Monday, August 23, 2010

ALL BLOG POSTS 2005 Part two

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Papa roach doesn't suck..I'll defend that!
Current mood:  aggravated
Look for reviews. Just look. Some would have said yea they suck in the begining. But sure enough when writing a second review for later albums. It's like someone stuck a chord. Because Papa Roach showed them! But oddly the person who in a bullentin stated Papa Roach sold out was stating they sold out on their later albums not Infest..Oddly most would say otherwise...Hmmm Papa Roach rules. Now Papa Roach claims and feels they Love Hate tragedy wasn't one one of their best albums. Although me I think it was a great album. Dark cloud,S.I.D.,Love Hate Tragedy. I mean the whole album is great. That cover ? Thats the coolest cover ever.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Lets see where to start ? I know FrCK EVERYONE!
Current mood:  annoyed
Btw this will have enough swear words to cause a moment of wonder. So be advised and RUN!

Must be even nice to scam poor folks out of 100 dollars by pointing a fucking radar gun at someone and saying hey check it out I just made me a few bucks. So for you Mr. Bin,Bun,or whatever that is. Ship,Shap,or whatever that one is. Im a Police Officer who can't even write my name correctly....Scharinger hey I managed to spell that correct...FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING PATHETIC WASTE OF TIME. Must be nice to be the officer sitting in a vehicle taking radars of vehicles passing by without even giving a dam care in the world about the situation ahead. You know what even makes me feel even worst ? I took pointers from someone who NEVER gets a ticket. Someone who is nice and caring. I was as copperative as I could possible be with the officer. I explained the situation. All I got in return ? A 100 dolllar bill. Why ? I was doing 16 miles over. On what road ? The road the police office headquarters is. You know whats funny about that road ? The speed limit is 30. Unlike most other roads in West Bend,Wi. Though even considering that I don't FUCKING CARE! I lived in Louisiana where cops pulled me over for shit I didn't do on a daily fucking basis. Oh sure I do admit there was at least three of the tickets I got in Louisiana I did however get for speeding,but on the normal basis those worthless fucks pulled me over for shit I never did. But I lived with it. I paid my fucking tickets. I sucked it up. I tryed to be fair. I tryed to be nice. I know I can be a fucking ass. But you know what I started over I moved on. Two and half FUCKING YEARS ON! But what I  get for that fucking service ? Bull Fucking shit. But thats how it has always been for me. Yea I know some of you might say. You say that alot,but it's true on my part. I guess I just have to live with it. Live with knowing Im a fucking nobody and the cops are willing to let me know that,but if I ever was given the fucking chance. I would torture everyone of those heartless bastards. Oh sure if I had boobs I bet I would be great bet for writing a warning. Because it's nice to look at women and think aww poor girl. Doesn't work that way for me.Oh no sure I'll explain my situation. Im sure on his wonderful grand pc he has in his 5-0 mobile it states the last time I got a ticket,but that heartless bastard never cared. Nope it's about the money.Screw em! I have nothing more to say. Im bored with bitching.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

It's a grand thing to buy a game and find out it's broke..
Current mood:  annoyed
Paper Mario for the Game cube was released this year,or last. Well I was given a percentage discount coupon from Crazy Video..It's a game store inside of Hollywood video rental. I had a nice discussion with the guy inside. He was a nice guy and everything. I looked for the games I wanted bought them. I told him I was skeptical of used discs for the simple fact that discs can be scratched. Rrrr when will they invent something better ? You wonder why Nintendo never wanted to go to disc...Besides bootlegging. So anyways he did clean the discs for me. Before I left with them. I  Never touched them untill tonight. Well I was going to let my girlfriend..try out Paper Mario. As I think it's a great game,but sadly the only game she likes it seems to me is Animal Crossing..Aka. Ac.  Though another thing I find some wonderful is that everytime someone wants something from me,or I try to help someone in turns into a big thing...Like the game disc having an error. You know what really makes me angry is calling these people and telling them that. Then they tell me they will clean it with machine...Which obviously doesn't work as it didn't do a good job on my disc. Or what makes me angry besides that is calling a rental store,or a place I bought a used game and tell them it says error and they tell me to clean my system...Wtf my other discs work fine. Because I take care. I never get errors. But oh now they tell me to clean my system like im some new comer to gaming. Well most of the time before they can even mention the bs I let them know. Well my bday is almost here....IM GETTING OLD! Im playing Years of Fire!  This band has xguitarist Chimaira...That just makes it all the better. The band has a Chimaira sound and ROCKS!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Jack Thompson is at it again...Idiot he is. Always getting on gamers..
Current mood:  angry
Category: Blogging
Warning bad words,threats and other junk....You know the drill RUN!

What is the jerks problem ? Well as always. Sue happy. Kinda like those heartless bastards who take money freely from those who don't have money. You know who the West Bend Police. Ok so now Jack here is claiming two kids,or two people "trained to kill cops" Using a "cop killing murder simulator" These killings yes they may have been done by people who shot cops in the head and probably shot cops in the headon the video game,but guess what Jack. If your going to kill someone it doesn't take a video game to train you and btw pulling a trigger isn't training it's as easy and clapping your hands.Just so we all are clear here. Another lawsuit,or another way to bring the gaming world down by pointing fingers where fingers shouldn't be pointed. Gta. Also know as Grand Theft Auto is based off of the world we live in. Hey Jack did you ever think that the folks who made Gta got the idea from real world events ? Geee I guess we all never heard of the shootings that go on in the ghetto,but what really gets me pissed off is calling Gta a fucking COP KILLING MURDER TRAINER SIMULATOR.....OR WHATEVER THE FUCK JACK WISHES TO CALL IT...On the other hand it's a very detailed world. Where you play a bad guy. As time has gone by Gta has become very big with story lines,more cars,more ways to draw you in. More things to do. More interesting concepts then Jack has ever manage to come up with. Probably can't even get it up in bed. He might need the fuck a whore simulator which is also apart of the Gta games. Yes Jack go get laid then kill the bitch in the simulator and while your at it blow yourself up in the game and then as you said thats called training so then blow yourself up..Your a fucking joke. I hope you try to come after me. I might be the next one to go training on Gta...Might get a few pointers to take down a few cops and probably you. Because well as the cliche saying goes You don't know Jack shit! So everyone go to the Penny Arcade merchandise area and get your I hate Jack Thompson T-shirt today. Because I know I will. Also search for his name and phone number. It can be found. :D

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Concering my bullentins and more great links.
Current mood:  amused
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
What do you think ? I think I post to many bullentins. Sometimes I feel there should be an edit button for bullentins. I know you can delete. I mean a Blog is simply supposedly to tell how your day is. Or what you do in your own time/life. Ok but I know what you think I can place a category here. Then it isn't a blog. Correct,but outside the blog it does specify that this is a blog.So yea I just hate making a bunch of bullentins and making you folks feel Im just being an idiot,but here is another great link. Top 10 games of 2005. The list for me could be a little better,but it isn't near bad at all. Also here is a link for a Arcade that you can have at home,but in the world of internet pirates. We have better ideas. See thats what we need You it's just stupid. I mean most of it probably deals with copyright issues and profit,but you can actually make this with all games availiable to the arcade scene at that time. That isn't a problem. Those games are so small. Thats right I said it.You know those controls you see at Wal-mart that looks like an atari ? Thats right that to can have every game. But because of profit/copyright. These people scam you. Lucky enough I know better.It's a great idea,but when you only have 7 games when the list is way bigger at so many k's per
11:17 AM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Something I predicted would happen finally did
You know the funny thing is I managed to make it not happen before it happen and then I fucked up and now Im the one to blame....Top nonsense..If it ends up being that anyone else has this issue. Im going to some how erase the issue all together.
11:08 PM

Friday, November 11, 2005

Usually I leave the pc more then today
Current mood:  stressed
Category: Blogging
Some coarse words

I want to appoligize to Meg. I didn't mean any harm. You seem happy over there. Sorry that you didn't wish to watch anime with me. I still didn't complete it. Bleh wtf is wrong with me. I could of watched it. Oh well Meg made me a cake. She is a sweetie and cooks food for me. Boy only if she knew what I got for her bday. Aww. Im about to attack the cake with a big glass of milk..Oh wow I just remembered I had water. Well those soda waters I didn't forget. Dam drug addiction drinks. Bleh. Wish I could rid myself of crap like that,but Im addicted. Tues and Wed I really didn't get nothing done on Rockers Underground,but today I thought about getting a real forum for it. I still have yet to do that either. I read some poetry at my loving poetry forum Emule. I see I have had 299 views @ this blog. Wish I knew if that was accurate. Would love to get it to 666. Im gonna screen capture that! @ Rockers today I showed my great powers of reposting bulletins for the bands...Sadly not all the bands are in the profile yet and sadly more then anything there is no actual fans to hear those bands,but Mizz Evil and Obscured showed me some great new music tonight..Who else ? I was wondering though has anyone else besides me been getting dumb invites to groups via inbox.. ? I dunno. Starting to be pissing off. So warning to all who do that crap Im going to start reporting..Though I don't know what the report button will do. I need to wash some dishes and other stuff. That I guess will be done tomorrow. I hate getting off @ 5pm,but sure beats 7pm. Ok it has now been almost a week and no dam call from the temp service I applied for. Makes no sense. I mean I worked with them before. I had a job. I was a good employ. Why am I not being hired ? I applied for some other jobs to. As of Wednesday. You know no one has called yet. This is a reminder to myself that they want call anyways. Bleh. Waste of time these applications. I still feel it's wrong for us non drug using drinking people to have to keep being asked if we use drugs,etc and Im not a fucking convict stop asking that dumb ass question. I hate applications. I have done some cdl studying. Commercial drivers license. I lost my actual license though. Drivers lic that is...Meh just don't where it went. Hmmm I study every day more frequently now @ work,but that isn't really nothing. I need to get off the pc more often and put my head in the books and copy copy copy everything until my brain holds it there. If only so I can pass the test. As long as I get in. Play around on the truck. I'll be able to so easily drive those big fuckers. It's just getting to that point. Passing the bs. It's like the Ged. Give me the test and cut the bs. I'll take it now. Why don't they provide that online,or something ? It would be more easier to do.Oh I love to complain. Heh I went over my spelling with spell check...I rule. I got maybe 5 words incorrect. Ok ok...I ignored small minor things. That really can't be spelled check and ok ok 5 might be a little more then I should be misspelling. Arrr
Currently listening:
Wonder What's Next
By Chevelle
Release date: 08 October, 2002
12:18 Am

