Which was great comedy. Then becomng Tom Green like Johnny Carson. Having guest on his show. Having something solid. An actual sit and talk show with bits. All together into one great show. But Mtv wouldn't have it. It was to matured. But Tom stayed true. No matter how much they censored and pushed him out. He wasn't going to sit and dwell. Nope Tom Green was online as he always has been for years. Writing his thoughts on life and everything else. Going to Iraq and being sad like any person would be when seeing kids beg for water. That brought even me to tears. A kid here would probably be angry if you gave them water over soda. But back to Tom. So of course Tom still being Tom always with the camera started posting video clips of him in his house being silly and other clips that he would take around the house. Next thing you know Tom was creating a online live call in talk show and since has been host to many great guest. But what matters most as one guest said. Tom invites celebrities and it doesn't matter if that person is or isn't currently in a big movie or what not. But even more important is that Tom shows that he maybe famous but in the end he is doing what he loves. Videos of scenic fields and crazy clips of Tom alone up all night. Videos of animals and creatures from South America. Tom takng you on tours through Los Angeles. Seeing the homeless and many more people. Doing duets lol with random folks on the street. Skating boarding bits and so much more that you wouldn't see just any other famous person doing. At least I don't think. There is so much more I can say but you know I just really felt the need to write this.

And most of all because though Tom Green Live is a great show. These are some of the best clips I've seen Tom do in awhile. But in no way am I compare and contrasting Live and these clips. Maybe Shark and Bottle to Suzie.

So if your interested check out Tom Green Live and Tom Green on Myspace

1:55 AM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Tomorrow back on the road I go and the 20th home since Mar 3
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I do miss the road. I honestly miss my job. Isn't that rather odd ? I mean who misses their job ? I feel like something is missing. Not hearing Sirius and not seeing the world and just not being in that daily environment. But I am going home and I can't be happier. I wil be home for almost a month ha. But thats cool. I'll be able to take care of Meg and I'll be able to go see shows and I'll be able to catch up on home life and then back out on the road..So for now going back out on the road. It was fun playing around online. Posting my new writings. As well as reading many great articles between Digg and Fark. Also it was fun reading poetry at Emule. All my favorite stuff and getting back into the local music scene was a great fun experience and can't wait to get my credit cards down to buy a few albums. That will be great.
1:09 AM

Monday, May 21, 2007
Viloence is not caused by video games.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Well that is accept for the few controllers some folks may have smashed over the years..But they deserved it. As well you know trying to make the one jump in Mario was woo crazy. You can find that out for yourself youngin if you got a Wii connected to the Wii 24. Get on the virtual console and get yourself some Super Mario Bros. Although I do recommend stealing it. Just as well. Roms are nice,easy effiecent. :D But I won't tell you how or where to go. Because thats illegal my friend. Violating the TOS is WRONG! Arrr.

Anyways here is a good little read. Although this is a waste of time space,etc. Those who believe vg is the cause of crimes they always will. Those who know better. Understand common sense and have been through a history class. Life didn't start when video games started. Life before games true.

As one person once said. If games are the cause of violence then everyone would be in dark rooms eating magic pills or something to that effect. Pac-Man quote. I love it.

Thats the link I'll shut up now.
12:59 AM

Monday, May 28, 2007
Anti-Religious. My views on evil religion and it's corruption of mankind
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
You know I got one answer that sums it all up. Noahs Ark...Come on..Thats about the most false story someone could ever make.

Alright thats to easy for you right ?

Btw here is a link to a creation muesuem..Just wanted to share.


This is my best explantion and though I could always expand on this. This is my thoughts for this afternoon.

The Big lie!

I just want this to be very clear and understanding.
Suppose for the rest of your life you was lied to. How would you feel ?
If that lie could destroy the fundamentals of so much you have done ? Just what would you do if you was left to believe that Santa was real and you really really believed that all your life. Until someone crushed your belief and proved it wasn't true. Well for me religion is a big lie.

What I stand for

If you know me you know I stand for a lot in life. I respect and wish to protect my friends. I have feelings and those feelings extend to those I love and care for. That means you all friends,relatives,etc. I want to protect my friends and relatives from this lie. But not just them. I want to extend my hand out to the kids and families who are being mind raped.

Being the outsider and not being the religous in a world of religion isn't easy

Religion holds it's ground. Religion has it's claws in the majority of the population of the world. The lie that  is known as fact. It is sickening.

I watched Jesus Camp today and the days before that The God Who Wasn't There as well as The Root of all Evil. I will be going over these again to highlight my thoughts on various parts of the films.

Jesus Camp scares me.

This women is scaring these kids into believing that Harry Potter is evil. Warlocks are evil and that Harry should die! This women is evil. She is the spawn of whatever evil carnation religion is. She needs a copy of Jeanna Kalogridis Burning Times. At least the lady in the book wasn't actually some devil spawn like the religious nuts in the book. Lets not forget Borgia Bride and the reality of that. You can find out all the info you need about this time in history and the evil pope who ruled in that time. I mean she is so cruel lady at Jesus Camp and to mind rape all these kids! How dare she. Honestly how can she be this way. Judgemental mind rape is all she is. She has never read any books by Terry Goodkind and so she is saying Warlocks like Richard should die for being who they are. This to me is just one way of saying I really despise religion.

Lets look at these characters shall we.

Harry Potter born a magician but was left in the care of probably to religious nut cases who despised magic. They tortured and picked on Harry to no end for being who he was and he didn't even have a clue. But who had the last laugh ? And she wants to kill this nice little boy who had all these problems and is still being tormented by everyone. But she wants Potter dead for his beliefs! I hate this lady. Thats like her saying I should die for wearing black the better percent of the time and oh yes I've been tormented for that amongst other things in school. All bs.

Richard Rahl. A very good kind person. Who at one time was a woods guide. He was and is one of the nicest people you will ever know in a book. Unfortunately he should die because he is a warlock by cause not by choice. Because and get this here is the most wonderful part. There is this mass of religious people who believe people shouldn't be happy and that they should worship this certain person. So what does this religious set of people do ? Taking over towns. Raping and killing people. Unless they accept whoever their master is. So annoying. I hate this lady I really do.

So my question to your gods and masters

Where were you when Harry Potter was being tormented ?

Where were you when Richard was in need ? Obviously the answer is your religions are flawed and not full proof worst they want to kill people who are not evil but good. Oddly enough. Judgemental mind rape!

Abortion and this is worst of all. That dam church is mind raping these 10 and younger kids to become "warriors of god' So that they may ban abortion. I don't wish it on any of them. But I hope their all raped in the name of christ. Especially the girls and I hope they all get pregnant. Then they will have to carry that spawn of hatred all their life..Because thats what god wants.

Science Jesus Camp bashes

I won't bother mentioning how they kept telling those kids science was a joke.

I'm rather amazed that I have friends who are religious and that they tolerate me. But I do understand it. As it's not what faith we believe but rather our connection as far as humans goes. Everyone can set aside their beliefs. Because beliefs are just like hobbies,favorites,etc. The problem I have most of all. Is though there is so many facts proving that religion is nothing but lies. It's hard for others to get outside their religious bubble and see that. So what am I saying is that I don't like knowing so many friends,relatives,people are being lied to. Worst is I can only dream of a world that wasn't and isn't held back by belief. I'm writing this at this time because of a website I am currently viewing and it sickens me. A Creation Museum. It's sad that their faith is being crushed so much they have to come up with crap like this and creation scientist. People like that need to be jailed. Why can these people continue to get away with pulling a blanket over peoples heads and though when someone tries to pull the blanket back people snap and say but leave their religion alone. Don't joke on religion..Though they can live merrily and continue their ramapage of the destruction of our minds ? Forgive me. But if I was to run around giving everyone happy pills and tell them it's the only way to Gods heart. How is that in anyway a good thing ?

So it is true. I will continue my religious bashing and will only move forward. Certainly there are many good people that are religious. Some can't be changed. Their minds are to far gone. Certainly there are aspects of religion that at one time was meant for good and certainly I believe religion shouldn't be set free from tribes whose lives will never be outside of that field. But for everyone else living in the modern world. We do not need false realities. We don't need gods or masters. We need ourselves. We need freedom. The right to know right from wrong and the will to pursue being good judges of our own world. Our decisions needs to be made by our own people. Not some gods in some far away land.
Currently listening:
Meisterwerk 2
By My Dying Bride
Release date: 20 April, 2004
10:41 AM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Something I don't always mention
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I'm a sucker for magic. I love magicians. I know it's an illusion. But I am completely facinated and I really enjoy watching Magic Shows. Just thought you should know. I'm watching Criss Angel right now.
9:59 PM

 Saturday, June 02, 2007

A mixture of poetry. New revised mix and two completely new.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Writing and Poetry
This first one is the old mix newer one

Prayers I've said

All the prayers I've said
before I'm in bed
Now I lie dead
bullet in my head
Blood stains the pillow
Gangs continue their fights
Fights stupid fights
Stray bullets shower our world
Gun control impossible
Pointing the finger
Their only bringer
It's always the same
Game company name
Always put to shame
Those who create the game
Here I lie dead
Drenched in my own blood
All my prayers forgotten
In my coffin rotten

I can't remember who the little boy was. But it was a news article. Either online at Fark. On the radio or the news on tv. I know from my writing he died from a stray bullet but other then that I don't know where,etc.

Well I have this written some where on this pc. Although here today I did my own remake. The real writing is just notes of thoughts I had.

