Monday, August 23, 2010

ALL BLOG POSTS 2005 Part one

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Meg is going to rip me apart haha
Current mood:  annoyed
Earlier I was lying in bed with Meg and I tell her I would be in bed around 330am. Well seems that it has now moved to 416am at least the time Im still up not the time I will be in bed. At 240am the internet connection went psycho. I went so far as to shut my pc down,but still it didn't work. Oh yea I wrote a topic on that,but yea so this is more on that subject. I guess with a little more to it. Now im currently jamming some motograter/new sinch/Godsmack other side album, playing runescape and talking to my friend Karen. As much as I dislike the new sinch,or did dislike. I try to listen because I mean it's sinch and sinch is cool. Im not you Metallica bashing people bleh. GIVE THE BAND A CHANCE. Oh hell well I could of went to sleep at 4am and then yea that would of only been thirty minutes but now it is 5am and I was mainly staying up to play runescape to gain one more level,but I checked how much exp thats experience for you a gaming people,but no way Im going to make that by 6am especially trying to type this up and have a conversation with Karen. We had a good conversation. It has been a few days since we spoke. Weeks maybe,but yea. Ok so Im going to bed. Rub Meg and kiss Meg so that I can ask her if she remembers any of this tomorrow. Bye bye all and everyone oh Meg Karen says hello so yea that is what I had to tell you if your reading this. I'll tell you to read it so you can know that. Time it moves and moves and moves away from you. Mood annoyed,aggravated,frustrated,confused and bleh. Oh yea and the other side just makes you wanna sing and drive and drive and sing and be awake very awake I hear you calling voices are here again. I hear you whisper...taking control of me yeaaa....All alone once again...doo da da

Sunday, May 01, 2005

My Space thoughts and uncertainity. I guess ?
Current mood:  accomplished
Ahh ha Well there is this band called Alien Sex Fiend...Ok,but like I thought that it was the album name to an Acid Bath cd I never heard...Well glad thats off my chest and I now want buy it. :D Yea and I posted this to warn you all. Ok now back to the subject. Well the way things on my space come together like a joining community. It's like someone took shut them down because unlike a few years ago their now a terrible demise in the web of the internet. A big black whole that isn't good for nothing anymore. Ok so now that I got that out. Though now you have Myspace with music and thats great. :) Then you have friends in general and the personal webpage aspect,but with a tweak. It is in my mind some way what I have always thought to see Yahoo Profiles turn into,but well never did. Other things I can't really thing. Uncertainitys well I dunno just seems for the more newbie users there comes a problem. That wouldn't involve me,but for those who don't anything about html then myspace really isn't very friendly. Then again. I didn't say you could have everything here anyway,but now I know what some are thinking can't they use google to do searchs to learn ? Well no because some are not like that otherwise they wouldn't need newbie friendly access. But yea I guess that is all I want to say. I guess ? Now also for those wo do not wish to have comments on their web blogs in the myspace area. You can always DISABLE COMMENTS! Thank you. :D