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Current mood:  amused
Racist word here....Broke into my dam car and stole my speakers back when I ran the engine into over heat mode after a Soul fly concert and then had my car shipped to my moms boyfriends shop. So now my door has been screwed up for like three years. GRAND! But to top it off. My big hands managed to break,or maybe the car is just old and the usuage of the up and down window button for my screwed up window has broke off,but I can still move the window up and down. So why you ask and Im bringing this up ? Well I wanted to hear Meg talk on the way home. So I pulled over on the interstate to bend my door into place...because very rarely it gets out of place since they broke in. So when Im driving I get a little wind through the door and it goes like this woooooooooo yea woooo.....But it has been awhile and surely I can't hear it when Im alone blasting away on my not so good sounding speakers again those mother frocking....Ahem..But when I tryed postioning the window tonight I instead managed to make the window not able to roll up...So I was like screw it...See I can substitute curse words you curse word hating people...get the drift it's just a word :P Well I figured I would roll it up when I got home..Need I mention when I pulled over on the itnerstate it was pure black outside..I also had a piece of my car fall off,but i think I got it back in place....I think.I also got the window back in place. Hopefully it will stay and I will not open it untill I visit my friend Niel in the coming weeks I think. Hey I got friends. what you know. Tonight I went see the 50 cent movie. Just read the book it's better,but the movie will make you feel sad. Very sad. It's a sad movie. We also went to my favorite Coffee shop. Pillars in West bend,Wi. I talked with Mort sadly The Formal Apology was there to play tonight,but I missed it. You can find them here @ Myspace. I think their on my band site. Though I could be wrong. We also ate at our number 1 mexican place in West bend..I think the only mexican place there. Yum! Lava rock dish with shrimp in it. Flour tortillas,beans,rice,lettuce. Um hell I think thats all I did. Oh and I read an article on Wantedlist the porn rental like netflix thingy. Check em out online. Those guys need to make more money. I think thats all I got to say. Um yea I know long long paragraphs that don't make any sense. Yippeee!
Currently listening:
This Type Of Thinking Could Do Us In
By Chevelle
Release date: 21 September, 2004
12:01 AM

Monday, November 14, 2005

So yesterday I had the courage. Yes and it was great..I want MORE! Oh and Happy bday ma love
Current mood:  amused
Category: Blogging
Yesterday I rediscovered an old thrill. I have this problem of not always doing the things I like and or delaying the things I like @ times. So yea and well I pulled out my handy dandy Spider man skateboard I got for 10 dollars. Which also reminds me I still don't know where my first board went...But yea thats why I have this one...Ok so I discovered and old thrill with a new twist...Oh yea new twist. See I have this paved parking lot that is well empty at night :D Oh yes and this parking lot is on a slant..Woot yep thats correct a nice hill. I got on the skateboard and realized that I can't even remember how to skateboard..Kinda of scared in all honesty. Let me explain something to. I never done tricks before. The only tricks I ever did was sliding around the poles that hold the roof up @ Sonic Drive in. Where I use to work. So I did manage to push off and when I got to the other end I had more courage and understanding. More comfort and feel for the board again. So I got on it and guess what I found my new thrill and hell it wasn't even blue berry hill. I found myself going pretty fast on the board without pushing..Dam Im lazy.So I did that for a few runs got bored. Im running around outside like a crazed psycho smiling and playing like a kid. Yep Im still a kid and screw anyone who thinks otherwise. You can take your stubborn snobby omg embarrassed self  away from me. Im going to be who I am. Im not going to act "professional" Just because I gained a few years along with pounds ha. I think out the box and with that I do as I please. Well lets continue you shall we ? I got back up the hill on like the third run,but this time I wanted new something different. I laid on the board no really my big huge body lying on a skateboard. Lifted up and away I went...Sweet that was sooo fun. Then I got up the hill again later and sat on the board cross legged ah haha. When Meg finally came outside I asked her to take pictures...well I would show you those,but my camera doesn't like NIGHT SHOTS! It just takes them not so good. Those came out black and Meg was cold so we left and dam at this moment I can't remember oh where oh where did we go....Oh yea Wal-mart because the present I got her was broke and she didn't wasn't as interested as she was for it before it was bought,but I got pics of when she enjoyed it and thats what counts. :D
Currently listening:
Wonder What's Next
By Chevelle
Release date: 08 October, 2002
8:56 PM

Monday, November 14, 2005

Today was Megs birthday and so
Current mood:  touched
I couldn't lie to her last night. Because it's hard to lie and I also wanted her to have more decisions. See my plan was before 12am officially Monday morning was that I supposedly was going to work today,but in reality I wasn't. My real intention was to go out as though I left for work and then went get Meg some bagels and came back. However instead last night I brought out her Rose snow globe with the music and her bday card. I then told her the truth that I wanted her to have the decision as to what we did with the 25 dollars I had set aside considering it was the only money in the house.However before she got the snow globe/card I forgot to get the camera...arrr! But yes I will remember that look when I told her I actually had off. Today we went out to the hospital so someone could speak to her about her illness. Meg has C.i.d.p. It weakens her immune system and makes her muscle function not so well. It also does cause other problems. Inconviences and stares when she parks in a handicap spot. So before you open your mouth next time you see someone parking in a handicap spot please be considerate and understand we all don't get fucked by the government worst then what some of these people do.Afterwards we went eat @ Red lobsters and so this is where the 25 and some extra went instead of Big apples,but no worry she will get that surprise later. After this we went to bring Megs car to get body work done to it. Because two people have ran into her back end of the car. The body shop gave her a different car. Kia to be exact it was red just as her car. Pretty cool car. :D Then we went home for about an hour. We later went take a walk in the park near our home. You can find that park by searching Google/Yahoo maps. Just type map milwaukee look for valley forge road. Meg lost her cell phone in the woods. It was near dark around this time. I had left my phone @ home. So I road home to get it. I called my friend from Louisiana and told him to keep calling Meg. As I was going back to the park. Meg found the phone. She heard it ringing in the woods. Well she thought it was me. So she says hello my love...Lol. I called Chase when I found out she had the phone and Chase said Meg loves him. Ha. Then since it is also Megs moms bday today we went to Megs grandmas also Megs moms mom. We did this last year to. There was cake to eat and things to talk about. We had a good time. Now we are back home and of course Im blogging @ Myspace. Enjoy. Here is a picture of me from the park.
I DO NOT KNOW WHY THE PICTURE ISN'T SHOWING! I have posted pictures in here before....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

Happy Bday Meg hope you enjoyed everything I have done this year. Sorry there wasn't any jewelery as I usually get.

Gees boy how I misspelled some words here tonight. :D
Currently listening:
Horror Wrestling
By Drain Sth
Release date: 16 June, 1998
9:07 PM

Ever heard of Sitka,Alaska ? Once upon a time I would of lived there.
Current mood:  amused
Category: Friends
Anyways type map Sitka,Alaska via google. See what you get. I did this last night because some site mentioned Alaska and my love for Google maps and the intriguingness of what citys looks like. I never it was a city by the sea. It's a small place and My x would always talk about the mountains,but I never knew gees...Put that map on satellite and check out the mountains. So anyways do this. You can also do map Ville platte my old town ah haha. Oh yea and Yahoo maps has a great feature you should check their map out. It's kicken cool.
9:32 PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

9-11 September 11,2001. Remember...Oo Maybe you should rethink that day. Im here to help.
Current mood:  depressed
Yes I am. 9/ll. I remember that day. I bet everyone does. Hell I have a bad memory and that day I remember. Though I can't remember details I remember one thing and never thought nothing more of it. I mean why should I care ? I mean seriously I didn't know those people and obviously they had money so they probably didn't care who I was either. Supposedly my x knew someone from 9/11,or people in New York. But what I remember besides the most obvious buildings falling,people jumping,freinds laughing,etc. I remember those buildings falling in a pretty organized way. I never said,or mentioned it. But then again the media was there to assure us those who know nothing about physics,bombs,demolition that when the planes hit they had heated the buildings so well it made the buildings fall,but is that really what happen ? What about the building that fell and didn't get hit by a plane ? Hell I didn't even know that building existed untill today. It's funny though you know I never trust our world I never trust what anyone says. Hell I don't trust myself,but why should I ? We are humans and we do at times do what we have to and things change. Here is some  Google/Yahoo keywords for you to rethink your 9/11 theory. Maybe to have you rethink the whole situation.
Just type these phrases into Google/Yahoo. Enjoy what you see and be amazed at the coverage.
1.Building 7
2.nuclear explosives world trade
3.war games
You can then from there find more keywords and more Knowledge. Do you like Knowledge ? Because I sure do. How about Hurricane Katrina ?
Try this
woodpecker grid hurricane katrina
or even woodpecker grid just for information about that. I love the internet. What can be hid from the public can not be hid here...Unless well of course you don't do extensive searches for what you want,or can't find the keyword.
5:05 PM