In shadows she lurks

In shadows she lurks
Lust hunger and thirst
Her intensity increases
Inside this dying smile
The haunting of immortality
A moral life once
immoral now forever
Blood she craves
In her lovers arms
held close and tight
she feeds this night
without thought
Draining his life
blood stains her lips
Ravish is her need
Beneath the moon
dimly lit onto the Earth
Crimson her lips
His body limp
she releases him without care
Tears gather onto her
she has over taken him
In shadows she lurks
this lady of darkness
Her fears of her own self
Alone in this dark cold world
Tears for her dead lover
Alone again lonely tonight
Nothing will ever be the same

Never give in or up and always push on

If she steps into the light this time
will she shine like once before
So dim has it been these years
Her life a wreckage taking it's toll
Uncertain world changing in front of her
Reaching out but no one pulls her up
She has fallen into this silent abyss
She was so much to so many but
Like fading shadows she had gone away
Her world left bleak and uncertain
Torn away from all she had gained
This spec of nothing she was becoming
But she would not give in
Determined to continue on
She rose above in her own mind
This invisible belief that existed only to her
Though still she carried on
Her will so very strong
If the light doesn't shine for her
It will always shine in her mind

Nolon Door 5-25-07
2:40 AM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
266 inbox msg's going to the trash. I've got more to say. Read!
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
So I've always been the guy who archives and or tries or wishes to archive everything. I'm a collector of the words and voices and images I've been sent over the years online. I honestly am. I have pictures sent to me from friends from long ago. Even their newly born babies. I have emails lots of emails. But today I'm feeling the need to press delete. At least @ Myspace. Since for some reason when someone goes delete. Myspace then delete's their emails..So then I have no clue who they are or what we spoke about..Never a good thing. I hold onto my friends and hope that they as well may move on in life but continue being friends. Some of those friends it is true. Some of them not. I am also at fault for problems such as neglecting friends. It happens it truely does. Unfortunately and sadly true.

I also want to share with you that I have plans. Plans I won't reveal but involve Myspace. I can't say I know when or if it will happen. But I have lot of those plans. Just a lot of future changes. And rethinking things,etc.

Well Meg and I will be leaving soon. So I better put some dam socks and shoes on right ? But I need to get my nice socks from Megs car. Sadly I've not done that but I paid good money for those socks.
1:24 PM

 Tuesday, June 05, 2007

private blog dont waste a clik
woah woah.. you have it all wrong!

im not cheeting on nate, or any other guy... (i dont cheet) its nate im talking about... hees the one ive fallen head over heals for, and since its a new-ish relationship, i feel like if i tell him how i feel, he will think im one of those pathetic girls who says "i love you" to every guy she dates.. (i havnt read the rest of it yet, but going on the assumption that you think im cheeting on some bf with nate or vise verse, im not sure it has much relevence... im going to go read it now, tho)

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: RockersUnderground
Date: Oct 23, 2005 2:08 PM

So I wrote this all together in a phat paragraph,but here is two smaller versions for ya. If you want to proceed to a long story then go ahead,but here is two short version things...Also I didn't proofread anything so yea um might be a little screwed.

But as far as telling Nate. Meg would say yes tell him. I would say tell him because holding things back doesn't help a relationship and if you feel there is problems then you should try to talk it out with him,but if you feel that he feels and you feel the relationship isn't working then I think you should think about this other partner,but once again you should think about this other partner and what are the benefits disadvantages of a new relationship. Just as well remember that holding it back will only weaken what is and Im sure that if this person that you like knows you like them and see's how you treat this affair with Nate maybe they will feel that they can't trust you as a partner,but your opinions or your own. I like alot of my friends and some I would date,but see that also becomes a problem. I would date some of my friends. I told this to my girlfriend once and well ever since she has been jealous of one of my friends that I pointed out to her,but I was just saying I would date her...Ok I admit that I did flirt with her online but that was where the line always drew.

I think Katie was talking with me on messengers soon enough. She fell in love with me and here is you first tip. :D Falling in love with friends does happen,or people you meet online...should you pursue futher with that is your own opinion,but what char traits and what does that person have to offer that Nate wouldn't doesn't and would you think that person feels the same for you and is willing to pursue futher action also in this person are you looking for a companion,lover,just a lay ? All questions you should ask yourself and do you think from what you know of this person do they seem to hold a relationship if of course that is what you're looking for and as always protection safe sex and spermicide as it's most affective,but birth pills are best. But most importantly this new person should be checked just as you should be. But though I know nothing of your sexual relationships and or if you have them. Not my concern. But you're 18 so I do assume you know of them. Now for Katie however I just wanted to be her friend and she was really crazy and stopped talking to me after awhile because I was and just wanted to be her friend


My mind is not working correctly and therefore what I say may not be exactly as I quiet wish for this to go,but Im willing to give you pointers,tips,etc.. On love life based on my opinions,experience. However Im so indepth when writing things I may go out of the story for the whole story to appear. So let's start it off shall we. I do give you rights to post this where ever you wish to. Well besides school life there never really was a life there. I mean flirting with some of the girls and maybe had a moment with one,or two,but nothing ever serious in my town. Never really wanted to,but if ever it came to that and I had fallen for someone there well that would of been great. However that never happened. Just that which I mention. Now let's see I guess 98/97 was the year that me and Stephanie started dating my x. The girl I had fallen in love with and was thinking of starting a future with. At that time I was still in high school and pissed off at probably every member of the school system,but I had my reason and that for one Is a whole other story. I had been given advice by everyone in my family...Every drug stoned craZed family member. That quiting school was not an option and though I understood that so fully well Im stubborn and never listen. That my friend is why Im still a nobody in the world of everybodys and thats ok because I have my life and Im happy with what I have done even though those who never finish school can't be nothing...At least thats what school says. Im one to try and prove some people wrong. So to go on with the story. When I asked because I did ask her out. Over the internet on Yahoo. It was a joke..Or I dunno. It was like saying hey I want you,but I never meant it..I dunno. It wasn't a haha I hate you so Im going to ask you out to make you feel bad. Just a hey lets go out..Kid play crap. I was young :D but she said yes and hell no girl ever says yes to crazy me..So that was shocking,but great and so I went along for the ride. I still don't think I ever told her that part though. :/ But yes thats how it went and from there I fell in love. She lived in Alaska and I Louisiana. She had everything I wanted. cold weather,beautiful landscapes,a place away from Louisiana,and her. She was younger then me. I was 17 and she like 15. But no I never knew her age when asking her out. It's just she was younger. Younger isn't bad,but you know some people think otherwise. So it's going good and Im making all these false lies which Im not thinking there lies and I don't know much about dating at this time. Considering this is my first relationship. But you know I wanted it to work and we talked over the phone and used to online there was and phonefree...In those days you could go to those websites and make calls for free. You REALLY COULD! That was free calls anywhere. So yes that helped our relationship bond. Then when that changed where you couldn't make free calls phone cards came out and I bought one. She also had free calls and we stayed in touch,but underneath all these false claims that I will go see you and one day we meet which still hasn't happened. There was what I learned to call lack of communication. Like it just started to seem she was drawn away from our phone calls and maybe it was just that years and almost going on two years of still saying yes Steph one day I will be there...working fast food never gets you anywhere except to bed to get back the next day. But I meant it and it never happen. She never said it,but Im sure that hurt her you know. So with her lack of interest and my communication to tell her I think something is wrong would you like to talk. I just let it go. You know wouldn't mention it. Just let it go on as it was. So one day..oh yes one day. :D and the paragraph grows and all you wanted was some DAM POINTERS! Ah ha. Well I brought my friend to visit his girlfriend since his mom couldn't take him. Well some how after we left later on I don't remember,but I got her Icq number and we started talking they broke up,but then me and her started dating. My girlfriend in Alaska though I broke it off with. So now im 18 and I don't how many months I had been 18,but yes I was 18. Well she was 15 and one day I went visit her. I was still a virgin at this time and I just thought I would go over watch videos whatever...well it turned into unprotected sex and then finding out she had a girlfriend which was cool,but weird and then about two weeks later she broke up with both of us and a few days later,or something Im on the phone with Steph and she goes out with me..No discussion with her as to where,or what I been doing. But as all this has been going on in our first year together me and Steph I started talking to Meg who I met @ when Darkness was different then now. We became good friends. We were friends for two years approx. I also met Katie @ Darkness around the same time. These were my friends. I also did alot of emailing in those days. Sort of like I do now with you and others @ Myspace,but it was like alot alot. It was cool because I knew alot of people. No pictures,but just txt. Meg became that friend and Meg just so you know is my g/f now,but now I think Katie was talking with me on messengers soon enough. She fell in love with me and here is you first tip. :D Falling in love with friends does happen,or people you meet online...should you pursue futher with that is your own opinion,but what char traits and what does that person have to offer that Nate wouldn't doesn't and would you think that person feels the same for you and is willing to pursue futher action also in this person are you looking for a companion,lover,just a lay ? All questions you should ask yourself and do you think from what you know of this person do they seem to hold a relationship if of course that is what you're looking for and as always protection safe sex and spermicide as it's most affective,but birth pills are best. But most importantly this new person should be checked just as you should be. But though I know nothing of your sexual relationships and or if you have them. Not my concern. But you're 18 so I do assume you know of them. Now for Katie however I just wanted to be her friend and she was really crazy and stopped talking to me after awhile because I was and just wanted to be her friend.I also was with Steph and didn't want to be with any other girl. Now though that we don't talk I do think about what if and I would like to let her know that I did like her then,but I just was happy to have her as my friend. Meg and I started talking over the phone and Iming one another one day when I wrote her on Hotmail and then I was inbox and she wrote me and we got to talking like it was a messenger and I was like you got a messenger and so we started talking. I already knew alot about her and what not. We became really good friends. Still with Steph and we still talk,but the communication has died and she has grown up and Im sure she started liking guys and I would really think that true because she is now preg,or has a kid I dunno which one. I wish I did,but I don't kinda upsets me,but oh well. Just so if anyone ever reads this. It only upsets me consider the time frame that in which it happened..or maybe the low standards..I dunno. I better shut up. So Meg became such a good friend that I would talk about her like as though we were together as friends everyday and though we wasn't. I would talk with my roommate about her and always talking about her,etc So then one day I called Meg when she was loosing her...yea and so I dunno I felt alot of pain and started crying and I realized that I love her and more then anything I wish to be with her. But sadly she was with her new b/f. So Im still talking to Meg and she tells me about this and of course as I said yes we talked about everything. Just like I would with you and or any friend online who asked me things. I don't have nothing to hide nor did she. She open to me. Well about a week later they broke up. :D Ok so maybe I shouldn't do :D But supposedly he was a jerk,etc Used her. Well I asked her out and I never knew how she felt about me,but she did she liked me alot and she wanted to come down. Well she did come down. On a bus as a minor running away from Wi to Louisiana...but to shorten this we are happy and still together. 3 and half years. Now im in Wi. But I forgot to mention Steph so soon after asking Meg out I broke up with Steph. and also before I asked Meg out wow man My story is all screwed. Ok so after Amber I was with no one,but later on I was having sexual intercourse with some girl,but that was it. We had no relationship,etc...That however did happen while going out with Steph,but I didn't consider we me and her going out because it was odd. She me never really talked anymore. Very strange time and so yea,but then after that Meg came down and we started dating. That was July 2001 think.I was 19 and she was 16. and so on so forth here I am now. But as far as telling Nate. Meg would say yes tell him. I would say tell him because holding things back doesn't help a relationship and if you feel there is problems then you should try to talk it out with him,but if you feel that he feels and you feel the relationship isn't working then I think you should think about this other partner,but once again you should think about this other partner and what are the benefits disadvantages of a new relationship. Just as well remember that holding it back will only weaken what is and Im sure that if this person that you like knows you like them and see's how you treat this affair with Nate maybe they will feel that they can't trust you as a partner,but your opinions or your own. I like alot of my friends and some I would date,but see that also becomes a problem. I would date some of my friends. I told this to my girlfriend once and well ever since she has been jealous of one of my friends that I pointed out to her,but I was just saying I would date her...Ok I admit that I did flirt with her online but that was where the line always drew. It never meant more then that and after what with Katie I told her you know don't fall in love with me. I never flirted with Katie unless I did but it was so small it never meant anything. So yes the girlfriend stumbled upon some my logs because I leave them for her to read if ever she feels otherwise about me. Because I don't have anything to hide,but yes I use to flirt even when dating Meg. I never considered it bad,but I never wanted to pursue it. Harmless fun. Something I did before I met her. Now though I don't do it. Just like when we started dating I told her I was in love with her and Steph. It's hard to get over the one you love and though I don't have feelings for Steph anymore. Her lifestyle,where she lives and who she is with concerns me. Why wouldn't it ? She was the one I love for two years. I never had any major hatred towards her the relationship just fell apart. But im happy where I am and Im glad to be here in Wi especially with winter coming and yes we get in our arguments,but me and Meg make it through most because I told her and I hope she follows through,but I know I mess up with it. Though conversation is a must. Allowing yourself to be open and to tell your partner what's going on if something is wrong. Though no one can ever be truthful you must me dam truthful as possible.