Saturday, May 28, 2005 My new hard drive and life
Current mood:  busy
Wow I guess it's been awhile since I wrote anything here,or my other blog. Be warned Im not much for conversation,but when I have something to say. I can shout out thousands of paragraphs to complain,enjoy and to make something of  confusion. As Im  a confusing person. About the topic though. Lets move along. My new hard drive. Provides me a new world. A world I have never had before. 200gigs of pure chaos. Honestly the funniest thing is. In the world of 10gigs thats a very small number just so you who don't know the gig/meg and computer talk. It is a small number. Well 10gig was my old hard drive. Funny thing about it of all the uploads and downloads I have done with that drive. In my last hours of uploading downloading. When not even wanting to upload. I was using that trashy program Bit torrent. Something I never use. As it is in effiiecent and careless anyway,but I was desperate. So I did. Shorting this up and moving along. About a week ago I got a call from the wonderful Charter security which is the security people of my Internet service provider.. Basically they told me never to upload,but it's ok to download. Now Im not sure where it makes any sense that is ok to download and not upload. Accept maybe they could get in trouble possibly for uploads ? Im not sure,but either that are the fact that if Im not downloading then Im really in no use for  a pc. Other then poetry,chatting,and gaming,but I need it for more though. Which means I probably would just shut the connection off. Anyways they warned me to never do it again blah blah. Then that was it. So yea screw whoever reported me bleh. But my main point was that out of the 3 years approx I had the 10gig no one security ever called and complained. Now they have just as I was closing off with that drive,but now I wonder what havoc could come with this drive nada Im never using that junk again. Bit junk. :D Anyways lets move along shall we ? So my main point in writing this. Well as you should all know from a bullentin I posted the other night. Im never certain what I want to do. As I have so much to do and yes I know I still need to schedule this all out,but that would never work. So now that Im 200gigs worth of free space. I have alot to do. My main focus for the first few weeks was getting my mp3's organized. Yea sue me I do have mp3's and I see the reasons for it being wrong just as I see there being no reason. It depends on how you should see it. We all have views and opinons. But hell if the world provides me with the means to copy and distribute Im going to do just that. If Im provided mp3 players for my car/home/on the go. Well I sure want to know who had the bright idea that it's wrong to get the files to play in the hardware. Why sell hardware without having something to play in it ? Makes no logical sense to me. If your going to not allow downloads/uploads of mp3's then shouldn't the means to play such be banned to ? Honestly though ba.  I love music. If I must use my music to advertise and show others great tunes why shouldn't I ? Now I know some just go for what they have heard. Well if you ever see my list of mp'3 you will know there is alot more out there then what you have heard. Alot to listen to and enjoy. Im always searching and I will continue to look for bands. Now some might say,but do you ever buy music. Yes and mostly from the bands that I favor over others. When I first started downloading mp3's I personally didn't feel it was wrong untill all the bicker started with that unsafe and uncertain program Napster. But then again. I was raised in a very small town. What music was provided was of no means much. Except alot of radio play. Though some of things I wanted to hear I could not obtain. With the use of the internet that has become a thing of the past. When I was younger I never ever would have expected what I was doing was stealing. When I say this I mean transfering sound from fm radio to tape. There was other means copying one friends tape for your tape,etc. I  mean this just never seemed wrong. It was sharing. Being friendly. As stated earlier they povide you with the means to do this,but then tell you it's not ok to do...Makes no sense. I understand the way most companys get past this. It's called backup. Which im glad they are able to though. :D In my little town In the begining there was pretty much 94.5 A rap/rock/whatever radio staton. I used to listen to everything. Untill Metallica. Untill the age of getting older. Now im not saying anything is wrong with all other geners that are not rock,but ever since Metallica-untill it sleeps I have toned down every other type of music. Rock is now everything I love and enjoy. Accept my Meggie which I love and enjoy more then anything. Ha well Im just noticing I did just as I would do now,but with radio. I went out and bought that cd :D I played Metallica so much then. My friend would come over and tell me to cut that off because it was all I ever did once I got it in me. But later on in my teens we did get some half ass decent rock stations. Now they had rock stations when I was younger,but It just never really caught my attention untill Metallica-Untill it sleeps. Just like My dying bride. Which I discovered online. What you know I heard them online and then bought their dvd. Which their about to come out with another. Ooops I didn't pay for the dvd either ok,but Meg did sooo that does count I think ? Wait no still stealing lol. I did buy their latest cd it was great. I love this band. Along with my other favorite band Godsmack. But you all know that. Ok im going to get off the subject and realize the truth the RIAA is right and Im wrong. Im always wrong damit rrrr *throws a towel at the screen* See that was wrong to. :D So with this new hard drive ha. I have so much to add and put and play wth. Im going to start reading and writing poetry again soon. If you care to join go there.          Well more read,but write I guess later. Life ah yea Dope-Life No I mean thats a great album,but yea Life it's great out here in the middle of no where. In a place that no one can come and bother me. My own little world with my Meggie. So yea the meanderings and not worth reading articles of Nolon

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Current mood:  disappointed
Alright look If you want your site to look pretty your going to need some lessons in html,or maybe not. Maybe you could just use some custom editor of some sorty,but regardless. The big word "PRETTY" If your going to make it look "PRETTY" then your going to have to do it CORRECTLY!! Seriously folks if your picture is 80000000widthx6000000height thats a big sarcastic claim,but something like that ha. Then we don't want to visit your lame creation. NO no NO! Thats terrible. You add all these pics then expect us to scroll left and right plus up and down. Which can be annoying,but worst is people who put dumb backgrounds then expect people to be able to see wtf their trying to show off which isn't jack because you can't see a dam thing. PEOPLE YOU CAN ACTUALLY VIEW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! I think you should try it. I think it might work. If you don't know what your doing regarding messing with websites. Then I suggest you hire someone. Ask a friend,or leave the fuck alone. I don't need to go to a website and see txt that has to be highlighted to read,or backgrounds so horrible they throw off all the txt. Gees idiots and who taught you to design ? Thats terrible very very terrible. Need I mention Im suprise you have any friends to add to your loving Myspace.If I owned this website everyone with trashy Spaces would get booted cleared off. Bleh don't do that,but I guess you have to have it "PRETTY""PRETTY""PRETTY""PRETTY"" RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Oh btw for you who do attempt such,but suck at. If you are at your Myspace profile. There is a button to view what your profile looks like to the audience,people,consumers,etc.....Im also listening to this music