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Free wireless for the whole city but what about the poor ?
Current mood:  amused
I was reading an article on this last night and I got to think there are disadvantages and advantages of this situation. First it sounds like the paper has it wrong. I mean yes it's great for all the article talked about. But when I hear free wireless I think of a driver and a navigator with Yahoo maps,or Google maps loaded up and since Yahoo at this time is gaining advantages over Googles well I would say Yahoo ok so the driver and navigator or going through town which is encased in a web of free internet. Therefore no more trying to capture someones unsecure network...shh I never did this.... Ok maybe once,or twice,but I needed the internet..But in the end even so this would only cut it for someone who needs to check their mail and I don't advice you to go out fishing for someones unsecure network because well it's against the law. However with a whole city being free to use wireless access thats great. Well to some extent. If everyone in town tries to use it as their local provider for internet gaming,myspace,downloading movies,games,music,etc...Thats just not that best of idea. However the possibilitys for using this service to check your mail and view a few webpages now and then,or unlike a usual map using the internet for your map and especially unlike the stupid 411 number which still lives in 1980 and is using some out of date dumb database..when in reality they could just use google to search for a business. Seriously bleh. Yea so I mean maps,mail,a few web pages thats great. People start clogging that network for gaming,movie downloads and now even cable tv online..well what you think is going to happen ? Serious bog down. We don't need it,but hopefully there at this time in life will not be many people who are tech savy...pc friendly...who can see beyond the walls of closed box. So yea the lines should be free. But when the world turns into realizing the benefits of using a pc. Then well untill they come up with a better way of giving out free wireless service. We will be stuck,but otherwise all citys who will be with free wireless I can't wait and if there is a small minium fee a month I will be willing to pay. :D Sorry so long enjoy.
Currently listening:
O God, The Aftermath
By Norma Jean
Release date: 01 March, 2005
3:44 PM

Saturday, November 19, 2005

If your not in the Top 8 anymore..This isn't a popularity contest.
Current mood:  accomplished
Please don't panic. It will be ok. It's just the Top 8. On the other hand. I decided to give other people in the world some props. Btw Im listening to Merry go drown on my good pc and writing here @ the old pc. While wishing I would put the Myspace bar on this pc. It's my addict tool for Firefox. :D  Oh yea we going left to right top to bottom.

So let's get down to who is who and how they inspire me. Or something like that. Maybe just to introduce these fine people.
Unlike some Top 8's. I have a purpose. Oh and no these people are not listed in a favorable place. Just randomly laid there on the Top 8. Please don't panic it's ok.

1. MegfofMar is my lady. My best friend. My lover,My companion and everything else. She keeps me in order and is there for me when in need. We have a great bit in interests even though some of the things she likes sucks ah haha. Like for instance Top Model,or those annoying rap bands...Ah ha. I hope she gets on me for this. But her eyes and all her loving features makes up for these flaws.. :P

2. Pilllars oh yes mmm coffee,games,fun. Mort is also there. Mort is the owner,or some sort of management,but I know Mort from Myspace West Bend group and now know he works there,or has taken owner ship. It's a great place. Good coffee drinks very lovely inside. I can't even describe how wonderful it is inside. I love the inside of pillars and there is board games,card games,music,poetry. You name it. Movies played for nights with that special someone. Live bands. I mean this is the place you should be if your in Wi. Milwaukee has some coffee shops,but you want the best you have to travel 40 mins. You can find out more by visiting the profile,or going to the West bend group which you can find in my groups,or if I wasn't so lazy I could feed links into here,but Top 8 it's about discovery right ? So DISCOVER! :D

3. Noodle. Noodle is a brave guy. He has been to Iraq only to leave and hopefully smuggle his prized possession...a Iraq bong...Yea I know. Noodle has been my friend for years. Oh man Noodle has been my friend since I was a little kid. Noodle lived near my house when I lived in town. When I was kid. So I would estimate I have know Noodle since I was like 10,or 11. Maybe even 9. I dunno. Noodle and Chip. Chip is his brother. Noodle invited me to go skating. @ Franklins. Thats the trashy skating rink,or was the trashy one in Ville Platte when I was growing up. Oh thats Vp,La. Yea and we been cool ever since. Even though we have parted ways many times. We always seem to meet up some time.

4.Katie is my old friend from school. She was part of the "click" Lmao. If you went to Vp you knew that we was in a click lmao. I guess you can call it that. I mean we never meant it to be,but everyone claimed we was. Katie is cool. She hung out with us when all the other girls wouldn't except Heidi. Hmm was there anyone else ? Oh Nakita I think later on. Every now and then the younger girls we met as we kept failing classes.

5. Rockers Underground my solo project for the past few years. Thanks to Rj for making it more real. Since it was him who got me sorta kinda in the Wisconsin scene. I thank everyone in the Ville Platte scene. I also thank Metallica for capturing my need and want and craving for everything rock and roll. More then any other type of music.

6. Metallica. Not the real Metallica profile,but since Metallica has inspired me as you see in 5. Yes I love Metallica.

7. Jordy my great best friend. The memorys that me and Jordy have had over the years. The fun times. The black berry pickin with no shoes and fish catching in the pond. The many times the three wheeler broke down and we had to push it back to his house. Oh when we thought it was cool to be rasists and made the natzi sign on the caution traffic sign which is still there...lmao. Ok we was kids. Stupid yes,but hey it's true. The many times we might of flipped the three wheeler in the ditch,or the many times Jordys dog might of made us laugh I think the dog name was lady..I could be wrong,or the many stupid comments I have made,or the mocking we have made of his sister and other people. Because for some reason we thought it was funny. See CLOSE THE WINDOW JORDY THATS RIGHT! Dollar Five yo. See that boys thats virgin territory. Jordys daddy got a fishing pole. Oh yeas you may not understand these,or what they meant to us,but for us it was funny. I also want to mention the good times with the shop water and the crazy times with the dip,or the many nights camping and all the other great stuff. Me navigating Jordy through Ff,or Zelda. Other games. Just all those great things. The hole in one,the tree house,etc. Great stuff. Hide in seek over the many fields that we lived between. Lmao

8.Jessica and Abbey. Abbey isn't up there and maybe I should of put her along side,but I didn't Jessica is one of my online friends. We used to have good conversations about who knows what. She is and was and will always be a cool person. Jess has just had a bday and I think Abbey to. Jess does great photography and loves great music. There is even a picture out there with my name on her nose...Don't ask lmao. Maybe I shouldn't of mentioned it,but Im sure she is over it now. Oh yea and Jess is the lady with the million aim names over the years haha. Or websites. You choose. :D

Thats it. Thats them. When I change it around I'll be doing this for now on. So yes you will be introduced and stuff. Enjoy. :D But if you don't wish to be listed,or put there. Just notify me. I'll spare you the embarasment,or whatever.