2:20 PM

Thursday, June 14, 2007 has a new look and I have a rant on Cell phone companies
Current mood:  aggravated
Category: Blogging
Alright has a new layout. It looks great. So go check it out. If you don't know what is. Let me explain. Say you like a specific type of music. No matter, rap, country, rock, symphony,etc.

Lets say for example you enjoy emo..I know cringe..But either way. Lets just say it's your drug of choice. Well Pandora will play that band and bands with for the most part very similar bands that sound like the band you like. It's a great and interesting way to play music. You also get to create many playlists so that you can have different radio stations of choice.

Now my rant. My phone company charges us 124 a month. Unlimited access to the internet. Need I remind you how horrible that access really is. Although it is certainly good for txt based websites and only some of them. Works well for Google and it's good for sending video back and forth between Meg and I. But beyond that it really has nothing going for it.

Now onto the rant. These phone companies will take every little cent they possibly can. Why don't we charge them for ringtones and wall papers and why don't we not allow them to make their own ringtones. I believe we can do our own and upload our own wallpapers but ringtones ha. Don't even think about it. It won't happen. No instead you have to go through this forced selection of crappy music..Not all of it though. I got Funky Cold Medina and Chimaira..So I mean you can find some good stuff. But still 4 dollars for snippets of certain songs...WTF! Now they want to charge me to use Pandora on my phone...What kind of horrible joke ? Sure I'd be happy to pay for Pandora if I had an efficent player of sorts besides my phone...But that battery life is terrible.
Currently listening:
If This Is Hell, Then I'm Lucky
By Deadboy and the Elephantmen
10:29 AM

Saturday, June 16, 2007
My departure Goodbye for now
Current mood:  hot
Category: Blogging
Well my intentions are as of the 18th of this month I will not come back online until August..Ha I bet that won't happen. But it's something I will try. Yes I'll be back on the road and I certainly look forward to having money again. Over the period in which I'll be back. I'm possibly going to see a good 2k in money. I do hope. Certainly though once I get my own truck that will only go up. Well I'll miss you all I assume ha. It was good being home. But as usual I did a lot of slacking and didn't accomplish a lot. Although Meg and I had a lot of good times and made some very good meals as well as spent a lot of money to eat good meals. Good bye so long. I'll be on and off over the next few days. But I wanted to post this. I should be in bed. I can't sleep. I'm terribly hot.
3:37 AM

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Bridge to Terabitha Very Inspiring. However
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Yes I've watched this movie the other day. I must say very inspiring. It had me over the days since replaying this poem I wanted to write. I did do that tonight. No I am not sharing it however at the time. It's still a work in progress. But a progress in completetion none the less. But it's very rough. Though on the truck my mind will be clear and I know then and there I'll be writing more writings as I was. Writings that I will be happy with. But this writing I was inspired by the movie. It's a compare and contrast with ones fear and over coming of that fear when being in a forest. Also compare and contrast with one who is one with or has been in a forest and understands it is not something to fear. So far I feel it is a good writing.

Why am I bothering you all with this ? Well not only did it inspire one but it inspired at least three. Unfortunately. Only that one I really wanted to write and the rest well they were just extras I guess and now I've forgotten them. I guess I'll need to rewatch the film and hope my ideas come back to me.

I do recommend seeing the movie. At first it may seem that it isn't a good movie and I do hope that no one surprises you or tells you anything about it. Like someone did to poor Meg. But it may seem not to be a good movie though it has a lot of twist and turns and in the end it's a very good film.
Currently listening:
Like Gods Of The Sun
By My Dying Bride
Release date: 21 December, 2006
4:14 AM

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Inspiring and sick WHO AM I
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I swear my writings really make me wonder. One day I'll write this lovely writing. Then one day I'm writing about a dude banging a dead chic. Then some days I'll be writing some sick writing and then before or after I'll write something wonderful. I'm just crazy. Alright it's 6am. Maybe I can sleep till 10am ? Who knows. I'm still hot but feeling a bit better. I just feeling good to as I've wrote a few new writings. Again their mine. Not sharing nope not today. Trust me one of those you wouldn't want to read anyways and one of them is just a sad sad love story thingie. I don't know why I keep writing. Anyone reading this ? Man I'm talking to myself. Only Meg is reading. Ha she needs to know what I say. Because I'm her bread and butter and nutter. Mahaha
Currently listening:
Boggy Depot
By Jerry Cantrell
Release date: 07 April, 1998
4:44 AM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th ? 4th Rant and Oteps good 4th blog
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Happy 4th from Otep This is a good write up

If you wish to know some history
But you just probably want some barbq and beer right ? Kidding gees

You probably are thinking Nolon why waste time. This is a holiday just about our Independence from Great Britain. Wrong and right.

It is also celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776,

Which was a time of slavery. You know hey NIGGER GO GET MY COKE. As well as look that red savage KILL EM!

Not to forget the religious nonsense as well when uncertain how to explain problems...Oh she is a witch hang the bitch

President Abraham Lincoln succinctly explained the central importance of the Declaration to American history in his Gettysburg Address of 1863:

  "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Read this clearly. I don't want you to miss anything alright.

***"conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." ****

Liberty is generally considered a concept of political philosophy and identifies the condition in which an individual has the ability to act according to his or her own will.

I guess in 1776 he pretty much pulled crap from his ass. Because obviously he missed the women,Africans and the Natives.

So no it isn't just about our freedom from the old world. It's also about everything I've stated. So don't say otherwise and enjoy. :D

*Note* Men are created equal. I guess he completely forgot how he became a man right ?
It's funny when you read the abpve quote by our white president. Which might I add do you see any other color presidents ?

My rant.

In short what I'm saying is. In this utopia we call America I'd love to see it as the dream it's supposed to be. A land of free people. A world where everyone can agree on things and not be discriminated against. A place to call home and feel great about. But you know we have a long way to go.

A longer thought out more calmer view. Then yesterdays rant.

I believe the concept of America is a great concept. Lets all be free. Lets all together celebrate our independence.

Together however isn't really America. That is still a work in progress. Ask some religions about their thoughts/views on Gays,Athiests,Jews,Pagans,etc.

In short we can point the finger at religion, mens view that women are no more then house wives, racists remarks , the skewed view that we all should speak English in a land so diverse in culture and race and mankind's own destruction of this free country but however we all are to blame and certainly however it does make a free country and independent country and an advanced country.