Ok this took them three trys to load up. Maybe my piece of crap computer like you who do this kinda crap will do something right this time.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Two jobs a pc My unability to stay awake
I for some reason couldn't find the means to stay awake last night. Maybe it was my lack of sleep over the previous days. I do hope tonight I will be able to maintain the ability to stay awake and not fall asleep.Those of you who read this should know my reason for not sleeping,but for those who don't then as of right now till July 7th I will estimate. Im going to be working security for a fireworks stand from 9pm till 8,or whenever McDondalds actually chooses to decided what time I should go into work. As they can't make and maintain a schedule that is easy to use. Well go figure it's fast food. :D  I work along with my sexy and lovely assistant Meg. My lady my love. Actually she is the one who has been able to maintain the ability to stay awake,but then again she also is able to sleep through the afternoon which I have not been able to do at all. I think about it though and today was my first day off from my other job McDonalds. Is that actually a job ? I dunno,but yes so they even gave me tomorrow off. *jumps for joy they done something right. I dunno for approx 3 months I have not worked on a Sunday,but this Sunday and last Sunday they have mysteriously figured I should work. Which is why I didn't make it in the first Sunday considering the fact I was spending time with the one I love and I was not around to answer their call. Although I have no problem for showing up for work on time,or showing up on any day they ask. I just wish for once over at least a period of three months they could maintain a decent schedule,but for now I guess that is the only thing I can really bitch about as for as McDonalds goes unless you want me to get started on the broken equipment,etc... So as I was saying today and tomorrow is my first day off so I should be able to sleep longer since I stay up there. But no and last night I slept for approx 3 hours to be safe since I slept on and off after my two hours of sleep last night at fireworks. But today I did sleep longer then any previous day when I get off from McDonalds. But I wish I would still be in bed. I awoke at 3pm. or 3something. Not quite sure on that part. I remember the number 3 though. I been online since and at the same time have been watching different things on tv although nothing was on at first and today I didn't have the urge,or want to watch tv that much,but I know what's been playing. Earlier I was watching All in the family for a total of approx 4 eps. That was cool. Then I turned it to something about a man in 1904 who built a bridge to keywest in Florida,but no that was a railroad to Key West in Florida,but these days the railroad doesn't exist and a hurricane killed people on the train going to,or coming from Key West. So yea um of course there is that possibility living in the South. I should know. I have seen quite a few trees in my path trying to get to work. Now I can hope to stay up for work,or maybe I want be able to. If anyone who reads this thinks I should upgrade from my plain boring basic default look in the blogs then let me know. I'll change it. A yes my pc sucks,but thats all that needs to be said. It has though provided me with a g/f,girls to flirt with,porn,music,before the release date of books,music and other stuff. The advancements in various things,blogs,vblogs,games,information,etc But more importantly and to this day my lovely fiancee. I guess though me and her mainly have to thank for that. Though it could be the fact that we kept in touch and she was always willing to have a good conversation and tell me about her life here in the cold,or not so cold as of this month state of Wisconsin. No matter what though I love her and im glad to have her. However the pc will soon be just another computer part on the back shelf in my room along with the commodore64,nes,atart 2600 and I don't think there is anything else.Im going to be building a new pc. Now the speed and abilty of a pc now should never be a problem. I should never need another update untill virtual reality,or something. I mean my pc is way futher then windows3.1,but can barely maintain with xp even though I make it manage. Now I don't mind maintaining two jobs. That isn't a problem. Enjoy the post. Im going play Rs and then sign on to D2expan dreading my char as now expired damit blizzard.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

My life as of late...Fireworks rarr,Mcsuckit.
Current mood:  confused
Warning some things here maybe vulgar. This will be added to all posts with curse words. Im not into making anyone mad,but I don't feel curse words are bad. It's a choice of expression. But for those who feel different. Then move along to a different post. Thank you and sorry.