10:07 PM

Monday, November 21, 2005

A blog brought to you by Meg to me. Redo if you want to.
Current mood:  cheerful
Category: Life
Warning this survey contains Violence,Sexual content,coarse words, and lots of other bad things that I didn't think it would have. It is not meant to be taken totally seriously and or not serious at all,but you the reader will have to decide that. In the end. Unless you feel that you can handle my nonsense. Rude,cursing,and sexual stuff. Then read on. Otherwise. Time to go sit back on the swing set and think about how the clouds look. 1.What is your full name: Nolon Lawrence Dore 2.Spell your first name backwards: Um Nolon. :D 3.Date of birth : Oct-10th 4.Male or female: male 5.Astrological sign: screw em 6.Nicknames: Nolo,Little Nol,Big nol,captain no no,Noloco,big foot,spastic nolon,the nolon,pebbles,etc 7.Occupation: lazy fat guy 8.Height : 6 something 9.Weight : 280 or something like that 10.Hair color: brown or something like that 11.Eye color : hazel green 12.Where were you born: in a hospital 13.Where do you reside now: On a char 14.Age : 23 15.Screen names View the profile LAZY! 16.E-mail addy : see above 17.What does your screen name stand for : which one ? Ok I'll start with one. Deadcorpseinabox. Just look at it. Isn't it great ? Invizible_kid..No im not trying to be "hip" I couldn't think of another way to spell invisible. It's a great new Metallica song. You should listen to St. Anger and stop living in the 80's. 18.What is your journal name: Noloco 19.What does your journal name stand for : Meg says im a psycho so she gave me the name. :D 20.How many pets do you have : Meg ah haha 21.Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake - Mommy wasn't here to make cake. I got a ok shhh 22.Piercings: nada zip none 23.Tattoo's: I want smile i fucking hate you 24.Shoe size:: 15 25.Righty or lefty:: bothy 26.Wearing:: Black cut off shirt and my slave pants 27.Hearing:: Metallica-disposable heroes. 28.Feeling:: a mouse keyboard 29.Eating/drinking:: arr nothing Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff 30.Have you ever been in love:: Yes I think so ? 31.How many people have you been in REAL love with:: What is real love again ? Someone is going to slap me. 32.How many people have you kissed:: Lots of people over the years. 33.Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex:: yes of course have we not all done that ? 34.How many people have you dated:: 3 ? 4 ok maybe 5,but I can't remember them all and im not sure if some of them was offical I was a little kid.. 35.What do you look for in a guy/girl:: In a girl ?a tongue 36.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex:: well it's the opposite sex is that a new position ? I would like to try it. Or is that where she rides you opposite to which she normally does 37.What type of guy/girl do you usually go for:: I don't I have one 38.Do you have a crush right now:: HEY! Meg wtf ? Lol 39.If so who is it:: Meg 40.Do you believe in love at first sight:: making love at first sight maybe,but is she safe and am i single ? 41.Do you remember your first love:: Yep well then again maybe I forgot my offical first love,or maybe that was a definite love..maybe that was a crush,but the first love love is in my friends list boo! Ooo Metallica in my ears RARRR 42.Who is the first person you kissed:: Well lmao funny story I must say because well I don't rememer. As I recall I might of been very young. 43.Do you believe in fate::I might of known someone named fate 44.Do you believe in soul mates:: I got soul ma brother 45.If so do you believe you'll ever find yours:: yea soul my brother 46.How many siblings do you have:: six three step three half 47.What are your siblings names:: oh no they never gave me that permission 48.What are your parents names:: Nolon and Kathy whacky...shhh I never said that last part. :D 49.How many siblings does your mother have:: Gees my grandma liked to do it so I dunno. Alot. Let's see. or maybe it was only 5 man thats still alot 50.How many siblings does your father have:: like 5 or 6 to 51.Where are your parents from:: who knows 52.Is your family close:: nope very far 53.Does your family get together for holidays:: lmao 54.Do you have a drunk uncle:: lmao I got drunks and high uncles and whatever else uncles man I got the most psychotic screwed up family around and one big family 56.Does someone in your family wear a toupee:: who knows 57.Do you have any nieces or nephews:: future ? Oh Meg they accept you girl. But um two and some I claim. So I guess 4,or more. Who knows. and who knows what my little sisters is holding,or not. 58.Are your parents divorced:: nope my father got bumped by a car buried in a grave and was 18 now ask that one more time 59.Do you have step parents:: parents no a boyfriend of my moms yes 60.Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? I'll disown anyone for being a fuck up and no exuses here 61.Did some of your family come to America from another country:: Um gees lets see um uh yes MUSIC STUFF 62.What song do you swear was written about you or your life:: Yes every song. 63.What's the most embarrassing cd you own:: Nothing I own is embarassing maybe questionable,but not embarassing. 64.What's the best cd you own:: Metallica Metallica Metallica Godsmack 65.What song do you absolutely hate::Arr who knows,but credit the bands I hate for making it where they maybe...Arr like the Darkness....who the fuck put that band as a good band to make it in the studio bleh 66.Do you sing in the shower:: no I'll have Meg singing in the shower..... 67.What song reminds you of that special someone:: I dunno probably some ludacris song or especially chevelle red Favorites 68.Color:: dark colors that actually look good mostly blues and blacks 69.Food:: Vege beef soup YUM! 70.Song:: Metallica-one,Godsmack-Keep away,Papa roach-Between angels insects and next time I'll direct you to the front page to actually read something 71.Show:: I dunno 72.School subject:: eww 73.Band/singer/artist:: Singers Hetfield,Arron from Staind,Scooter from Cold,The singer from Chimaira,The singer from Years of fire,The singer from Flaw,The singer from sinch,Aaron from My dying bride...and yes I could go one with singers,but thats enough. Artist band same thing right ? Well it will be here. Metallica,Godsmack,My dying bride,Chimaira,Years of fire and yes the list will grow. 74.Animal:: Brodie is the animal 75.Outfit:: My old pants I can't buy anywhere! So now im stuck with pants with stuff that Meg calls "hardware" tisk. 76.Radio station:: RADIO MUST DIE. The only good radio is for is advertising and thats cool,but yes Im glad for those who come to know bands from the radio and it's a nice thing to have,but Imo it SUCKS! 77.Movie:: Oh no Im not reposting everything profile please. 78.Pair of shoes::My loving Nun bush shoes Megs mom bought me. My water shoes. My slip on shoes. 79.Cartoon: Oh just to many. 80.Actor:: Not sure 81.Actress:: not sure 82.Potato chip::mm 83.Drink: Koolaid 84.Soda:: Pepsi 85.Holiday:: Holidays BAD! 86.Perfume/cologne:: Aspen/Gravity 87.Pizza topping::cheese,bacon,onion,tomatoes 88.Jello flavor:: Man Meg makes the jello I love her Jello. 89.Lunch meat:: turkey the stuff Wal-mart sells yes those people who pay their workers low wages and makes poor kids cut up the turkey yep those people. 90.Card Game:: I dunno. I like alot of them. 91.Video game:: Any Zelda series exception on like Majora maybe and the second Zelda game. The first Ff and for those who don't know Ff...It's Final Fantasy. 92.Website::, informative and hilarious <--Good answer and any of my fav bands which has a website that has a good layout other wise HIRE SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY CODE! 93.Book:: Oh me lazy scroll to that section in the profile 94.Computer game::Sim city maybe. 95.Number:: 666 13 numbers people hate 96.Cereal:: Mm yum cereal oreo maybe coco puffs,pebbles man this is to hard 97.Comedian:: They bring the comedy I laugh. 99.Disney character:: I dunno 100.Clothing store:: Well whatever store has something that I like I'll buy it. But there are certain stores I will never step foot in. I can't stand the people who go there,or work there. 101.Pass time::hehe meg said hacking into a tissue. Oh pass time masturbation music you know things we do in life and sometimes don't admit and then go watch a good cartoon 102.Teacher:: I had some very nice and wonderful teachers in school probably not the favorite,but a great teacher was Mr Weber for his time and patience with me and for not giving up on us the children who don't and never had a chance. Teachers outside of school. The guy who introduced me to Nikola Tesla. My poetry family who has gotten me into writing more correctly. Just to name a few and sorry if I forget anyone. Brucefur,J.H. Summer,Syn,Lady of the night,Stephen Fryer and many more. 103.Childhood toy:: who knows The Nes baby lol 104.Candy bar::Reces pieces..yea yea spelled wrong,Snicker,Snicker the ice cream.snickers much bar and they used to sell it in bulk online,but I can't find it anymore so PLEASE PLEASE IF YOU SEE THIS CANDY FOR SALE GET IT FOR ME. As long as it isn't expired! I'll double the price you pay for it. Please don't scam me. Oh and yes the last but not least white hersheys with cookies. YUM! 105.Magazine::Nintendo Power 106.Salad dressing:: yuk 107.Favorite thing to do on the weekend:: Wish I would wise up and GET A JOB 108.Hot drink:: I dunno 109.Season:: I like it cold 110.Sport to watch:: no well can dance dance revolution be a sport ? lol 111.Person to talk to online:: Um probably Snake when he has something reasonable,or crazy to talk about. Karen,Mandy,Vaugn,All my friends really. I mean talk to me and I'll talk to you...sometimes. Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits 112.What color are your sheets:: man My sheets have done went out the bed and on the floor rock rock knock knock you get the idea... 113.What color are your bedroom walls:: white 114.Do you have posters on your wall:: no 115.If so of what:: n/a 116.Do you have a tv in your bedroom:: yes but I need a new phat tv 117.How many pillows are on your bed::alot 118.What do you normally sleep in:: a bed 119.Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:: what me paja ? usually a pair of shorts and thats it and since I been with Meg usually nothing you ask for details I give you details you take them as you wish 120.What size bed do you have::um no it's a matress 121.Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed:: lol a thin secondhand mattress on top of a thinner futon mattress, all atop our deluxe floor. 122.Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom:: no, but we dont have any phone lines so HAH Thats right Meg because landlines suck..Bleh I have two phones and two numbers now what fool. I also got Skype handle that. 123.Describe the last nightmare you had::Well I was running in a field of beautiful women and then they all exploded and the walls of my white wall bedroom were now blood red. There was pieces of lady and scattered tits...ok Im kiding no I don't remember if I did. 124.Do you sleep with stuffed animals:: well one lives by my side of the bed, Lover, the alligator. His name doesnt mean anything, sheesh. <-- Meg says there is also the Black bear thingy from the machine I won her after eating a big full buffet beat them skills yo! 125.How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed:: Depending on if Meg wants more people in the bed no im kidding it's fine the way it is. So long as Meg is there for me to hug and rub 126.Any unusual sleeping positions:: yep I guess no Im kidding 127.Do you snore:: not that I know of,but Meg says a little 128.How about drool:: sometimes, yes 129.Do you have an alarm clock in your room:: I have three and Megs alarms. 131.What's under your bed :: no bed to be under 132.loser/wannabe:: loser 133.Doughnuts/bagels:: hard one here 134.Day/night::Arr dark 135.Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west:: man Im reading the book about the wicked witch and her side of the story new book you should all check it out to if anyone actually reads this hell if anyone reads this I dare you to comment on this and since obviously there is 320 reads someone is reading this...Now get me to 666...Sweet. We can have a celebration n stuff. Call it the non catholic and other million religion day...or something like that...Maybe the spook people because 666 is so bad. 136.Heaven/hell:: not to exist is a favorite of mine can I just have it that way ? 137.Make love/have sex:: make her scream while clawing my back into shreds of flesh and screaming to her REAL GOD! While leaving her needing nothing more then a man like me by her side. I love you Meg. :D 138.Coffee/tea:: coffee tea hard one here 139.Hamburgers/hotdogs:: well gees hot dogs well no chili and hot dog buns yes,hamburgers no and yes depending on who makes them. 140.Rap/rock:: rock n roll dude 141.Britney/Christina:: christina oh yea 142.Swiss cheese/american cheese:: swiss album trailer park they call home boy standing um um uh corner of his home....oh well can't get these lyrics to memory by the way father could you please beat me some more anger risings...Jerry Cantrell former guitarist for the great band of Alice in Chains and also does now and then shows with his cover group cardboard vampires or something...Respect to the great Layne Stanley dead and gone like the other great wonders of the rock n roll world :( 143.real world/road rules:: real world it was and is the best maybe not anymore though man Im gonna have to look that up in Netflix 144.Backstreet Boys or *Nsync:: nsync is where I keep the dishes 145.Silver/gold:: silver 146.Nike/Adidas:: if the shoe fits 147.McDonalds/Taco Bell:: taco bell 148.Sweet/sour:: depending on the situation 149.Punk/emo:: punk whats emo I hear of it I think I might of even listened to no one seems to like it,or accept at this time though. Oh come on Meg check out Sum41.. Great band. 150.Hot/cold:: cold for me 151.Spring/fall:: fall 152.Operas/plays:: never really seen any to say so 153.Read/watch tv:: depending on the mood 154.Cd's/tapes:: tapes for their durability,cd's for the ease. 155.Dvd's/vhs:: dvd's and no not because of the confusion we call digital video disc,but for the versatile disc we call digital versatile disc and probably spelling that wrong,but you know what word Im using. Even though I have ever means to spell check this. :D 156.Old/new:: old n new 157.Shorts/skirts:: ouch ouch we talking about women or me ? I mean I could go for both,but maybe skirts more then shorts,unless it's me walking around the house and otherwise pants. 