Lets not forget our friends over in Mexico. Who are having a hard time escaping their world only to wish to come here and work harder then most of us care to. While on the other hand some "Americans" would rather wish them killed and kicked back to "their" land. As if this land was given to us free of charge. Just as them we had our problems. It doesn't mean they should have to kill us off. As we did the natives. Which might I mention are still neglected. If we should work together. Lets do that. Land of the Free right ?

Need I mention the problem with the skewed forced belief that we must all speak English. I must admit even I am guilty for once feeling this way. Certainly it is a skewed view shared by a lot. As who doesn't get frustrated when someone can't speak your language. But why don't you put your foot in your mouth and realize they are as well having trouble with your English.
Certainly English is a good language as I do speak it. But I however have overcome for sometime my feelings about how everyone should speak English and I believe I have or have not written a post but since the time that I changed my mind I either did or did not write a blog on it. Regardless you can find me ranting in my blogs about everyone needing to speak English. But that is incorrect. This is America. Land of the free. Where everyone has a voice and we are not one race,culture,religion. We are a diverse group with one interest to be free. So next time stop and think before you blame or mock someone who can't speak English and remember they have to learn and some will and some won't. But those who won't. It's their choice. In America we have the choice and we are free. No one has the right to tell anyone what to speak or what language.

After reading about my views on language you might feel that I am being contradicting when it comes to religion. I have my views on religion because I see it for what it is. It is harm. It's a plague and it holds back advances in many technologies. But I'm not here to rant on that and your welcome to go further down the rabbit hole and read Richards book on my feelings and maybe you to will change yours.
Sure I love this Happy Utopia called America and I'm glad that we have the right to live "free" at least to an extent. But lets also not forget those from across the seas who have come here not by choice but by slave trades. Who might I add to this day still have a lot of trouble with us white folks who are ingrained to believe their to be feared. At least some I do certainly fear because they provide that atmosphere that doesn't mean their all like that and that whites are in anyway superior either.

Lets not forget the most important part. This freedom. This land of ours. This neglected and destructed country. America. There is much to still enjoy through out our country. I know I drive truck. There is a lot of natural wonders and as well there is many man made amazements. But still however we have created a problem. Starting with the extinction of animals. Pollution and the destruction of the homes of the animals,plants that live there. I fully am capable of understanding we were not advanced enough to know better when creating this world. That is why we evolve. Funny thing is now that I think about it. When reading Richard Dawkins book God Delusion and his views on terrorist. As well as how most wars are in part conflicts of religion. I believe and in fact know that some of the Europeans thought killing off the natives was right because they were savages. Uncertain however if that had anything to do with religion. So in part they felt it was right. That meant killing babies,mothers,fathers and anyone else who stood in their way was fully acceptable because they were evil people. We also brought our diseases along with us and literally wiped out the original natives of the country.

I originally was going to post this and of course as is always I usually go over what I write. Then I remember women and the problem they had.

You know once women wasn't allowed to vote. Women were pretty much not allowed a lot of things. Though sure it's changed..It's not entirely completely changed however. Remember some jobs are still given because of the way a women looks and that sometimes men are paid better simply because their not a women,etc.

Another subject I would like to bring up when speaking about women is the handicap and the headaches they have to go through even now in this year of 2007. My girlfriend is handicap and has a disease. Which you should know about called CIDP. Google it. So here is the funny thing. In order to get money from our government to help them with their problems..Every year they have to go down to social service or some office and prove their handicap WTF IS THAT!

I could go on and on about this. I know I probably left out some topics and other hatred against other races,etc But in the end. I just wish that not only should you be happy for your freedom. But you should accept all the hard work that it is taking to get there. As well as accepting the hardships of our world the plants the animals and the people who have gone through trouble for your pleasures and "freedom"

On the ending note. Now if only we got rid of religion and if you need a reason or an explantion why I feel that way. Think of the children. Think of the mental abuse their going through. Please read the God Delusion by RichArd Dawkins

And now this wasn't posted for the sake of advertising the book. But as I said in the beginning of this post and I'll say at the end. In order for us all to get together and become equal there is much that needs to be done and in reality I can't say for certain but I don't think that will ever happen. Mainly in part because of peoples religious beliefs and how it contradicts with and holds power.

So Happy 4th ?
12:15 AM

 Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A guide to parenting your Myspace children.
Current mood:  annoyed
Category: Blogging
I could sit this in with the many other posts that I need to post on my views and opinions. I could be less harsh on some subjects. Though I've tried to mixture in heartfelt with not so heartfelt opinions. But in the end the aim here is for the parents on my list. Spread the word. Open your mind. Make decisions and choices on your own. Don't be afraid and don't feel you're invading privacy. Unless their profile is private and then maybe be concerned. I wish the best and I hope you all enjoy the article.


I wish to voice my opinions on the news media and their lack of actual understanding.

I want to start off with communication by means of forums,phones,messengers,social networking...Like Myspace. As well as any other possible means of having a one to one communication between two people without intervention. We will use Myspace as the majority here. That being said. Lets move on.

Anyone with any common sense or intelligence would understand that if you want your privacy. You do not interact with others. Under any circumstances at all. If however you choose to do so through the means of fake names and the use of untrue information. Otherwise you could always be open and truthful as I have been from pretty much the beginning of my time online. Though in the beginning skeptical and it isn't a very good idea to be open and public. But I welcome my life to whatever risks that may come of the choices I make. Though there are others who lack some fundamental keys to understanding the risks they are taking when they choose to open up to others.

That is a huge problem especially for women. Unfortunately there are guys who are completely moronic idiots and our own laws won't affect their choices. Because they may rape or kill you. But spend the rest of their time sitting in comfort..Sure there is some unwelcoming problems with that. But they still enjoy a some what happy life. Unfortunately instead of being tortured daily. Which would In my opinion leave a lot of people thinking otherwise about the bad decisions they choose.

Carelessness is your own fault. It is not your fault if you are killed or rape. But the people you choose to hang around with and associate yourself with might possibly trigger such an issue. Unfortunately as well the parents who may raise you and their lack of responsibility. The religious beliefs they bestow upon you and your guilt for the foolishness you may believe against your own right. There are also those who you must really feel sorry for. Those that really did believe they made the right decisions but were lied to. That can't be prevented. Sometimes no matter the choices you make in the end it may end for the worst. Is that the fault of the means in which that came about ? No but could it have been prevented possibly and maybe not. Again the means of communication isn't the fault at hand. It still relies upon the means of the users. Unfortunately what is good for one may not be good for the other. I feel very sad for those people who get caught in those predicaments. I do not and will not blame Myspace. Nor any other means of communication.

Myspace as any other means of communication can be used for good or bad decisions. Myspace does not make those decisions. That relies upon the social members of Myspace. Like any means of communication. You make the choices. Sometimes those choices you may think are right. Sometimes they maybe wrong. It is unfortunate that some loose their lives because of the people they meet. A means of communication doesn't always mean through electronic devices. It could be that someone you met wants to do you harm if you met them in the park,bar or any other social gathering. But the news only reports what it wants you to believe. You have to make the choice and the decisions to believe what is real and do your own investigating. If anything just thinking like in this situation can easily solve the problem. But if you let the media and others persuade your mind. You will only be a lost sheep in the herd of many.

You need good examples of how news,historians and the likes of those who are in control of what's behind the scenes deceive you. Watch this film.

Read about Nikola Tesla who you may have never heard in your history class. Though he is around you daily through his many inventions.

There are many other examples. Remember you choose your paths and your decisions. Do so wisely.

Remember Safety!

The next articles I found through Google searching.

A very detailed news article

A supposed 17 safety tips ebook you have to sign up for

These next articles all come through But are created at other site. Digg is similar to Google. Only that it isn't a search engine. It's a place where people rank a website and the more it gets "dugg" it then ends up on the main page.

Myspace cheat sheet for parents
This article is very open minded. If as a parent you should stop and think and not just argue in anger. As the article says your 14 year old maybe friends with a 50 year old. Is that harmful ? No but then again. If the guy is friends with only 14 year old girls. That might be a clue he isn't a good guy.

Unlike the real world where there is neighborhood watch. You can also have a Myspace watch.

Another cheat sheet

Another safety tip sheet and also a flash video. This is from the social network Beebo

Lying children and bad parenting Myspace never told you to lie.,9171,1207808,00.html

Amuse yourself and release the stress you are now feeling.

If you got this far and wish to smile. Zelda fans a Myspace for you. Hyspace.

It's Geo and Fortunecities all over again...Shudders.

Ah yes good Myspace layouts.

Trillian Astra. MyspaceIM included. Can't you wait to free your desk of that horrible Myspace messenger ?

Myspaces Tom such a perv. Ha.

Lmao thats sad but funny
Your band must play for free.

Supposing you're to old for Myspace,,1809647,00.html

10 reasons this guy/girl doesn't have a Myspace account

Myspace the evil corp history spam they are

Myspace the horrible layout crappy designed website..And Nolon couldn't do better. I'm just following the herd that speaks the truth. As I know there is better design out there. Not that I feel Myspace is horrible. Thats usually their users. Who manage some ugly designs.

This bulletin wouldn't be anything without the help of,,, and many great extensions for the Firefox browser. As well as many links contributed from the social users of Digg.