Well just didn't really have nothing else to do. Im boring myself...rrr I hate when I do that. Um Just wanted to stop in and say some words of thought. What's going on in my life whatever. Still working fireworks for another three weeks. Fun at least more so then McDonalds will ever be. Ah yes,but I have no time for looking for another job. On top of the fact that I would be afraid of falling into debt. So no not at the moment. Besides I could easily say fuck McDonalds,but who would ever say such a thing ? It's not really that I despise my job. I despise the scheduling. Seriously here is a review of my hours over the past three weeks. Im going to say off when Im off and if Im not I will just put the days im there,but first for a few months I worked Mon to Fri and then off Sat and Sun. Now before that It was sorta like this and here it is again all stupid. Sun off,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat,.Sun,Mon off,Tues off,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon,Tue off,Wed,Thur off,Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon,Tues off I think...,Wed,Thurs off I think. This is next week. Which as you see seems to follow along with the week before,but ha don't count on it. Rrr and I ask mysef isn't fair that if I comprise one I should have the other. Like if I have to work their piss ass Sat and Sun even though they have enough young workers to do that. Then ok fine,but why should I have to do that and not get like Mon and Tues off,but have to deal with Tue Thurs,or some crap. No you want to know their reason ? Which if you ask me is completely dumb. Um the kids from college is here now so we have them on the schedule. Ok fine,but that means YOU HAVE MORE WORKERS!!! Which means since you have all those college kids and all those high school kids. Because it is summer then I think my schedule should be a little better not to mention the times I come in and get off which is just as dumb as the rest. But yea besides this little matter and not being able to switch to a better job because im going to be building my pc soon. Im doing ok I guess. About to play Runescape and maybe read some poetry,or play tropico. Might sleep some more. I burned a piece of meat on the stove. That was pretty dam funny. Oh well have a nice day.. Maybe next time I can talk about how a great percentage of my workers hates our worker Carl,but thats another time. Oh yea we know you all love gossip.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Organizing bookmarks,fireworks comes to an end,no sleep.
Current mood:  busy
Ah yes Laurie Ann Haus. I first heard of her I thought from Rain fell within no longer a band,but then Empheral sun and now this band todesbonden. Check her and her bandmates out at myspace. Now I also used to know a band called Garden of shadows. Not actually know them,but heard them online. It's amazing what I heard over 56k. :D.but I did. According to her new band she was in that. So maybe I knew of her from there,but Im not sure. I don't even recall Garden of shadows sounding like rain fell within then again I don't think it was supposed to.Anyways Laurie does this great vocals job and has this great type of music going. I would go so far as saying this band is better then rain fell within,but that wouldn't be fair. As their two different bands. However yes so I was going through bookmarks and once again did a search for Laurie in myspace however ended up finding her though Google/empheral sun,or something. Wasn't hard. So call me a stalker. Bah you probably been on my searching escapades to if you have not been around online. I miss you people and if a band doesn't exist anymore I'll search for the members. Need my music. If not then I need the artists who bring it. :D So yea approx 3 hours of organizing my bookmarks and all I got done was the music section which Im actually not done with it because I would like to organize it as music news/underground music/city,etc. Fireworks is coming to an end soon thats cool. Well we was expecting more money,but we get less. Need to mention the fact that Meg got hit by someone. Thats just sad. I mean her car got hit by someone driving into her. Yep. No sleep no not today it doesn't seem. Im not going so I'll try my best to get no sleep till pretty late in the night. So Meg isn't alone. Even though I'll probably crash and burn earlier. Im probably lying here,but it's the effort that counts. So thats all I have to tell you all today folks enjoy. Oh and there is more bands in my friends list you better check them out....especially Laurie Ann because that sound will put you to sleep medieval style muther duckings hahaha

Friday, July 08, 2005

Cops,idiot drivers,people who can't take care of....
Current mood:  accomplished
I want to point out something that maybe you all have noticed and if not who cares. Well It seems all I do is complain here. So lets make this. B.L.O.G....ok so I can't think of anything to make out of B L O G  Anyways there maybe some vulgar language here. So back away you who maybe offended.

Cops suck. They enforce laws,but can't fucking see what kinda of a traffic jam they cause when they are riding on the street. Fuck it. I'll accept them driving in town that isn't that major of a backup,but a cop should not be fucking allowed on the interstate unless under cover. Im sorry there probably have been major accidents because of cops on the interstate. I have no evidence to prove it. Im also to lazy to look for you. Google is useful use it. Im also not providing a link. Learn how to type.  :D Anyways so your driving down the interstate right ? Then all of  a sudden your either on a incline going down,or you notice this pile up right ? So what is it a accident omg we all got to look speaking of which thats another topic for another time. Anyways so your driving and there is a pile up. First thing on your mind hope this doesn't take up all my time. Wonder what happen,but no no no that isn't the fucking case at all...Noooo it isn't. What oh fuck continue later damit got to go. see ya  Fuck it im back. Ha you never saw me leave anyways bitches. Well so I was going see batman,but anyways two nights have not seen it. Another day. So ok back to the story at hand. Anyways so your driving there is a backup,but it isn't an accident nope. It's the cops hurry hit your motherfucking son of a bitching ass licking cunt sucking breaks because you got enough time to slow your ten mile an hour,or 20 mile an hour over speeding limit right as you see the fucking cop. Hurry just make my fucking day and bottleneck the goddam passing lanes so I look like an ass pissed off revving my engine trying to pass everyone up with safety in mind because there is a cop and Im the only motherfucker not scared to get pass this bottle neck you the fucking ass hole people have created because your so dam scared of authority. Fuck authority and fuck every boss I ever had to. Fuck you all. Sorry,but you cause troubles. People talk shit about you anyways. Sure they will smile when they see you,but don't think they fucking give a shit. It's the check that matters in the end anyways ass hole. No one cares about your fucking team group,or whatever contribution you all think we fucking have to your workforce shitty hours shitty pay job. Now thats off my chest. Back to the cop who is causing commotions. So you can't fucking get around because even though there maybe three fucking lanes. Everyone is trying not to pass MR BIG SHIT IN THE PRETTY UNIFORM WHO IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO FUCKING TICKET EVERYONE OF YOU BITCHES. Actually he should GET THE FUCK OFF THE COP HE ISN'T THERE TO GET YOU. HE JUST AS YOU IS TRYING TO GET AROUND. Obviously you fucking cop pricks don't realize the trouble you cause,but you put fucking cameras up and everything else. You are the big shot well fucking show it dam it. Get yourself an unmarked car. Now that I got cops and idiot drivers out the way. Yea idiot drivers where in their. Just note the bottleneck and your ability not to pass the cop and if you try he might get pissed at you for the fucks who want move out your way scared of the coprrrrr and ok People who can't take fucking care of a dam cd/dvd,or whatever media that is stored on a disc that can be fucking scratched. Listen I don't care if your 5 damit you of all people. The new generation should know dam better that you take care of your disc. You wander why I really don't like buying disc and rather pirate my shit. I don't like going to a gaming rental store,or dvd rental and getting something that works half way through,or doesn't start up at all. Listen gas prices are at fucking 237 I don't need the ..... you understand. If I buy a disc and take care of the thing and it gets scratched thats pissing off. It's also pissing off when people don't take the most care of someone else disc. Damit stop breaking shit. Put it in the container they give you,or leave it in your console. Thats Nintendo,Ps2,or Xbox for you that don't know the word console. Short for everything all together. Just incase you also don't know about the rating system. You got a kid well learn the fucking rating system and stop trying to sue corporations because you didn't know the game  had violence. Idiot play it,or read it. You wouldn't feed your kid a spoonful of poision would you ? No you wouldn't because you no better so stop being so fucking iggnorant. Now owners of video rentals. Look we no Mario games are turning a profit for you and other games so fucking don't put two disc in a case and lay one on the other don't you of all your customers no better ? Thats a way to teach the customers the correct way. So yea thats my bitch ass story tonight. Im accomplished and aggravated. Once again fuck Mc D's and their dumb ass scheduling. Bleh...Oh yea and Nintendo still rules. Cops suck dick. I demand you the people of rap,or rock to look for a song called Fuck the police.It is covered by Dope for you rockers. It's a soothing song. :D