158.Pink/red:: red 159.Colored pictures/black and whites:: both 160.Meat/vegetables:: meat and vege 161.Mexican food/chinese food:: mexican but thats kind of hard 162.Commercials/infomercials:: both but commercials more for the comedy ones 163.Scary movies/comedies:: depending 164.Bikinis/one piece bathing suits:: i dunno 165.Sandals/tennis shoes::who knows 166.Dogs/cats:: arrr didn't we ask this 167.Unicorns/fairies:: i dunno 168.Water/land:: well we need both there is no pick or choose 169.Sugar/spice:: sugar spice everything nice 170.Black/white:: black 171.ribbons/bows:: na 172.Colored christmas bleh no christmas 173.Cars/trucks:: cars 174.Austin Powers/James Bond:: james bond, but roger moore SUCKS 175.Popcorn/pretzels:: pretzels don't like either really,but I'll eat weird. 176.Passionate kiss/peck:: who is kissing me ? 177.WWE wrestling/ real wrestling:: Wcw all the way. :D 178.Back rub/foot massage:: im just happy to get that kind of attention 179.Picture frames/photo albums:: pc 180.Pens/pencils:: something to write with What Is Your Opinion Of The Following 181.Virgins:: I truely fucked that up. 182.God:: is dead. and no one cares. if there is a hell, ill see you there. Dont blame me, thats trent reznor. God is everything I come to hate. God is the reason alot of us move on and some of us are fucked up. God well God is fucked. 183.Reality TV::no Just watch Everybody hates Chris. Or that God show that plays on Fridays about ghosts..They don't mention God,but it's a subliminal thing and thats spelled wrong. 184.Religion::It is by all right your choice to experience and learn about things in life.Thats my opinion. But if you ask me to join one. I did. It's about the Tetris religion. READ THE BLOGS! 185.Valentine's Day:: Oh poop 186.Homosexuals:: I can't see why what someone does with someone else has any play in your life so why bother complaining about it..That doesn't mean it's ok to fuck your son,daughter,or brother,etc. Im just saying you know what I mean. 187.Abortion:: Well if you just got raped do you want his kid ? Oh but let's throw God in the mix right right it's against God,but it was Gods choice to lie about a women and man having different number of ribs when in reality that isn't so. Then there was that one story about some guy putting every animal on one boat...Now lets be honest do you really think ? Ok Im not wasting my time. If it's Gods choice then so be it. Fine we can over populate thats ok. Soon we will be killing one another off because of it,or water,or some other resource. At the same time praying to a God of some sort to help us win...Ironic isn't it ? 188.Inter-racial relationships:: go for it,but at the same time I dunno where I stand here. I mean I think it's ok,but I feel we continue we might loose what we are/was something like that..You feel me ? 189.Murder:: Is good depending on the situation. Murdering someone for something they didn't do bad,but if you had it come fuck you. 190.Death:: You knew it was coming 191.Obesity:: We all die some time. 192.Pre-marital sex:: Sex is very good for you. Just read my blogs. I'll admit it can screw some of your relationships up and maybe your whole life depending on the situation and of course Safe sex is the only sex. That doesn't mean your first time you will not mess up...even knowing the consequences..but when it's your first time It just comes at you. But marriage..I dunno another ploy for someone to make money. In the end though according to Meg there is joined goverment benefits,or something. So thats cool. 193.Terrorism:: uh, bad. 194.Pornography:: it has its ups and downs (see the pun?) <--Ah haha. Well if thats your choice do it. I want stop you from making money. I think though anyone in that business should have a stict sexual life style. Porn stars for porn stars and nothing else. Always being checked and stuff. Safe sex all the way. 195.Fortune Tellers:: Well I mean if they feel what they do is real Good,but it's not for me. 196.Threesomes:: Say what ? I dunno my x never did that with me,but the three kiss was interesting. 197.Prostitution:: It's a job once again make it a safe job. 198.Politics:: bleh 199.Country music:: On occasion I have been known to listen. But you know hey I mean if you like it listen to it. If you make it big someone likes it. So who am I to judge ? 200.George W. Bush:: A guy a rich guy 201.Cloning:: I dunno what is the benefits of it. Except maybe things that would go extinct and thats good. 202.Gas prices in America:: A ploy to make the rich richer. A means to continue selling out in a world where we have the ability to drive something safer for the enviorment,but want happen so long as someone has money and there is only to use. What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?... 203.Jack:: off 204.Tiffany:: a girl online or Voo to 205.Ben:: That guy who doesn't clean the dishes well,but other wise he is a good worker. Cool guy to. 206.Maria:: Marianna the future 207.Jennifer:: a porn star i think 208.Aimee:: lee another porn star I think 209.Adam:: An old cool guy from work 210.Richard:: Rahl Terry Goodkinds main character 211. Arnold:: The California man 212.Tom:: Arnold cool actor 213.Melissa:: some other porn star i think 214.John:: my moms b/f 215.Kevin:: mitnick 216.Jake:: Megs brother 217.Billy:: bob 218.Sarah:: a chic at work 219.Nick:: my sisters old friend/bf 220.Jordan:: some guy from common doubt/school Have You Ever.... 221.Mooned anyone:: Yes 222.Been on a diet:: No maybe a little,but nothing of major 223.Been to a foreign country:: no 224.Broken a bone:: no not that I know of 225.Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling:: no 226.Swear at a teacher:: Probably so 227.Talked to a LJ member via emails or instant messages:: is that live journal BE MORE CLEAR! I had to google that. 228.Got in a fight:: yes 229.Dated a teacher:: Yes every girl I ever dated taught me something and that doesn't mean sexual,but surely could be also used that way. 230.Laughed so hard you peed your pants:: not that I know of 231.Thought about killing your enemy:: sure 233.Told a little white lie:: yes 234.Told a secret you swore not to tell:: depending 235.Stolen anything::no 236.Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid:: not sure 237.Been on TV:: no 238.Been on the radio:: no 239.Been in a mosh pit::yes 240.Been to a concert:: yes why of course so would you like me to name them to and waste more of your time ? 241.Dated one of your best friends:: Yes all x's and Meg. 242.Loved someone so much it makes you cry:: In some sense yes. 243.Deceived somebody close to you:: Im not sure. 243.Broken the law:: Oh yes 244.Been to a rodeo:: yes but don't remember anything 245.Been on a talk show:: no 246.Been on a game show:: no 247.Been on an airplane:: yes 248.Got to ride on a firetruck:: np 249.Came close to dying:: no 250.Cheated on a bf/gf:: no but I may have been with a girl who might of cheated on her b/f,g/f or whatever who knows. 252.Terrorized a babysitter:: no 253.Made a mud pie:: I like mud pie 254.Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff:: not that i know of 255.Snuck out of the house at night::No I just opened the door 256.Been so drunk you don't remember your name::sXe 257.Had an eating disorder:: yea eating to much I bet 258.Felt like you didn't belong:: I never belong 259.Felt like the 3rd wheel:: No the fourth 260.Smoked:: no not exactly in those terms. sXe 261.Done drugs:: no not exactly in those terms sXe 262.Been arrested:: Well sort of. I mean Meg was 16 and I was 19..You think about it. 263.Had your tonsils removed:: no 264.Gone to camp:: camp out yes band camp yes 265.Won a bet:: don't remember 266.Written a love letter:: aww of course 267.Gone out of your way to be with the one you love:: Oh yes 268.Written a love poem::Yes many to Meg and about Meg 269.Kissed in the rain:: aww yes 270.Slow danced with someone you love:: yes 271.Participated in an orgy:: yes not really though,but thought this would be funny calm 272.Faked an orgasm:: yes <-- HEY! :( Explain yourself woman Ok I got the details...Didn't want to have myself in jeporady,or something. She says yes maybe once,or twice. Like when we first started out and maybe because she couldn't feel it because she had been fucked so much,but then again thats what she says..Meg Im only playing with these last words. She says not anymore. Well me no I don't. I either or I don't. I'll let her know. 273.Stolen a kiss:: yes 274.Asked a friend for relationship advice:: yes Meg 275.Had a friend steal your bf/gf:: no but two of my friends been with the same girl I was with.. 276.Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love:: Im not sure Is that supposed to be romantic ? I would just be like look it's going down yes yes yes...Oh no fuck it's coming up. 277.Gotten a speeding ticket:: see previous blog 278.Done jail time:: no 279.Had to wear a uniform to work:: slave to the system 280.Won a trophy:: no 281.Thrown up in public:: not sure 282.Bowled a perfect game:: no 283.Failed/got held back:: bleh 284.Got perfect attendance in grade school:: Probably so 285.Roasted pumpkin seeds:: no 286.Taken ballet/karate lessons:: no 287.Attempted suicide:: no attempted to stop people yes Childhood Stuff 289.Did you play with Barbies/G.I.:: hot wheels 290.Did you own Treasure Trolls:: probably was in the house 291.Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210:: no and despised it 292.Did you play Simon Says:: yes 293.Did you watch Fraggle Rock:: I watched it the other day 294.Did you wet the bed:: no 295.Did you believe there were monsters in your closet:: No me and my little sister loved horror movies and then she got old and turned into a bitch ,but I accept her and stuff 296.Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them::wtf ? 297.Were you shy:: probably 298.Were you spoiled:: maybe so 299.Were you abused:: Im not certain probably according to law 300.Did you go to the circus:: Yes 301.Did you go to the zoo:: yes 302.Were you in a car accident?:: yes 303.Did you build snowmen:: :( 304.Did you cry when you scraped your knee:: at times 305.Were your older cousins mean to you:: not that I know of 306.Did you think slinkies were cool:: Slinkies were ? No they are. The metal ones though..Plastic sucks and so does all the jack in the box of these days they all suck. Bleh I want my jack in the box back man. I miss that fucker. 307.Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer:: Yes and I wanted to be cool like them and kill people like shredder because I think like Jack Thompson...Ok not really,but damit bleh. No I knew better. My mind wasn't lost. I mean it's a fucking cartoon. 308.Were you afraid of the dark:: no but I remember the show. 309.Did you have slumber parties:: I had friends over n stuff 310.Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag?: no mix match like now and though I knew someone who did 311.Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany:: ummmm no, and who is this? 312.Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy::Well Im sure I did,but in my mind something was fucked up about it. Randomness 313.Do you believe in aliens:: I believe that there maybe something out there yes. 314.Name three things that are next to your computer:: webcam, router, discs 315.Do you have any hidden talents:: Yes things that you have no idea about. 316.Do you wish MTV would play music videos::No I'll just donwload video. No commercials and I get to pick and choose hey thats cool. 317.If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be:: I dunno 318.What would your movie star name be:: dunno 319.Do you play any sports:: no 320.What's the scariest movie you've ever seen:: nada but childs play rules 321.What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently::Incredibles,Harry Potter Goblet of fire....Arrr but they butchered the book. 322.What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen:: dude wheres my car,something about mary,etc 323.Do you drive:: yes 324.What is your dream car:: Shpuld I really waste your time. I'll say Camaro for one. 325.Do you think youre good looking:: Some girls say a some say nay. I'll let them decide. 326.Do others think you are good looking:: I just answered that. 327.Would you ever sky dive:: no,but then again. 328.Do you believe in Bigfoot:: no 329.How many rooms do you have in your house:: technically four, but the kitchen doesnt have a door and its teeny tiny so lets say three 330.Are you afraid of roller coasters:: I looove roller 331.Do you own a pooltable:: no but um uh... 332.Do you have a pool:: a no 333.Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen:: no damn it. of course nolon liberates me from dishwork, thank you baby <--- Even though I slack alot. :D 334.Do you like chocolate:: yes I love chocolate belgium chocolate with hazel nuts from Wal-Mart yes the plase with low wages and children for labor...Yep that place. 335.Who/what is on your 2005 calendar::what ? OMG IM SO ORGANIZED! 336.How many U.S. states have you been to:: I can say alot. Maybe more if I get my act together. 337.Ever wished on a shooting star:: probably 338.Best Halloween costume you ever wore:: not sure 339.Do you carry any weapons on you:: no, but i have a gun in the house. must be the music and video games *rolls eyes* <-- no doubt. Time to kill because I forgot to read that label on the box and I gave the game to my kid. Hope he kills Jack. I'll be thankful that I forgot that rating system was on there. Gee who label that. I must of been high on life,or something. Totally missed that one. Big black n stuff. I swore I saw him just drawing painted faces on the game. Never did he shoot a gun in the game. While I was fucking my wife in the other room not paying attention to him. Nope not me. Dam did Jack die yet,or end up in prison for life for lying and for not being accurate bleh. 340.What is your weakness:: a knife Jack Thompson 341.Name something you can't get enough of:: Learning,music,sex,sleep,games,things like that you know. 342.How many kids do you want to have:: two one two one two one 343.Future daughters names:: marianne elizabeth for sure, then after that i dont know 344.Future sons names:: alexander james no thats it lol 345.What is your ideal way to die:: cops chasing me guns going off you know fun stuff 346.How do you release stress:: listen to music 347.Do you consider yourself a trendy person:: no 348.Are you an artisitic person::I hear that yes 349.Are you a realistic person?:: yes 350.Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off:: haha no 351.Are you a strong person:: no 352.Are you a strong willed person:: maybe so 353.Who is the last person to e-mail you:: Have not done the email thing,but last I checked Steph. 354.Who is the last person to IM you:: Don't remember. It's the end of the survey that took up about two hours,or something.
10:26 PM