Ps. A good Firefox extension that will help you with this is Linkification. It turns all the links into hyperlinks. So that you can click on them instead of copy paste.
Currently listening:
The Pursuit Begins When This Portrayal Of Life Ends
By Evans Blue
Release date: 24 July, 2007
11:48 PM

Monday, August 13, 2007
shhh private
Current mood:  annoyed
Category: Life
You can't live with them and you can't live without them. Right. One minute their happy and in love. The next their pissed and misunderstood. Why is it that they or I won't say all because I only know one.But why is that once she gets her triggered pulled,hair in a knot or whatever it maybe that makes her this way. Why can't she snap right out. My worst assumption she feels the need to hold a grudge. That is my best possible answer. I don't hold a grudge. I'm willing to sit down and work whatever maybe troubling at the time. In this case I understand the trouble. I'm one who remembers in bits and pieces. As most say I'm spastic. One reason or another I remembered that 12 Stones had a new album coming out tomorrow. Well Meg was in the room. I in my mind assumed Meg will be coming out rub my shoulder say something sweet usual love thing. And mention lets watch the movie and that I might say one sec one minute. But I would be certain to be there. Regardless what I assumed and what she assumed were two different things. I assumed that. What she either assumed or as I have two assumptions that she assumed. One I'm still always in wonder if it could be true. But I have a hard time believing she would be that annoying. On the other hand my better assumption is that she had her assumptions as I had mine. I was trying to write the bulletin to remind others of a great album. While she assumed on the other hand that I was going to go meet her and tell her to come and watch the movie. However my worst assumption is that she saw me coming sit at the pc and figured she would make a scene then run off to bed and then next thing you know I'm left wondering wtf the lights are off in the room for and why is it that she is asleeping and then suddenly the realization hits me. She is either in miscommunication mode or setting me up so she can be pissed off mode. But either way I can only feel sorry and assume the better judgement. But lets not forget I put the movie in I said are you ready to watch it. She went off in the room. I assume and again I still assume that I felt she was going to come back rub me on the shoulder and say lets sit down. But in the end who really knows. She will definately read this and most likely be angry about this. But I don't care. I want to write what I feel so that is fresh and as I remember it. So that there can be no misunderstanding of what was on my mind and what I assumed was on her mind. So no one can point fingers and say otherwise. Good night good bye so long and there goes another I thought would of ended happy nights. Not to say that all nights in this way. But twice a week is a good assumption. Not that it all happens the same way but I'm always the culprit asshole who some how manages to fuck things up. In some small minor way that in no way can be fixed by saying sorry i love you i'm sorry i didn't mean it miscommunication misunderstanding forgive me,etc no matter when her time is right she will smile and be happy and I await the loving girl I do know for the better part of relationships. So remember kids. What your uncles and fathers say is true. You might smile and assume it is a joke. It's far from it. Note it and take good note. And do love your wife girlfriend or whatever she might be to you when that time comes. Shake your head at times but remember you can't live with them nor without them.
10:47 PM

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Rayman Raving Rabbids. Is driving me INSANE! Ahh!
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
So there is this game for the Wii and it's very funny. But it's driving me insane. I got to this point where one of the games is to shake one of the controllers and aim with the other. There is like 5 portajohns..Technically. Now inside is these mad insane rabbits that mock me. They treat me like no one and keep opening the doors when their trying to poop. And I keep trying to close the doors by pointing at the door and shaking the other controller. If you don't know the Wii. Nintendo's latest system then let me explain. The controller is something unlike any game controller. It is motion senstive. Basically you move your hand right the pointer moves right and with the left hand you shake and the hand on the screen shakes...Yes it's a work out of madness and because these rabbits don't want to keep the doors close and I have 50 seconds to close the doors. I'm going insane.
9:53 PM

Friday, August 31, 2007
Goodbye to the great West Bend Pillars :(
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I could go one and one about Pillars. Though I guess the shortest answer is. I really don't know what is the cause of Pillars closing on me over and over. But I do hope that someone PLEASE REOPEN IT!

Short story. Pillars closes because of financial burden. :(

Pillars Myspace

Learn about Fair Trade Coffee

Censored version/me ranting.

So their closing Pillars again. This time because it didn't succeed. Last time because of religious or moral reasons. This of course is my belief. Now of course it is fact that however Pillars this time has failed with less months in operation then when Mort ran it. I'm just saying..Hint hint. Maybe all the extra focus on certain food items and pretty bathrooms put Pillars in a downfall. Maybe it's because some are just afraid to go to Pillars under it's new management.

Personally I wish it would stay open regardless who runs it. I love and I mean I really honestly love Pillars. The building the calmness. It's exceptionally wonderful. It's like being religious again all over for the architecture of nice buildings. But it also offered new coffee and still I believe fair trade. Which you should drink. But who listens to me. Even the remodeling I think was great but as when Mort was there and even now....That whole business model front entrance and taking away those nice wood doors should of never happened. IMO. That isn't to say it doesn't give it a nice look as it is. I just prefer the old look. I do hope someone else takes over the business and makes it work without ties to a church and so then hopefully without moral reasons it could run without intervention of divine reasons. Then anything legally could happen. Great poets,musicians and many others could come again to express their form of entertainment to the world. Though of course Pillars isn't located in a very business friendly area. Funny though as it is just inches away from all the hip and hop of the many businesses that surrounds it. Then again when Mort was around there was people there. At least when of course some form of entertainment was happening. Don't get me wrong I'm not sure where Pillars failed. I'm guessing mainly from the lack of customers. Either loyal to Mort or just lack there of because of the small town. I had hoped it would stay open. Now besides my loving girlfriend and the welcoming arms of Milwaukee. I have no place to enjoy coffee. Unless I go to the many commercial places like Starbucks and Carabou. Which doesn't offer fair trade.

8:54 AM

Friday, August 31, 2007
My job story. Running solo in the big truck.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
My first time as a over the road trucker.

So it started off happily and merrily. On my way to Illinois. Preplanned my trip and all just didn't preplan one major portion. In hopes that 99 to 1 percent chance that maybe my Qualcomm directions would be right. I WAS WRONG. I figured they were a bit fishy. But I thought you know what the hell.
Bring the truck to point b. Which a being where I picked up and b where I would drop it off. I get to that point. After need I mention a winding spiral of madness back ass roads in the middle of no where Illinois. But hell I made that just fine. Even if I had to stop driving from 60mph to 0 to make rights or lefts in the middle of the night down a zigzagging highway AHHH! So as I'm getting closer. I'm realizing dam I'm really stretched for time. Now on my way there I was driving as though I was running team. Stopped twice to pee. Wtf. Thats not much give or take an hour. Honestly. Well I get where I need to be exactly about 15minutes to spare. I called they said they will give me an hour window to get there. Thats fine. I also mentioned I'm going e on 88. Which I wasn't very certain if this was right. He says no you need to go back 88w. Now of course it's been awhile and I can't recall the story to you as best as possible when it comes to roads. But I remember that road was 88 off of 40. Now when I called I got one of those lady people actor voices. Press this and that. One of those buttons was for directions. WOW! Just what I need when the Qualcomm isn't being nice. So of course instead of stoppping which probably wouldn't of helped either and taking time to figure out. I listened to the recording which was WRONG! She says take 88w to ex36 Btw my Qualcomm said this. 88 x 36n left at matthew..That pretty much was my Qualcomm directions. I mean wtf is that ? Anyways so lady says 88w to ex36 take 130n...Alright now
here is a bit of trivia for you all. If you're traveling w and opposite to that is e where is north ? Should be to the left. I WAS WRONG! Because what happened is this. And next time I'll have my flashers on and my phone in hand. I take the left with uncertainty. As you take exit 36. Which btw isn't marked as exit 36...Oh oh no no. However it does mention us130...But US130 isn't N/S It's E/W. Again I go E. Like on 88. But this time because I rationalized in my head If 88 goes E W and the lady says go N. Then it's left. But I WAS WRONG!.So again here I am in the middle of no wheres. Farms,etc. Nothing for miles.
No place for a 53 foot trailer and a big truck to turn around....Not legally and not for miles. Well finally I get to a 4way and turn it around there. Now at this time I've done screwed up twice and I'm not wanting to screw up anymore as time is nearing a stretch. Now I didn't mention but through this whole time on 88 and on 130 trying to find my way back. I'm repeating these directions over the phone..These FINE DIRECTIONS! That which is wrong on two accounts. More so through my company. But either way now I'm in panic mode. I start driving through this town which is not the town I'm supposed to be in. I call the guy and I'm like going through this town it isn't the town your place is in I see stop lights,etc. He says that is correct. I'm like cool. By this time I'm thinking dam this lady can't be wrong anymore. And she wasn't. But I was worried and didn't want to mess this up anymore then it was. So lady says 130n which 130w to a 4way stop. Half mile past this left on Matthew. Boy she could of been a little bit more precise on that and said 2nd 4way take right and then left on matthew. Which don't get me wrong. That second right was 130 and I should of followed it..But of course again I'm using my head and not my phone. So  I get to this next 4way thinking this must be Matthew....But there is no sign. It's about a half mile. Well maybe I need to go forward just a little bit. Well that was wrong and again I'm on a  trip to no where for a long time and by this time I've missed my appointment. GREAT! Found a place to turn around got back to the second 4way got on the phone called the guy and said look I'm at this second 4way where do I need to go if I'm traveling w on 130. As though I didn't get turned around just to make sure I was clear. He says right I'm like FUCK! So I turn down this road and just a little ways is matthew. And I get there about an hour late. Their like we can't accept this your late. I tried as nice as possible to explain my situation. That didn't matter. So I call dispatch. The guy who gives me loads,appointment times,etc. He says hang your hat for the night. So of course the place I first got lost had a truck stop and I wasn't about to dick around and find the truck stop that Qualcomm said to go to. Nope I rolled right back down to where I knew there was one. I went to sleep in a panic and sick. Thinking I'd loose my job or worst have this over my head for the rest of my time with Prime. Fortunately I got to visit Meg in the morning and everything went over fine. I had to sit for one day before being dispatched again.