Thursday, July 14, 2005

A follow up :D Grand Theft Auto has got the rating those idiot people wanted to give it.
Current mood:  angry
Don't close your mind and act like your not interested. Open your mind to creativity and the world we live in. - Nolon
Please be advised you might wish to back out now. Cursing. Naughty naughty talk. I got something new to add to this disclaimer situation.
Please use safety when having sex and stick with a partner,or stay safe otherwise. Remember a rubber doesn't protect you from aids. It sorta kinda helps keeps the babys at bay. While keeping you some what protected from some diseases. But im not the health expert use the internet. Im just using my head. Common sense. You know something some of you should learn to get. Even me sometimes,but at least I use it where it applys mostly. Also there is a rating system for every game that comes out of your local stores. If your easily offended by little minor things in life. READ THE LABEL!!

This is my latest paragraph. You want the first paragraph that started this go down to it.But yes this is the follow up.
Well they managed to do what they wish. If you make money. Please be advised someone will be out to ltake every penny. Programers those who put content in a games also leave things that hopefully no one can get to,but even so it can be accessed Doesn't mean it is easy...Oh my Sex sex sex...It's so bad.It's only bad because of religion and how we as humans are ashamed of who we are...Thats what makes sex bad. Thats why sex is sooo fucking bad. Well as you may notice I have posted a topic on sex from an article and this has been proven,but yet we run around in clothes shame and sicken by pornography and does that actually help ? No because then we hide what we do and then what happens we end up fucking others without knowing the risk and I know there is articles and so much information on how to prevent HIV,other diseases. But you know not everyone can obtain that information. Try those tight ass familys who run a religion cult in their homes. Ok no tv for you,no internet no this no that. I mean yes fuck it's ok and all,but dam you know teach your fucking kids about sex teach them right from wrong and sex yes should be involved don't play fucking shame. Hell if God is so fucked up to hide sex he should be ashamed of himself fuck God and all you fuck heads who are so ashamed of sex sex sex. Fuck you and open your fucking eyes damit. Now I know this whole post is about Hilary and her fucking clan of iggnorant assholes,but dam you know It seems to alot of you that Grand Theft Auto is a bad game,but have any of you seen what these folks at Rockstar Games have created ? This is your world and this is how it really does go down. I mean not to the exteme extent that the game does,but it's not only that. Look at how Gta Grand Theft Auto has changed over the years and how big the enviroment in the game has gotten. You can ride a bike and go in the country on San Andreas and not only that but your riding around in San Andreas. Im sorry,but this is a very creative game along with their other titles. Open your mind people...

Please be advised you might wish to back out now. Cursing. Naughty naughty talk. I got something new to add to this disclaimer situation.
Please use safety when having sex and stick with a partner,or stay safe otherwise. Remember a rubber doesn't protect you from aids. It sorta kinda helps keeps the babys at bay. While keeping you some what protected from some diseases. But im not health expert use the internet. Im just using my head. Common sense. You know something some of you should learn to get. Even me sometimes,but at least I use it where it applys mostly. Also there is a rating system for every game that comes out of your local stores. If your easily offended by little minor things in life. READ THE LABEL!!