So we are putting this up because we know that a lot of people have a lot of problems and often times do not know where to turn to.  Here are a few links to various websites that can point you in the right direction.  Please, look through these sites if you need help.  <br><br>We are always down to talk to you if ever you just need a friend, but there are many arenas that even we are not experts in.  We are here for you and want you to know that you are not alone.<br><br>Later<br>Obscured<br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Self Mutilation and "Cutting"</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Support for Self Injury</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Info and Support for Eating Disorders</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Domestic Violence Support and Information</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Domestic Abuse Agencies by state online</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Online Addiction Rehabilitation with a hotline to speak with councelors and more...</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Information on Adolescent and Child substance abuse and addiction</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Planned Parenthood</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Information and support on Abortion</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Support and Info on Depression</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Help to identify depression and steps to take</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Information on Social Anxiety Disorder</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Information on different forms of anxiety</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Information and support with Date Rape</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Info and support on rape</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Crushed Roses (support for rape victims"</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">More Info with rape and date rape</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Support for Suicide</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">S.A.V.E. or Suicide Awareness Voices of Education</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Centre for Suicide Prevention</a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Safe Haven for New Borns</a> - Please do not abandon your child, you DO NOT have to.<p></p>

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Harry Potter latest film sadly butchered arr!,Thanks giving,idiot drivers,cops
Current mood:supercalifragilisticexpaladosious
Category: Blogging
I bundled it all together just for you. :D Um whoever you are.
I was supposed to write blogs on each of these subjects matters and have forget,or as I am sick have not done so,but for your pleasure,enjoyment and stuff. A short version of these.
Drivers are idiots and nothing more can be said.
Cops are stupid people who cause people to brake. Maybe it isn't their fault,but I'll blame them.
Harry Potter books and it seems all books are better then that of the movie part because If people can't have it mainstream well who wants to watch a 5 hour film ? I do thats who. I mean I want the book. Not what Mr Director thought was best. What about key parts what about all thats good in the book. You got fancy pc and other things to make magic. DO IT!
Second year new family Thanksgiving. We slept there on our old couch. Now we own a futon because it's cooler and we are cooler. The food was good. Megs mom can cook yummy turkey and other good things like green bean casserole and it sounds sick,but I think this year it really grew on me. Along with the yummy roles and the mashed potatoes. The dessert was even yummy to. There was Megs great and wonderful brownies. She could of brought jello and I would of been fine,but these brownies are extra special and not in the we all got high and laughed after the meal sort of brownie way no no. I mean she put effort into them. Cared for them like they where little Marriana and Alexander..she knows these people. Megs mom had made cupcakes yum. Along with icecream vanilla with our own fixings. Like strawberrys and cool whip. I thought of other exciting things..ok well Im going to bed...See you all later. Maybe this was a long post and dam I tryed not to make it that way. Oh yea one other blog. Cough cough cough you get the point. It doesn't stop and my lack of interest in medicine probably doesn't help now does it. ? Dam drugs who needs em. Im going to die....Did I get that Marry Poppins word right ?
Currently listening:
Until the End
By Kittie
Release date: 27 July, 2004
12:12 AM

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A tale of a man and his battle with Progresso pop-top lids
Current mood:  blah
Category: Blogging
I fear progresso soup cans. They have "pop-top lids". Ok so I admit my first incident was my fault,but in all fairness I don't see WHAT'S WRONG WITH A CAN OPENER. They are easy to use and are simple to work with. I never have issues with them. Anyways.. My first incident/accident with Pop-top progresso lids was talking on the phone ...I know I know. I was talking on the phone and Meg wanted me to open it. Me being the oh I can get this because it's easy for me. So I do try to get it with one hand. Which should be simple. It's a "pop-top lid" Well I some how managed to instead slip and slit my hand very badly. Which was a year ago,but since I still don't trust those cans. I mean you never know when the lid will tear from the can. But the cut on my hand is pretty cool. I like gliding over stuff. The messed up nerves feels nice. So the other day however I bought a cambells pop-top lid opener. Well my first day trying it I did it in the living room standing up..Bad idea kinda splashed,but it worked. Now what do you when the pop-top fails to actually pop,or maybe the ring that you hold on to some how manages to fling off ? Well what's their back up plan ? Nothing at all of course. No you can't use a can opener because it doesn't have that as a back up feature,but you would think it should. So yea tonight Im using the cambells pop-top lid take off thingy and the ring to hold on to went pling and flew some where. So the can is nearly useless and the can opener didn't work. So what did I do ? :D I grabbed the butter knife and went attacking that can like I had no care in the world and it seemed to be working,but then....yes but then splash and poof soup particles come flying all over and the lid falls into the can. My clean dishes covered in soup,My icebox otherwise known to non Louisiana and southern people as a refrigerator was covered and my floor was covered and worst of all my just taken a bath body was splashed in soup...but still enough there was alot left in the can. So I cleaned up and this is my story..Oh boy progresso...
10:49 PM

Monday, November 28, 2005

Seriously thinking of a new tv and actually looking into it
Current mood:  cheerful
Category: Blogging
It turns out American a store that distrubutes products for your home. Might of sold us one hell of a good deal. As far tv's turn out. Even though they actually sold us the wrong tv. I was viewing my tv on Amazon and when I got to thinking. The description couldn't of fit it perfect. It's funny you know the tv gets loud when it supposed to,etc. Like it will become louder depending on what type of movie and what is happening. It has virtual surround sound. Not to be confused with surround sound. I only have two speakers,but it does sound good. Now I wish I had a sub-woofer. I bet it would sound better,but the tv also is a flat not lcd. But flat as in it isn't rounded. So that eliminates glare. The main problem with it however is how heavy it is. Let's just say the tv I want is 133 pounds while the tv I have is 158. May not be a drastic difference in pound difference,but I think it should be alot lighter. In my opinion of course. Here is some links to the tv's. Oh yea the main reason we will need a new tv is for Hdtv which will and is starting to dominate the tv as we know it. One of things I also want to mention is that the old tv costed 500 the new one will run me into debt :P Because it will be like 900 after taxes Im sure. Arr someone kill the tax takers.. I mean they already take a cut before I get the check and then they want more when I buy things. Wish I could that greedy. But also my old tv doesn't have smart sound. Some might say what is smart sound ? Well Im here to tell you what smart sound is. It is also known as a sound leveler. Basically when the tv supposed to get quieter it will stay at the volume you set it and when the commercial comes on you know those extremely loud ones you will not know it. Unfortunately it doesn't that alot of tv makes have adapted that into their tv's I think they should.