Second load. Learning the truth about company. Rumors are now fact.

So I started off with a great introduction to what all my teachers taught me...Well at least I would of...But that didn't happen. Fuck it. Ride the wave of grief and move on. Now I'm used to logging different. Not entirely diferent. But not as I am. As a company driver and as a driver on my own. I will run legal. Company says they want us to and I will so long as I can. Well I had become a little forgetful on how the 14hour rule worked. We can only drive 11 hours in a day and be on duty not driving for 4. We have to get 8 hours of sleep and though 10 is best 2 out of 10 can be used for  personal time. Like showering. Well I had accepted this load on the basis that I didn't want to say no and I wanted to be sure my dispatcher new I could do this job alone. So of course I'm just like yes I'll accept it. Not knowing what I had just gotten myself into and not really fresh on the working of log books. I had forgotten. Anyways I'll make this story short. I've learned that our company will run you hard. Meaning you stop you loose hours. DO NOT STOP!
Your health matters to no one. Legally they can say we did allow that time because he has to preplan and he is the driver. Thats cool with me. But I'd rather not fup my health. Though what am I to do. Their trying to make money and I as well am trying to make money. They make money because I make money and the wheel goes round. I preplanned this trip this time making sure to optimize Google Maps...Because for what reasons I do no know..Besides that m word. Qualcomm this big box from 80's is still being used by truckers. It's horrible and out of date technology. Don't get me wrong it works wonders..But has MUCH MUCH MUCH TO IMPROVE ON. Well I did make it from point a to b. But I learned a valuable lesson as well.

Third trip.
I preplanned to a minimum of how many miles is that road. Is there no bridges lower then 13 6 Alright give me the atlas I can do that today. Lets go. Nothing more nothing less. I made it to my destination with very little time to spare to get in a 10 hour break. But legally I did however had they not given me a drop loaded trailer pick up empty I would of been screwed. This was my last load before today where I am now on a 34hr restart
Now I know what I've gotten myself into. Partially the blame lies on DOT. Department of Transportation. Mostly it lies on drivers who take the lives of others and so rules like log books had to take affect. Unfortunately those rules were set into place by the likes of those who are not apart of the trucking business and have no clue. So me the few have to suffer for the bad. But then again truckers used to and some still do push because of their dispatch. Unfortunately our dispatch department will run us hard still but making sure they can do legally is anything by a stretch of very few hours to get anything done and be dam sure you don't end up in bad weather or traffic which 99percent of the time is going to happen. So in the end it is true as most drivers say Impossible to run legal. That of course isn't true if the company wasn't trying to make money and I wasn't looking forward to a big check. Then of course you could run legal because you would work less. Which means staying within the 70 hours. After working 70 hours you then are required to sit without your acceptance for 34 hours. Just like minimum wage where against your will you have to take a required 30 minute break and it must be during work not before you clock out and no you can not by any means work that 30minutes..The work world sucks. It's just the truth no matter where you are or what job you do. The good suffer for the bad and money has to be made.

Now of course this morning I awoke and sent my dispatcher a message and the day guy is my main dispatcher. I said to him you know I'm at 24.5 left of working hour. I can definately do a load today at 500 or 400 but no more. As I'm trying to plan this legally. That of course was a problem. Next thing I know I'm getting a message that drivers under him work 3200 or some bs like that before needing a 34. I don't care about the 34. Let me make that clear. I'd rather be driving then wasting my time ranting to the world. But I also don't want to be that guy on tv who just ran into a bus or ran off the road and now I'm the scapegoat who killed kids or some dumb shit because I chose not to be legal which isn't true. So short story. I'm a hard worker. Push me work me make me go go go . I won't stop. But when I say I have 24.5 do realize this is true. So he says that and that I've only done 2200. Well I wasn't wrong. But he wanted to go over the log book fine. Sadly log books use carbon copy paper. You know how that second copy looks. Not always the best. So I'm stumbling and fumbling. But he realizes that I'm telling the truth. So we are on the phone and he says I'm arguing and I'm just making the point that I do want to run legal and I realize they run our hours really close and all I want is to make sure I have a place to pull that truck over legally for a 34hour restart when that day comes. As I'm the one who gets the blame or the ticket which you know tickets cost money and as a driver we are always the blame for every little thing when law enforcement comes into play. No matter how horrible those 4 wheeled vehicle drivers drive. Not that I care I just hate that we are treated like teenagers. Not that I've been. But I've heard the stories.

Well it's all good now. Unfortunately I was hoping to drive today and get rid of that 24 hours so that I could end up at a place to wash clothes and shower. You know a truck stop. Not a toll plaza in the horrible world of Illinois. But oh well. At least unlike most truck stops. This place has free Wifi. And I've got Def Poetry and a better understanding of the job in which I've put myself into and now I pay the consequences and understand now why some drivers refuses to get jobs where they are under contract and I understand why they refuses to reccomend those jobs. But as Pillars there is a bittersweet acceptance. I enjoyed my time with my trainers and I thank Prime for accepting me and giving me a chance to be apart of the driving world. If not for log books. We would work well together. But I thank them more then they will ever be able to appreciate or understand after the bs Schneider National put me through. Thats right Schneider. Prime is making the money you probably would still be making if you didn't crush my dreams and left me tied to a post with a big contract payment I'm still paying mostly because of my irresponsibilities with credit cards over the past few years and my desire to be happy without care how deep down the rabbit whole in debt I maybe. Because one day I'll be out of that even if I've paid way more money to the credit companies at least I was midly happy and made my loving lady happy.

Drive tomorrow to New Jersey to drop off a load I'll pick up here.

About that whole issue with my dispatchers drivers making 3k miles and me only 2k. Maybe I'll be doing the 3k. But if I keep loosing 10,12,13,14 hours a day...Thats cutting a big slice of pie out of 70...But I guess some how he didn't realize that and if for whatever reason the company is reading this. Which I doubt.  I understand I showed only 10 hours of work yesterday. That was a goof on my part in which I meant 11. 10 was driving. Thats all. Mistakes happen. Unfortunately I've learned you better not make mistakes out here. Try your best not to make mistakes and plan your route when you go to bed. Just make sure you plan for that first 11 hours of driving. Then the rest in bed. So that way you don't fup your app time.

Hopefully I'll see Meg today I'm about to watch Def Poetry and I would like to work on DD. Dark Dimensions. Yes I've got a whole new website layout in the works as I've been saying for many months. But just as the first layout it takes time. Work,love life. No longer that world of kid play. Heh. Also Wisconsin Underground.

Ps I don't have showers and a place to wash my clothes but I'm actually going to get a real meal today and tonight possibly if Meg comes an even better meal. But today Mmmm Panda Hut.
9:03 AM

Friday, August 31, 2007
Why everyone should play video games.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
The JACK OFF RANT. Skip it if you like.

Unfortunately for Jack Thompson his mommy must of been one of those religous nuts and I can't spell today. Who deprived Jack of everything. Is it her fault she was warped and Jack is to ? I don't know and I don't even know if he is religious. But at least thinking of the religious makes me think that is what is wrong with Jack..I have to bring Jack off up because of course he makes me sick and when I think of games I think of him as the sucidal Jesus coming to put money in the pockets of evil corporations who spend to much time doing nothing. and scare your parents to death for reasons he has no clue. Anyways.

I just had to mention him..It's an odd sense of humour.

This article deals with games. Lots and lots of games. 11 pages to read. That will bring smiles to your face if you have played some of these games or have read about them and been meaning to play them. If you are a lover of classic,arcade and possibly anything to do with games from the begining to now.

It's main target is focusing on the difficulty level of games. So check it out and if you are a gamer it will bring a smile to your face as well.
1:58 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Behind the scenes. Creating games. Difficult.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging

If there is a reason for you to play games. That article would be where to start. The game designers are like gods. If you've been apart of the scene. Watching as games evolve. You know this. But you don't really know the way this article puts it. I'm telling you games are complex and only getting even more complex. Example SimCity in comparison to SimCity 4 It's to bad Will didn't make Sim4. But if he did wow. But regardless the point I'm making is that Simcity very simple and not complex. Simcity 4 complex. I mean being the guy who creates the city now and the guy who created the city then. It's just amazing the difference. And what is even cooler is what you don't see but know exists. The touches the advancement in ai and all the other wonders. Like Doom 3. Wow in comparison to Doom. But I'm not saying neglect your NES or SNES. No no no. 8bit 16bit gaming still lives on and will always live on because it was and always will be great games. But these newer games so complex. I mean Mario used to just jump and spit and move left to right. Mario now can move all over in a huge world and just other games in general from AI to physics and great shadows as well as the ability to have night and day. ETC. It's all in that article.

Few more gaming links I thought cool but also some of these are images
5:19 PM

Friday, October 05, 2007
As Humans we are thinkers. Fatherhood A thought by Nolon
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging

So I was reading this article. I have to say I don't agree with moving on from traditional ways of fathering. Actually let me make it clear. I believe every father has been different for many years. True for many years many fathers followed the same path as their father,etc. But the beauty of Humans is that we can think. That we are intteligent and we have actions we control. Sometimes those actions are better then others. I'm not a father. But I can say with certainty that I would be a good father. At the same time I wouldn't. Which is why I won't have kids. But I don't need an article trying to analyze fatherhood and hearing about fathers being ashamed to take their kids out to the park. Forget the mother who feels uncomfortable seeing a dad with kids. Call him a child molester and stare at him awkward all you wish. Just be glad it's not me taking kids to the park. Then you would have more reasons to stare. Fathers are entitled to be the worker or the kid sitter. I'm glad that some fathers are waking up to this. It is hard for people to see it any other way. That usual American belief that fathers work. Mothers take care of kids. We are Humans. Animals certainly but Humans as well. We have the capability to make choices and choose paths. You probably wonder why I don't want kids or why I feel I'd as well be a bad parent. Because kids for me would be an experiment. I would seriously be treating them like test results. And as well Meg and I have conflicting views on religion. Though I think having kids would be fun I can't raise a kid in this religious infested world. Just wanted to share my thoughts.
11:55 PM

Well I have three brothers and you two sisters - I think whenever we want to be around kids and play parent, we'll have the opportunity, hah.