First I want to thank for providing the most fun news around and interesting news. Now onto the subject. This is the link from Fark. Just so you can get an idea why Im writing this.
I dunno I guess Clintons wife saw Clinton and Monica in the sex acts on Gta,but whatever the case is. She doesn't like it no no no. I tell you what though. I bet if she had just as much sense as a mother who learned to read that poison was in a bottle she wouldn't have to cause all this comotion. Gta...Also know as Grand Theft Auto has supposedly hidden away on the Pc version a certain access to lets do it oh yes yes oh baby you like it animated style. Haha for more information,or pictures on that I suggest you go to But well seems Miss Clinton obviously missed the stamp on the game that says mature. Now before I go any futher she wants the label to be adult. Listen if the game is for a mature audience thats just as well a adult audience your kid at 16 should be allowed to play it if the kid has some common sense,but if the kid doesn't ok fine maybe the kid needs to not play till 18,but even so no matter 16,18. Im not sure how you have to be to play a "mature" rated game. What I do know is. Your kid shouldn't be allowed to play the dam game no matter. Hell read the label. They did put it their for that reason. So that you would read,understand,accept,or not approve of the game. You idiots always causing trouble in the gaming world. Blaming games,etc. STOP IT. READ!!! I mean seriously what is so hard. They put a label big enough for you to understand. Hell if the label wasn't good enough the words Grand theft should be enough not for a kid to buy,but changing the label from mature to adult what difference does that make ? Oh now it's adult. Im still to young to play it. Oh well my mom will get it for me anyways shes a dumb bitch who can't read,but then she saw me beat the cop with a bat after I fucked this hot animated whore in the back seat of some car which after I got my load all in her hair I jumped out the car with her at my side. Shot her with my gun about 40 times for the hell of it. That head hit was awesome though. One shot she was dead.but I had to lay some more bullets in her. Just so my mom could see how much of a dumb bitch she was when she bought the game. Mom didn't realize she bought a game that was called grand theft and that the label did say oh no your kid is to young,or to much of an idiot,but the idiot part is your decision to decide on. So now that she has saw the game on the tv screen she is going fucking nuts...time to sue because she can't read. Maybe she should call Miss Clinton up because that bitch already didn't realize the label was at mature which is prety much adult anyways ...Ok thats all I will say. That was fun. Enjoy. :D

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Reasons for not being active @ myspace My mom and her b/f or up. Along with the boudin,,,
Current mood:  amused
My mom and her b/f have come from the bayous of Louisiana to visit of all people me. Any of you other Louisiana people coming this way. Make sure to bring a coat the snow will be hitting soon. Ok so Im kidding,but we did have snow in May last year. However not this year. Anyways so yes if you have notice my lack of not being on myspace. That is the reason.Just wanted to keep you posted. Oh and it's cool. I here on myspace love looking for bands. Seems I don't need to do that for all bands though.  Just want to thank those who have sent out requests to be added as a friend. I will soon get back to you if I have not accepted yet. Next week things will be normal again. Well time to go get the clothes from the washer and maybe make another post,but maybe not. Have a nice day friends and band members @ Myspace.

Monday, July 25, 2005

You look at my friends list and wonder why so many friends ? Well read on..
Current mood:  accomplished
My friends list is actually not a friends list...Ok so maybe it is according to myspace,but it is also a bands list and more than a friends list it is a bands list. So in reality it is a bands list with friends squeezed. So now your looking at my profile and saying yea yea he just wants to seem popular. I could give a crap less,but do I want to promote these bands ? If given the chance sure. I do hope some of you at least attempt to listen to some of these bands. Listen I try to make My Myspace profile as friendly as possible. Now im going to lecture you on something real quick and get back to band talk...and here goes....I know you all are not into this whole "scene" ,or whatever some of you choose to call us freaks,goths,etc.I would prefer not to be called a goth. Goth people are well Goths. Im a freak,or weirdo,weird,stupid,idiot,whatever you choose. Don't judge me for what you see and don't call me goth do your research before you go off calling people goth. Now with that said Goth culture is great. Im just not Goth. With that said. Back to the talk about bands and you people not being afraid.Don't be afraid to check out some of these bands. Once I get organized here you will see for some of you I do have light bands playing in Myspace and bands that well sing just about death and some who just do experiemental sounds and medieval sounds. Some accoustic. Well I do hope you find what you are looking for. Btw the number of and yes these are my friends people I know from work,home,Louisiana,Texas,etc The number of friends is 23 Yep thats correct. Enjoy the music. I know I do. Enjoy the groups to and don't forget there is some great groups I have listed. But also if your from Louisiana please check out Toys music center. That is also listed as a friend! Even if your not from their also check them out and Voo don't forget her. The group she has maintaind and works so hard to keep in check. So I'll stop with this chattering and move along.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pee-wee Herman
Current mood:  confused