My old tv
The new tv I do want
4:59 AM

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A ppem/writing by me. Noloco. We are the takers.
Current mood:  sad
Category: Life
Sometimes I'll find myself in someone forum doesn't have to be poetry and it can be just anything and for that time I want comment I'll just start writing writing something that just doesn't pertain to that topic. This time it was a forum with a subject matter of something about sitting on santa... and this is one of my yea nothing to do with santa you can't take this as you wish. It's mostly non-fiction based in our world where fiction and non-fiction cross thats up to the read and what they feel. Enjoy.
Noloco/Rockers Underground Btw I set the mood on this blog as sad. Not because Im sad,but this is a sad poem. I set the category as life because it's something we have to deal with in life.

In my hand lies the razor
Deep cuts left scars
Troubled thoughts
Societys only hope
A lost cost
Drowning in this ocean
Ocean of tears
Pain that reminds all
That we never fall alone
But alone some do fall
But when they fall
A chain of despair begins
A sad reminder of sadness
In troubled times
Sometimes we venture
Taking lands as our own
Conquering worlds as we go
Taking what is ours
...Well because we take
We are the takers of the world
In world we confidently call free
In a world we hold no responsibility
Because we are selfish
We are greedy
We are the takers
Societys only hope
They cry
A lost cost I say
Drowning in this ocean
This ocean of chaos
In my hand lies the razor
Deep cuts left scars
Im not afraid
I am not real
Im only here a sad hopeless being
Apart of a cause that goes on into
A void an abyss of pure nothingness
Because we will never end the suffering
We will never end the trouble we cause
While our mother takes another blow
We are the takers of the world we call Earth

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A simple Cajun breakfast straight from
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Yea thats right. Im the southern guy in the northen area. So today I will teach you how to make a good breakfast. Simple. Yet good. There are many breakfasts that I can make simple and cajun,but today we will focus on white bread and eggs. Eggs over easy. Bread toasted and one not toasted. The drink. Heavy loaded Nesquick milk. YUM!

So your probably looking at this like hey thats not cajun you can't say that. BUT YES I CAN! See where Im from we use Tony Chachere's seasoning look that up in Google. Cayenne and your common  black pepper. Im not sure who all does this to their eggs,but here we go

I forgot to mention you may need cayenne from Louisiana. As the cayenne here had no spice whatsoever wow I slammed that word together. So yea. I might not pushing Louisiana on you. It's just seriously I have some sitting over here from here and bleh. But a great WARNING! Cayenne is supposed to be extremely hot. I do mean that. It can ruin a meal just as it can make it a great thing. Be careful with how much you put.

So what you do is you crack an egg open right put it in your non-stick that actually sticks pan.If the pan actually sticks you might want to use margerine,or butter and if you just have butter,or thought all along that what you was using was butter. Rethink that. Anyways something to make the non-stick actually non-stick,or if your non-stick is actually non-stick lol just throw the egg on there making sure not to break the yolk. Now that your egg is cooking. Oh yea and make sure the stove is on. Your desired heat level. If your young,or to dumb to work a stove get your mommy to do it for you. So yea as the egg sits their raw awaiting to be cooked. You if your not cajun,or not from Louisiana,or don't/can't handle hot spicy foods. Then you may want to either back out now,or use something really small to put these spices on. So now anyways lightly coat the egg with cayenne,tonys,black pepper. You don't need salt thats what tony's is for. Although with improvements. When I say lightly I do mean it. I mean you can experiment with the egg. Im not saying don't thick coat it. Just for now. Start off small. Also make sure your bread was toasting and hope you have a 4 thing toaster. I need one of those. But for now. I have to WAIT! That makes things cold. Now when the egg gets to the needing to flip over side. Flip it and either repeat,but for now I say don't repeat. Just leave as is. Maybe put some black pepper. As it will not ruin anything. Not for me at least. Then repeat with the other egg and make sure NOT to break the yolk. Then when all said and done. You will have a cajun breakfast. In my mind at least.

When eating it. You know you need your white bread to soak up the yolk and the toast bread. Change around your ideas as to which to eat with the eggs and which eggs to not eat with the bread,etc

of course enjoy your milk.
Another good hint is taking the nesquick slapping it in a blender,but that want make it so simple now would it,but your milk would rock. Then you could add pancakes,hashbrowns,etc
8:06 AM

Monday, December 19, 2005

A lack of sleep. Jamming to Cold-Bleed. Just thought I would write..Top 8 had changed
Current mood:  blah
Category: Blogging
So I dunno what can I say ? I am still in the process of getting my old poetry website up and for the first time it is all coded by me all alone. With a wee bit of Edit Plus which does nothing more then act as a browser,etc. Does no coding for me though. I do that. But yea other then that. I been feeling bad about neglecting Rockers Underground lately,but if I can just get the database for Dd then I'll have that running. Ru shouldn't have to wait,but you know so hard to get everything done all the time. Besides my life in the world of Html. Arr. I have also put Emule on hold again,but not so badly as I used to. Though with all this web stuff I have been doing. I have not touched a game in I don't know how many months except the past few days Zelda Ages on the Sp,but thats portable and does me good for when im @ "social gatherings" "places not of interest" "waiting in a car,etc" Not that I mind being at these certain places,but if my choice was not to be. You know thee answer now don't you. This whole christmas nonsense bleh. I HATE TRADITIONS,HOLIDAYS,RELIGIONS! Sorry folks sometimes the truth just HURTS! But honestly when you can't find a parking space at 2 stores and one of those stores you have to wait in line for a few hours thats idiotic and the whole hype and nonsense is bs. You all know you can care less what little cindy has been doing over the past year and more then likely she/he was doing the  same thing last year. You know those lame boring every time you go to a gathering type thing conversation. As though people actually care about these lame boring every day life questions they ask...Hey how you doing ? How you been ? How has life been treating you ? What you been up to ? What type of work your doing ? and then lets not forget the ending result is .....Im going to forget all the answer you told me anyways in a little while and probably never cared,but it made conversation.,etc Bleh. Im sorry,but you may think me crazy,but if I can't express my opinons then why should you even read this ? Im listening to Disturb now and no thats not Disturbed.
Yep now you probably all think well then why do you feel this way ? It's just how I view it sorry,but the truth once again is real. No one ever really cares and if they do well good for you,but for me no. It's a waste of my time. Work already does that for me. But then again I do waste alot of time myself. Certainly don't need all these other things hindering my life,but to please those of concern. The final conclusion of all this is that You must always put on a smiley face,go to the gatherings,act as though you believe there is a God when certain members of the family say the word god in a sentence. For instance. God will take care of her she is in heaven now. Your answer has to be yes thats right. God loves her. I bet he is bathing her right now...ok don't go that far. But don't do otherwise. Never say to the hard core god people that you don't believe because that will cause trouble. Like them wondering what devil worshiping moments you been up to and especially questions I bet they would have a million of why you feel that way and how god is great,but thankfully Im smart enough to write all that bs off as a lie. Yes oh yes God will take care of our family just like a shield when a fire starts.. Traditions. You must obey them no matter. Keeping thy family member happy and making them think that things like christmas trees are a need in life...Always agree because disagreeing will probably put you into a position of having to speak and though you just wish to be LEFT ALONE. Holidays bleh all bs. But hey you know we have to have them and you have to SMILE be happy. Agree that you love all this nonsense. In the end. Im not trying to make you the readers see me as a bad person. Am I saying I hate getting a nice pretty present is bad ? No,but I don't agree that it has to be agreed that you only give gifts at certain times,but then again we also know that you can give gifts at random then why have all this extra stuff added on to it ? Sure helps the economy some,but other then that bleh.I mean personally I would ship you all a gift randomly just because your all cool people and Im glad to know you,but things like holidays,traditions,religions,etc These things can make people angry,hate you,wonder why you are such a cheap bastard when knowing you make hardly anything worth calling a paycheck. I mean come on I make 7.90 an hour. Just think how hard it is for me to say no I do not wish to go home because yes I do wish to say for an extra hour just so I can gain 7...No I think not. I can make that up at a later time. So yes I guess it's good because people get to see one another which they have not done in such and such time,etc I think it makes some people happy and all these things are great,but doesn't mean I have to see it their way. Last thing I want to do is set off someone trigger and have them throwing down nonsense of why I don't believe in a god,or why I feel christmas sucks,or make someone sad because I got the most dumbest,or cheapest christmas present,or make someone feel sad because Im off in another state for christmas,or have someone wondering why I think christmas trees are pointless,but Im glad to see them when I see them,or why I think it's just another money making scam of some sort,etc....Onto other things.

Im going to be posting up a blog relating to alot of interesting links as you know I have done this before,but that was predone by another blogger/musician. On the other hand since I view Digg. I thought it could be interesting I feed you all the great links I find. Some to help you with your pc and some just to entertain you,etc.

On other notes. It has not snowed recently and though we have alot of snow laying around outside I have not taken any time out to float around the park and this being my second year here I still have not become Mr Snow skiing dude,but one day I would love to dabble in that.

Btw yes the Top8 had changed. I stupidly wrote a bulletin about this and meant to inform you all about it. Let my heart pour out to those who lost their spot awhile back,but since I been busy and well my nice pretty new look for who is who in the top 8 got smashed down by Firefox crashing. I never said Firefox was perfect and on another note it was my own fault for not copying the text to a different file and saving. But yea those are some of my cool friends and the next top 8 you will get the real pretty detailed info. So stay tuned for that. Im listening to Norma Jean. Check them out their great. Like Kellogs...

Meg has shaved my sides. So now I look like some cool hip guy.... But yet thats all just a mirage as time will bring back my long hair.