One thing I worry about is waking up one day years from now and regretting not having kids. But then, if I have kids I could regret doing that too.

In the end, I can only control the present, and the reality of my now is that neither of us wants kids. And I can live, and am happy with, that decision.

Posted by Meg of Margaret on Saturday, October 06, 2007 - 2:26 PM
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I must sayt hat it was a bit of a dumb article, though I think its intentions meant well. and the fathers sounded a bit dumb.

For starters the term "whipped" is so retarded implying that men smply do not enjoy or appreciate the same things as women and therefor they must have been forced into what they are doing. Well lots of guys like different things. Some actually enjoy art aor theater, some actually don't want to watch football or go tot he bar after work, and some actually love thier children and being with them.

Personalyl I wouldn't be with a guy who wouldnt help with the parenting. If you want your partner to be depressed, short temperd, or go mad then don't help out with your children. But if you want stuff to get done around the house, your partner to actually be able to shower, and your child to actually like and respect you, then you better be out there takign them to the park.

I see a lot of guys alone with thier kids at the playground. I look at them, though I would say I generally do so because I think they are probably single fathers at first though, but that doesn't last to long because there just are not many single fathers. but weird that they take their child to the park has never crossed my mind once.

Though to your comment that you wouldn't be a good parent. well there are no GOOD parents, everyone has bad habits fromt heir own parents and everyone makes mistakes, looses their temper, etc. there are only decent parents, average parents, and crappy parents. :P I hope I am decent but I know I don't always reach that standard and often fall within the average classification.

Posted by Slaw on Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 6:29 PM

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I miss being young. Hell Gate London.
Current mood:  sad
Category: Blogging
World of Warcraft came around. I missed the ship. Hell Gate Londons out I'm missing it as well. So many games come and go. I'm just to busy to broke and to old to have the time it seems. I have games sitting on shelves I've yet to play because I just don't have time. I don't have money. Ahh! Well I have a few great games I'm playing here. Zelda Minish Cap, Golden Sun the first one. I have every SNES game. Those I don't play lately. I was playing one I can't remember but it was great. I'm also playing SC4. I just can't seem to stop being apart of playing SimCity no matter how boring it gets. I just for some reason enjoy playing it. I have SC3 as well.
8:26 AM

Friday, November 02, 2007
DL.TV without Patrick Norton. I miss Patrick.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I need to see what Patrick is up to on Revision3. Man I hate having to drive truck and missing out on all my tech shows. But seriously I mean it was so cool when Patrick and Robert were hosting DL.TV. Funny and serious and I don't know why Patrick left. Low pay ? I don't know. But he has other shows and I just miss him on DL.TV.
8:34 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007
I need lots of money.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
So I went in a bookstore today and I thought how sad I am. You know in some countries people are sad because they have no food and no place to live. Me ? I need knowledge. I need my stories. I need my gaming. I need my music. There is so many great albums out right now. There is so much great underground music and so much I just can't get my hands on. And being Mr. Lack of responsibility when it comes to money I can't afford and even if I wished to. I just want to much. I swear I was in the bookstore I just wanted to stay and read and not leave. Lock myself in there and just die. I miss home. I miss being able to go to Barnes down the road relax drink my Starbucks lack of fair trade coffee RRRR! Hang out with myself and just be silent. I miss it so much. I miss my music and being active online. Being able to sit back and watch DL.TV. Fortunately DL.TV is free because of advertisement. And I miss watching Tom Green and some of the video blogs like Ryanne and Moments Showing and that other guy. Ahhh!
Currently listening:
Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces
By Seether
Release date: 23 October, 2007
8:38 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007
Do I feel I’m acting like religious folk ?
Current mood:  accomplished
A work in editing progress. I'm not saying this is the complete finished product.

I've been told I act like the religious. I'd like to disagree. But I would be wrong on some levels. Because as they continue to spread their vial lies of nonsense. I continue to try to push the truth and hope that someone some where is listening to what I say. And I hope that I as well can change the views of others as they do. But I don't however kill,toture,mock anyone for their choices. I mean I'll mock religion because of it's silliness. But I'm not going to start a war. I'm not going to blame the war on terror when I know it's religion a versus religion b. I'm not out to torture you because you wish to be with the same gender,different race,etc. I'm just out to say THINK! And though I'd love to see the day religion will fade away. That day won't ever happen. And for the tribes out there...In small percentages I feel they need religion. But for all of you who are educated and have a more understanding view of the world. Educating and open their mind to freedom. Real freedom can only make me happy.I don't mean tribes are uneducated and or stupid. I just mean they are not advanced in the ways which we are advanced.
9:08 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007
A taste of their own medicine
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
So this priest was on the radio the other day and I found it amusing that he was angered because he was getting a taste of his own medicine. As the downfall of religion slowly marches on. Well he was saying the word of god needs to be heard more and needs to be spread more. But I say yea right. Why I can't think of one day when religion doesn't cross my mind because it is continually shoved in my face. Try to stay in a hotel without having one of those stupid fairy tales in a drawer. I mean come on. Provide me with some educational reading. But the main topic was about how a comedian who was a lady came on stage and joked about how she wasn't thanking god for her reward. Unlike many others would. And the audience laughed along with her. The preacher was very angry and felt that this comedian was evil. No honestly she was evil for mocking religion. And he felt it was wrong they allowed such vulgar language on tv...She was just making jokes about religion. How does this by any means make the lady evil ? I am a bit confused on this part. Though I'm as confused watching chaotic nut jobs bombing abortion clinics in gods name...Odd those religious people. And I'm as confused with camps training kids to be soldiers in gods war..WTF I hate that this camp gets away with telling kids that Harry Potter is evil because he is a warlock..This is cruel and mental abuse to a kid. First god is a warlock and don't debate that. I heard he turns water into wine,etc.. But lets get back to the priest. He seriously feels that she is evil and he brought up a point about kids not being allowed to say bless you. Now I personally don't agree with that. And where does that happen ? He also mentioned people laughing at kids of saying bless you ? And how he felt some of the religious these days feels ashamed mentioning religion..Oh really. Well I'm glad to hear their getting a taste of their own medicine. Now lets keep it that way. Push your religious nonsense my way. I'll push the truth yours. Stop writing on bathroom walls,over passes,advertisement signs..Not that you didn't pay for it. I'm just saying I don't need to know about your god saving me. And I don't need to see your dumb crosses plastered all over the landscape of America. One day hopefully someone will get rid of all this nonsense.
9:12 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007
Our world of hatred
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Why is it so hard to accept. Besides the cloak of religious beliefs and being raised to hate. I don't see how a majority of people have such hatred towards those who choose to date the same sex. I feel it should be welcomed and not frowned upon. Isn't America supposed to be a place of freedom and equal choice. But though it's far from it. As people will be people. Their beliefs and by how they were raised. Unfortunately those who came to this land in the beginning were no more or less equal or without their choice of beliefs. They were from different races. They were from different cultures. All this is the beauty of America and as well the down fall. I can't say I'm not one to point a finger at because surely a time in my life I had the same feelings. I guess to better understand I was under the influence of the above categories. I believe more one then the other. That being a guy and raised towards that hatred. Though at the same time I was and am that guy who always chooses to think and wonder. But even now a gay joke will make me laugh. Do I feel it could be offensive towards certain people. I do. But though it's a joke. But the point I'm trying to make here is from a program on the radio the other day. Supposedly a few gay guys wanted to be welcomed into a church. Though of course it was not allowed. I remember when I used to follow religion and the church I loved going to whites sat where the majority sat and the blacks had a little section off to the side. Now It always made me feel bad when I went there and saw them sitting there. I remember wondering if that was uncomfortable and if they felt they wouldn't feel comfortable joining the huge white section. It was really sad. And the gays I mean it's becoming more and more acceptable but still looked down upon. We live in a rather contradicting world if there ever was one. I feel a majority believe if your gay your a rapist,molester. But then when you think about it those people you call family sometimes fall right into the molester category. Even the church priests. But gay people are humans. They have feelings. They have choices. Races mix and thats frowned upon. But why is all this such a problem ? Is it really so hard to not question the choice of another ? Is it hard to not in your mind rationalize the situation ? We are animals and our preferences will always evolve. Depending on our habits,choices,friends,styles and location. As well as many other preferences. It is a very sad world we live in. When someone has to hide their feelings. Because they wish to be with someone who is of the same gender. It is a very sad world when someone of a different race can't comfortably hold hands with another race. It is a very sad world when two partners can't join hands no matter how much in love they are because of two different religious views amongst their families. It is sad when fathers have to die because they work as abortionists. It is sad when someone is put to the electric chair because they were blinded by religious beliefs and took the life of an innocent man to save the life of a nonexisting man and it is sad when religious protesters stand outside funerals to mock the gay community and say it is gods way of teachimg them a lesson by bringing them to war. And it is sad that I can't live in a world where everyone gets alone. Where everyone can understand we are of nature not of fairy tales. And I can only hope for the world that won't ever be. Where these problems won't exist.
9:14 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007
Disguising the reality
Current mood:  creative
Category: Blogging
Breaking down walls
Finding nothing
Here we sit
And so we fall
The darkness
how it was felt
upon the dead world
Into this dream
I walk head down
And she screams out
I see her through glass walls
tears unmistaken and true
I awake but my world
still a destruction in progress
Falling asleep there she sits
trapped and I'm back
Frantic helpless worried
But she can't be helped
We are trapped and alone
Separate and together by thought
Memories but how they fade!
And the reality is disguised
In a world of dreams
But the pain is still real
And when I sleep
she is there alone
Behind the glass wall
where she cries  helpless