I want to clear up all this Pee-wee trouble.
Alright back when I was a kid I watched Pee-wee and Im not ashamed and don't care what anyone thinks about that. I always knew there was some talk about Pee having a little masturbation session at lets not forget at a Porno theatre...Hell who cares. Now on the other hand my girlfriend doesn't like Pee-wee and unknown to me Pee-wee supposedly raped,or touched a kid. Now today I thought I would look that up. As I don't take kind to rapist. I would prefer to watch them suffer and die. But thats my opinion. It's fucking sick and against the other person. However as I said today I did a search to hope that these where just rumors,or misunderstanding of the masturbation case. However I was sorta kinda wrong,but not entirely. No I didn't know it happen,but no he did not force anyone to do anything. As read here. The original story as reported by the National Enquirer was that a 15-year-old boy complained to the LAPD that he had been regularly having sex with Reubens and Jones, but that it was increasingly getting weird and kinky and he was afraid what might happen to him if their relationship continued, and therefore felt it necessary to turn them into the police. This preposterous story has now been downgraded to an accusation that Jones paid the boy to pose nude for photography.

Now this is what one of the articles says. It doesn't say that the boy did not enjoy it,or anything to that nature. Just that it was getting weird. Now on the other hand that was all I found on that article which may not be true,but yes Pee-wee did have Child pornography. Although his porn was that of years before a law was passed to not have child porn. Obviously it used to be legal,or something weird like that. In my opinion and Im not sure how old these kids were,but I would guess teens. Otherwise thats just really sic,but yes if teens and if they where given the choice to make money taking pictures and they agreed and these pictures where not taken out of the act of stealing a snap of some kid going to bed naked. I don't find anything wrong. Except I wouldn't be looking at that. Young to young.
More links.

So all in all it seems that Mr Rubens...Aka Pee-wee is a sico who likes to whack off,or hell maybe he doesn't jack off to any of this. I mean it's his vintage collection porn and supposedly the thing according to smoking gun in his collection that got them really after him was this video of some guy banging a minor. End of story. Im still watching Pee-wee. Unless someone else has evidence that states Pee-Wee forced someone to fuck him,or has evidence that the porn Mr Pee wee has was forced photography. Hope you can bring up some evidence. I would appreciate it.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Oh boy what has Nolon been up to. An actual Blog :O
Current mood:  tired
Warning some vulgar content. Back out now.

Well im home alone right now. Pissed off the fiance as I randomly do. Um just jamming Staind. Thinking and wondering as usual. Finished off the latest Harry Potter book. I got word last night that Terry Goodkinds new book Phantom will be out shortly. Well  Jan of next year. Terry does a book a year. Right now it stands at about 9 books. This is a series called Sword of truth. Anyways I can't wait to read that. It's alot better then the Harry Potter books. In my opinion,but then again. Harry is in it's own category,but I do prefer Terry over J.K. Ah yes,but lets not forget that Jeanne Kalogridis has a book out and is in the progress of writing a new book called Mona Lisa. Jeanne takes fact and ficition and makes some very great books. She is my favorite author. So yes these are among the millions of things I have been up to. I have a friend from work who well has a pc that is worst off then my old pc. Sadly I tryed my best to work on that. But I got windows up and running. Though that pc needs to be sent to the junk. However on a different note Im still working at Mc Donalds and though I should be making a year soon. I probably will not be. As Im going to be moving into Milwaukee. My fiance got word from the big boss who owns this apartment that he also owns another apartment down there and has a apartment for rent soon. So we went check that out and will be moving down there shortly. My fiance will be attending the college in Milwaukee her last stop before she graduates and is done with it all. I on the other hand will still be working shitty jobs and probably will never get it through my thick skull to move along and get out of this miserable mess I live in. My work place and the idiots who run these places,but hey it does pay the bills. Sadly as I have said before the scheduling at Mc D's is terrible. This week is a perfect example. I told the idiots months before that I do not want to be their bitch,or their work horse,or whatever. No matter it's fucking stupid,but for some reason this week they chose to have me off Sundays fine you know ok cool. Im glad happy yea I got a weekend off. Who cares you know. I got to go back to work Monday and then Im off Tuesday. Thats not having days off thats having slave promises. Rrr need I mention worst of all as I said I told these fuckers before I told them I hate working 11am to 7pm. Wtf thats two shifts and oh yea I know some of you enjoy this kinda crap,but it's dumb. So yes thats pretty much all that has been going. I have also been enjoying my new computer. As it provides me with loads of entertainment and great graphical games. Need I mention the speed at which it moves. The quiteness and the sleak look of that case I have it in. Nice it all is nice. Well we been meaning to go swimming,but Im not sure when we will make it there for about three weeks im still sore from swimming. Im getting old no doubt. I have rewrote and revised some poetry/storys as you all should know if your following the blogs. Along with getting the bands list/friends list together @ Rockers Underground. I will soon be changing the layout on the profile and moving some of the banners off the site. Probably will be seeing a video of me acting stupid sooner,or later. Well see you all around. I don't think there is anything else to tell. Oh and Meg made good food last night. Yumm