I think thats all I really have to say and I know my whole take on christmas and what not got some of you all in a twizle...uh yes a twizle. But in the end relax I will smile and do what I shall to make the people I love happy. Thats the whole point right ? Gather socialize,but be nice and smile. Otherwise people worry and we wouldn't want that because that brings on questions and those questions are boring and all you want is to stop smiling stop agreeing and just go sit alone,or with the one you love....
6:46 PM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A very sad,but nice ending tale about child predators online
Current mood:  sad
*sigh* I just want to thank first of all my love Meg for being who she is and assumingly I trust and always will believe Steph to be who she is. Just like all my other friends that I have met online over the years. Either I was to smart and just not dumb enough to be lured into bs messages. But no matter it is wrong and a sad day when people take advantage of others because their young. When I grew up and even now I don't feel the internet is a bad place,but as I will always say for everything good there is something bad. No matter. If you can say other wise prove it. But I think that in this case the boy was just as wrong as those who promised him so much. But though I don't blame him more then I blame those who lured him into doing all these things. None of that was his fault. What I feel was his fault maybe wasn't either because maybe he didn't have common sense,but then that can't be right because obviously he made better grades then I ever did in school,or maybe he just made better grades and that was about as smart as he got. In the end result he made some bad decisions and I tell you any guy ever came on to me. They would have been down right ignored on every level. But not this kid. Sadly they lured him into a world of money,drugs,molestation. *sigh* I know Im making this sound mean in some ways,but in all honesty I feel really bad for the kid. Im glad that in the end maybe it was not good that he went through this,but good that in the end he is changing this world around. He is now helping to get rid of sick idiots like this. So here is the story brought to me to you by

A sad tale with a decent ending
6:08 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

They said it was faster but dam Firefox 1.5 I have finally installed!
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Wow what an amazing rush. I know I got about 3 people uploading and me downloading while Myspace just amazingly loaded up quick. On a side not that doesn't mean Myspace works better because of Firefox so don't go download Firefox thinking that after all it is 730am,but usually it would load slower and yes it will still slow down because well Myspace needs more of something to speed their site up when it's loaded with users. Anyways yea so wish me luck. I have it installed. Most of my extensions seems to have transfered over smoothly. Just hope that the ones I maybe missing do to.
7:29 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You know those Macs and Apples ? Well noticed the attention lately ?
Current mood:  amused
Category: Blogging
Apple is old no no not the fruit the computer company. But for a good bit of years Apple was like Netscape,or what now is Firefox though not to be confused with Netscape. Anyways I been thinking about it and I been thinking about posting a topic,or something and today at Digg I seen an article stating what's been playing in my head thats cool. I guess for you Mac users. Personally I never used a Mac and judgemental as I am I only know I don't use so Don't like Mac,but that doesn't go to say that I never would try to use a Mac and I need another pc. One to replace this one. Well of course that doesn't mean I would get rid of this crap,but getting back to the topic. I just think it's cool to watch The Apple progress mostly noticed is the of course Ipod which then also promotes their other products. So maybe the tide is turning. Microsoft looses out more and more. The Evil corp gets pay back. Not to say that Microsoft has not done alot over the years and anyone can't deny they have heard of Micro and of course windows. But yea Windows is cool just glad to see progress grow.
10:53 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Another complaint blog,but you should read Kids,Dvds,idiot parents!
Current mood:  annoyed
Category: Blogging
You know I have two dvd players in my house. One is a cheap dvd player. The other is a nifty bootleg able playing bad mother jama haha. There is also the dvd player in the pc. Then one will be put in my new pc later. Oh yea and I think Megs Laptop is Dvd capable. Anyways on with the story. First of all Netflix thanks for always providing great movies at a great and reasonable rate. Without you well I would probably stick to downloading more movies and forgetting Hollywood video existed bleh. Seriously 3 to 4 dollars a movie and wtf ? Now Netflix I pay 15 a month. Two movies come to my house. I never have to leave. I don't even have to deal with supposed lost movies that or actually in their store,or supposedly not beng on Netflix account. No I don't have to deal with that Bs and once again Im off topic,but so now that we covered some main aspects and advertised. Parents if there is one thing you should teach a kid is that he/she/it or whatever devious name you have given your kid. NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE A DISC. SERIOUSLY! Look my cheap dvd player does alot of screwing up,but when my other dvd player screws up thats the disc fault,or more so your kids,or your own dumbass fault. But so yea I tried watching shark tales from Netflix and no I never have any issues with any disc being scratched...Of course this is the first "child friendly" movie. But even so. Well I'll take that back because we did rent Marry Poppins and I think that was it,but Marry is old and kids these days could care less. Um so I tried it in my better player and what happens ? Well bleh it goes to being stupid. Pulled it out turned on my big bright light and said oh thats a nice loving amount of scratches. Look if this was a Hollywood video disc. Please burn/torment,etc Every disc they own. Hopefully they will then go out of business and Family Video will take over,but on the other side of the spectrum. Listen Netflix is cheap and for being cheap you should be RESPONSIBLE! It could really help us who do try to treat our benefits from a great company with respect. I mean look it's not so hard to teach a kid to hold a disc,but even more important...SHOULD'T YOU BE PUTTING IT IN THE PLAYER. Now im not blaming it all on the kids. YOU STUPID IDIOTS WHO CAN CARELESS AND JUST THROW NETFLIX DVD'S ALL OVER...STOP! Your neglecting my privalge and others to. I DON'T NEED IT! So the short and lesson learn version is please when playing someone elses dvd don't BREAK THEM! Netflix gives you a nice case to put them in. It can't be so dam hard to take the disc and slide it into it's jacket. Which you can put the jacket right there near the dvd player.
Currently listening:
The Impossibility of Reason
By Chimaira
Release date: 13 May, 2003
7:52 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I oops and bought the wrong album..But thats ok. :D Chimaira impos of reason
Current mood:  accomplished
Category: Blogging
Great album. Sadly I was trying to "support" But ended up getting the 2003 release. Well I swore the black cover was the latest,but I was reading a magazing and I dunno. Bleh. Oh well. Love this album and I love the other album. Which yes I download,but of course I will buy to.Anyways yea love the album. Pissed off at radio stations and all of you who are so into music that the only thing you listen to is your closed mind radio stations. Oh yea and the Fcc and all those religion control freaks,mothers who suck,and people who close their mind to just music on the radio. This album along with the new album which I posed as what Im listening to. These are great albums and yes Im saying this because Yes this is one of my favorite bands,but Chimaira was the first band ever to sound fucking great in my car. That alone makes this band great,but then the vocals,drums,guitars. It's just a rush and though they don't make alot of money. Why ? Because the radio prefers crappy bands like Lick my park . Sorry folks I love Lick my park,but to compare them to Chim wouldn't be possible and though I feel it's only fair that yes Linkin gets a spot on the radio,but when people close their minds to something as good as this it's pathetic. So go out and buy these great albums and don't forget pass out of existance which they the bands probably wish didn't exist,but for me it's was the starter and it is great.

Oh yea and the myspace team if your listening in. Please allow us to set font on auto.
  Currently listening:
By Chimaira
Release date: 09 August, 2005
8:12 PM

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Lets Blog blogging is fun. I have new pics well old new whatever
Current mood:  amused
Category: Blogging
Dope rules just so you know. Makeshift Romeo to. So there promotion is nice. :D  Hell I should be doing alot of things right now,but I have been in a trance of staring at the monitor clicking on little dumb things n stuff. Oh yea bleh :D
I just thought I would write a blog. Anyone likes the new blog look ? *knock knock* Am I the only one here ? I think I am. Ah ha. My new pics rock. Lmao. All my snow has done melted and stuff. Please God,person,or whatever BRING it back NOW! I miss it. The past like three days have been Louisiana weather induced and thats BAD! We can not have Louisiana weather in a state of snow. BAD BAD BAD! Kill the snow takers. Last night I did however stand on a mound of chemically induced snow. Snow that has been crazily drugged up with your car fumes,etc. It was like standing on Earth which I was,but a real view of Earth. Plagued in reality. We all will die some day. That will be our fault. It will be a day of realizing the truth. That in the end money is power and power is money. My Christmas went ok,but for you to find that subject you have to read this post. Im not wasting a header on Christmas. Nope. Sadly I found a great gift for the one I love FUCK I forgot to snap a picture of it,but I do have a picture of her and no you can't have it. Oh thats a lovely pic. She is very astonished.Amazed at most. Then the disappoint set in on my side. Here I am presents and there she is with well nothing. Because what I got her well didn't fit. So yea. Sadly with all the advancements in our world. No one has created extensions of ANY SORT! Seriously people we are not all small wrist people. But all in all our christmas went well. Morrowind I bought with my gift certificate that Meg got me. Megs grandma paid for my oh man sadly I can't remember. Something I did want. Megs mom gave me a great fat amount of dough to spend at Barnes and Nobles,but I shall only say more then 40. Also that Oh yea Im going to BUY MANY A BOOK! So now holiday nonsense is over. YIPPEEE YEA WOOOO WHOOO WOOT YIP YIP HOORAY! I just want to say WTF M and I band was closed on MONDAY! Why ? In observance of Christmas...Ok wait listen. YOU DON'T CLOSE YOUR BANK ON THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS! GREEEEDY! Bleh. I wish I had the money to consider the next day Christmas to. I bet the Insurance companys did the same. Wow rich people have all the fun. Lmao. If I was rich I would send everyone who I suspected reads this jarble a thousand now and then. Just cause I love you all. :DWoo hoo I got a group now. With a nice and loving Blog group name. :D WOW! Oh yea and I want to congrats World of Warcraft for taking a stand against idiot gamers. Thats 18,000 of them to be exact. Who have tried scamming and cheating. Bleh on you all. I hope you die! I dunno I guess I could go on,but um I dunno Arrr MYSPACE STOP WITH THE SMALL FONT! Now there pretty oh and for those who do not know how to increase font size outside of the blog and who maybe reading a blog that I have not increased the size and who must be using Firefox because I don't know if you can do it with IE,or whatever other browser you maybe using. If when using Ff...Aka Firefox. Then hightlight what you wish to see bigger. Hit ctrl no not the letters. The button with the letters CTRL   oh it. then at the same time hit the button with the + on it. If you want to decrease the size press the - but that should be obvious...
  Currently listening:
Group Therapy
By Dope
Release date: 21 October, 2003
8:31 AM


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