9:19 PM

 Saturday, November 03, 2007

Meg personal private blog only to Meg
Current mood:  amused
Category: Blogging

Noloco: ha for you
megofmargaret: dude that website is awesome!!! there are a bunch of shirts id want
megofmargaret: dude that is an awesome shirt for me lol
megofmargaret: i like this one too
Noloco: thats just wrong
1:45 PM

 Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Who really is the educated ? What is schooling ? A declined application rant!
Current mood:  annoyed
Category: Blogging
I want to take this time to rant about companies that send me into a spiral of annoyance and thought. As well as a sort of odd depression of misunderstanding. When you apply to a job why is there laws in place so that there won't be discrimination against race,religion ? Though it's alright to discriminate against those who choose not to finish school ? When did schooling become the dominant over teacher/peer ? When did high school diplomas become more important then that worker you need immediately ? Maybe I'm confused but when did schooling turn into a word of misunderstanding ? You know it's funny but this was the first interview I've ever had where I was told I needed a high school diploma. And what's even funnier is I mentioned that high school diplomas are not a necessity.
He says to me well you know there are some skills you will need if you have a high school diploma....But then he was at a lost as to what those skills are. Worst what are those skills ? I have met all requirements for the job. I hope no one who applies there has a high school diploma so their company goes bankrupt for putting someone in charge who has no idea what the word schooling means.

How am I to obtain  training, guidance, or discipline derived from experience If they refuse to teach me ? Surely they don't think that in any class I was in at school taught me how to disconnect a trailer from a tractor does ? I mean he doesn't expect to believe that high school was going to teach me to be a people person ? I mean honestly I believe he needs some schooling.

And lets not forget some of the smartest people never finished school ? Why because they understand the need not to be in school. School is a foundation for learning. It's not the whole picture. You need on the job training especially for this job. You need college to be a nurse..True. I don't dispute that..But again thats still on the job or before the job training. What it has to do with social study,science and math. As well as other courses is all small in comparison to the reality of what you actually need.

Telling me I need a high school diploma is like a slap in the face. Surely you can't tell me everyone who has finished school has actually done so without some one just given handouts. Sure you can believe that if you hire someone with a high school diploma they are more superior then someone who doesn't have one. But where is logic in that thought ? I could be a harder worker a more dedicated worker and most importantly I might be the smarter one when it comes to certain decisions. Schooling is a means of training and learning. High school education is only a foundation into what becomes of the skill you will actually need in the job you choose. I am done with this. No matter what I say doesn't matter. Though I'll also say this.

With all we know of the world and the problems at hand from schooling. What has been done to change the world ? NOTHING! Well some small minor changes..But still we are in the chaos and it only gets worst.

 P.S. I know some of this could of been written better as well I know that I could be a better person when it comes to punctuation..But I am not an English teacher. And I know I could be worst then what I am.

So unless I feel like editing. This post is staying as it is...Though I think I will edit some of it.
Currently listening:
The Pursuit Begins When This Portrayal Of Life Ends
By Evans Blue
Release date: 24 July, 2007
1:17 PM

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sim Societies and all it will make us go green ...uh WHAT!
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I don't know if I touched on this subject before and actually I have a lot of subjects to cover and post here for you..But if I have not I have meant to and since I just saw ANOTHER article on this..It made me feel the need to rant sort of...

Well let me just say I have no clue wtf all the commotion is about. But for one reason or another people think we are going green if we play the new SIMCITY! I say BS..First all BP you know the fuel people that are harming Alaska well they are some how sponsoring green in the game..Don't really know the whole story and all that..But to be quick.

If we can't manage to make people realize we are destroying the planet already. If smart intelligent people are not capable of realizing the religious nonsense is harming instead of helping amongst so many other subjects I could touch on..How do they expect the new SimCity to manage to make people go green.

Let me please remind you that SimCity is a great game and the newest I am sure will be once I get my hands on it. But let also remind me I am not stupid and I know it will teach people to go green as all the SimCities before it have..At least in the game and will at least open the minds of many to the reality of what is harmful and pollution..Simcity will teach and prevail in doing so as it always has. Simcity has taught me a lot over the years. Understanding RCI oh yea I mean for those who don't play. resedential zones commercial zones and industrial zones..And as time went on it even got more complex about the zones and many other things you just don't usually know or care to know...But I know and I know the game is ficition set based in our world..Though still it teaches what otherwise you may have never known..NOW HUSH..SimCity won't make many go green maybe some..And as for BP BLEH ON YOU!
7:05 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Amazon has their own Ereader. Introducing Kindle.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
First off in comparison to Sony's Reader that I saw on Kindle is in no comparison as far as design..Sony Reader though is sleek. I'll be looking for reports and information via Tekzilla and DL.TV as well as any other online tv show/article I may find. But for now I just really wanted to say I don't know why I've not moved over to reading electronically..I mean besides my cell phone/mobile internet/video creating/picture taking/wonderful cell phone usage for Google Maps and all it's other goodness of course not to say it doesn't have negatives..But I'm talking about Ereaders. I guess most importantly money. But even more so I don't think I've become the fanatic in choosing electronic reading over my books. Then again I've never had an ereader except my cellphone. And that cellphone I keep bringing up and why because technically I can see where I would be comfortable with Kindle or Sony Reader. Since I enjoy having access to and no matter where I am or what I might not be doing so I pull out the phone to read..Only issue with the phone unlike Sony Reader is the battery life. Where Sony Reader doesn't fail and of course well there is much differences but yes I'd love to..I don't think I could ever be without paper books. Though I can also see where I'd be happy to know that all books can only be made electronics so we are not wasting. But that of course won't happen certainly anytime soon.

Well go to check out Kindle and or Google Sony Reader both great products and as time goes by there will only be more of these products and more progresses in the making of these...
12:31 AM

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Today lets make XP look like Vista
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging

All right I am posting this mainly for me.

You want a blog ?

Well here.

I use Vista and I've been a fan of the classic look of windows for a very long time. You know keep it simple. 95 style. But that has since changed. Using Vista I never change the taskbar. It's just as it was when I bought the laptop. Speaking of which I need to get over to Circuit City for my free battery. So here is my blog on why I do and don't like Vista. There is improvments as all Operating systems before it. And there is eye candy. Eye candy not really my thing unless it really grabs me. Well I don't see the point in being able to see through tool bars,etc...Maybe thats just me. I don't need the preview window on the task see what various things I have open. But you know I guess some people do. And thats cool thats it's there. I don't need Windows screaming for me to aprove of an install I just asked it to install and yes ladies and gents I know I can turn it off. As I shall do. And though I do believe it is a great feature but for who...I'm uncertain. If that pops up for the regualar user..Man they might fear it. What I shouldn't install it...Should I trust it..OMG OMG. I better call a friend. I can see that. Uh I could go on but seriously you get the point. As al things there is a good there is a bad. Some things I like some I don't. Some will like what I don't. Some will hate what I like. Speaking of the start menu..I really enjoy how they've reworked it. It's wonderful to use it that way. And I especially take use of the say I want to use Picasa...Just type it in and there it is. That to me is the best.

If you feel I should tell you more. Give you more details or whatever. I'll write more later.

But remember if you just want XP to look like Vista..There is your solution and it will be mine when I get home. If that day will ever exist as far as never having to be back on the truck. I miss home. Bleh.
5:20 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I have an Idea for you Tom of Myspace. Involving music. Read.
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
I highly doubt this will get to Tom. But regardless. I think for the promotion of bands trying to gain ground by means of Myspace. I think as I have requested and as I've come to appreciate many requests I've made come true. Lets hope this one does to. So my idea is that instead of just having that wonderful list of mainstream artists. Create a way to choose bands from Myspace. So that it will list their Myspace link,name,location,genre. That would be great. I'm not saying I can't do. I'm saying since there always is more great lazy people improvements..If people wish to call it that or just conviences. This would be one I'd love to have. And as it would help local artists when I blog.

Music listening to
Death Metal
Location New York
5:17 PM

Thursday, December 13, 2007
One laptop per child..Update I agree with Jay
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Well if anything this kid has something to say. This link brought to me to you by

But I have not brought to the attention of anyone who reads my blogs One laptop per child. At least I don't recall. The argument at least for some is will it teach them. Will it be a learning tool and not just a toy. That of course is a good question. But if you don't know they're giving these laptops to kids in places that need them. Well do they though is another question. I believe they do. I believe that though they will play with it. Some may even just play with it. But lets assume that they use these in the classes. Kids are only allowed to use them..And of course would each of their own. But strictly for class. That way they would of course learn. But as well I can see it an evolving learning tool. Which again every person/kid learns different. So Susy may wish to be creative with math applications Johnny may wish to only play a game or chat with friend. Doesn't mean one will be smarter then the other. No of course they will both be smart in whatever choices they choose to make. So while Susy maybe good at math . Johnny maybe best at social skills and reflexes. But you know as Sim City. This is a way for kids without the advantage of pc's to have an advantage. Which could motivate them for good or evil. I say let them have it and then we will see what comes of it. At least someone will. Only can we hope it turns out for the best.

I wasn't expecting to see OLPC on Jay's site but there it was. Well I meant to comment him and I shall but for now I agree with what Jay says even though he managed to say it in such shorter words then I did.
6:17 PM