Sunday, August 14, 2005

It's time for Band Camp!
Current mood:  horny
Well the month and day we have been waiting for and it seems our funds are well off. So we will be finacially able to do this trip. However we loose out on House on the rock,but thats ok because we will go to the Zoo again which is free and finish off the Veteran Muesuem. Hope everything goes well. I'll be back in town on Tuesday I think,but might be Monday I don't know nothing.  This band rocks. Im jamming them now. So yes and as far as what I been up to. Well today we went out to Megs cousins college grad party I think cousin. It was cool great food and got to visit with the family. Then we ran off to Megs moms later and also showed her mom the outside of our new apt. Since we don't live there yet we have no access inside the house. As far as Friday well I went off to Fireside books and read a book that gives memorys of Elivs family reflecting on Elivs. Elvis was a wild man. Great book can't wait till the movie. Oh and Terry Goodkind Phantom will be out in 2006.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Im feeling accomplished this mornin and Cold-Bleed
Current mood:  accomplished
Wow don't you just love that tune ? Soothing and comforting. It just makes you want to sing and when you get to work if you can't sing Chimaira tunes. Which trust me if you do you might get looks. You just can't release that type of anger/ripping shredding voice scream. So of course it's nice to have good old Cold to memorize and ready at the willing to be sung out for those who stand around where you work. They want think much of what you are singing if you sing stuff like Cold-Bleed which is a great song. But just remember don't go psychotic and start jumping around singing Chimaira-dead inside,or one of their songs. Not that I never try to. I do keep it at a low minium volume if at all possible. No one wants to hear you screaming YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE DEAD INSIIIIDE!! You know. So what am I rambling about ? Well it's my day off I can ramble jamble all I want. But bascally I just want to ramble about music. Trying not to curse. I want to make this a "friendly topic" So yea so it's ok to sing stuff like Let the blood flow that keeps me alive and take all these strings...they call my know thats soothing. I guess the curse word isn't,but it's still sung alot calmer. Anyone ever heard Arsis their a great band and can be found in my friends list. Speaking of which .....I wanted to curse,but um yea uh Im going to make a listing for you people post in the blog with links to the bands. Which will be easier than using Myspaces unfriendly list. Now I might say things about Myspace,but lets all remember they do provide me with the music and friends I have met here along with so many other features. So I guess at times I just got to fix things myself because im stubborn. My friend from Pillars played some Coheed and Cambria at Pillars. Thats a coffee shop I go to. I thought the music sounded great So anyways checking them out right now. Actually forgt about them,but they was in one of the server lists. So thats cool.. My baby is still sick. Gees I hope I didn't give her a sickness. I don't think so besides me that is. Ah yes let's get off the subject of music. I have no more clutch. My car is broke. 600 dollars down the drain. I need to learn some responsibility,or I need to something. Why do I even bother complaining when In the end thats all It will come to is me doing more complaing.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

A lesson in home networking Very good read for those who need info.
Current mood:  confused
Ok first off lets get what needs to be got first. If you are hooking up a wireless network with a dell wireless wlan 1350 card you will be needing some drivers.

I have two pc's hooked up to a Linksys wireless-g 2.4ghz router. Model#Wrt54g
I personally don't have much information on how to hook up a network,etc. But im not entierly stupid and understand the principle of it. I understand the reason for a router and what it provides us the customers,people of the household with. However I coul have saved 7 house if I wouldn't be so stubborn. Let me explain. My first attempt at hooking up a router with a wireless laptop. The laptop would not connect to the internet. I would always get the error aquring network address. Yea I know I spelled aquiring wrong. Bleh. Ip address would be nothing etc. I did run cmd. Went into dos typed ipconfig /renew ipconfig /all ipconfig /release. Did all that. Went called tech support. Yea you know those guys who think they are talking to the most idiotic dumb computer person. Don't take that in a bad way. Sorry some of you just need that type of help. You know example "At the right top corner there is three grey boxes. One of those boxes has an x. Left click that box with your left mouse....Rrrr" Thats annoying. They should ask if your familiar with a pc instead of lingering on with all that bs. Of course steps are important,but dam.In the end though they solved nothing. Thats why I always got to do things my own way. But that doesn't mean I didn't go through searching a million google entries on the web and asking for help via yahoo,or irc. Anyways so why I say Im stuborn is that while I knew this aquring address problem happen last time and I did manage to fix it. I was able to connect to the internet with a laptop on a secure connection,but then we moved. So the problem occurs again. However I say to myself I don't need to install the drivers because well their installed I did that last time. Now whats the problem,but all along Im running it through my head that hell I need to reinstall those drivers. Sure enough 7 hours,or more later I do that and guess what it worked. So if anyone has this problem with the dell wireless card. Your problem is now hopefully solved. You need any help with your network let me know. If you however know alot about networks then let me know why this issue is the way it is ? Thanks Nolon.


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